Just finished watching The Road to El Dorado for the first time

Just finished watching The Road to El Dorado for the first time.

How the hell was she allowed??

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it was a simpler time user, just enjoy it.

wtf I want to racemix now


Why wouldn't she be?



>tfw when all content about that revolves around submitting to an ugly subhuman
Now wonder Sup Forums hates everything.

Shelley Golden is not real porn

People weren't so easily triggered back then. Those were the golden times.

I explicitly remember my dad not letting me continue watching Road to Eldorado once Chel appeared

Someone got a massive boner and then thought it's a no no for his kid.

Back then when people didn't like something they stopped watching/doing it. Rather than protesting and swearing at people on twitter.

Because the 90s & early 2000 people still think sex sells.

I love those times....

Nowadays seems like the religious fucking people are taking over the world

I wouldn't be surprised if there was another holy war.

It was a better time when men were men, women were women, and twitter didn't exist.

You're dumb. People have been acting retarded and protesting dumb shit for ages. That wasn't invented when twitter came along.

The only difference now is instead of conservatives doing the bulk of the protesting, its liberals instead

actually it looks like parent groups don't really care.

go figure


user please delete this thread.

It make me depressed how high we fall off.....

>like the religious fucking people are taking over the world

something something horseshoe

I'd quote Orwell, but I'm on my phone.

That is precisely what has changed. At least in past years, you had one side clamoring for freedoms, but now it's both sides that want to impose their own brand of tyranny and eliminate every remaing dissenter, and in such context there can be no possible favorable outcome. It's like the Blood War.


Just like Spanish people. Went there for the gold, stayed there for the junglebooty

ITT: Sup Forums user wants to ban Road to El Dorado.

He wanted you out so he couldwhack off in peace.