At BR2049

>at BR2049
>reserved seats
>the girl next to me is with her boyfriend
>sense that she's restless throughout the movie
>keep wondering how she's interpreting each scene
>10 minutes left in film
>she starts looking at her boyfriend every time there's a scene change
>at one point she makes an audible comment to him about the length
>she continues to make faces at him
>he's ignoring her, so she takes out her phone
>brightness is set at max so it almost ruins the final moments of the movie for me

Sup Forums was right

that's unfortunate but you could have gotten an employee and ruined their night even more

I had a similiar experience with a woman who kept looking at her husband next to her any time a black man was on screen, as if to reassure him she wasn't thinking about black dick or something. Shit was weird to see irl man, I thought this insecure cucklife thing was just a meme

Just came back from the theater, it was pretty empty and quiet except for a bunch of faggot kids. The problem is I couldn't focus on the movie because I was too hyped about getting home and starting memeing and shitposting about it.

Actually in my theatre the opposite happened.
>go with my little brother as we both liked the first BR
>left of us there is mid 40's couple
>woman pays attention
>man is looking at his phone


>sees Baby Driver with girl off of tinder
>only a couple others in the theater so this should be pretty good
>she takes out her phone and starts looking through it every 10 minutes
>even during the warehouse shootout scene
>she just isn't fucking paying attention to the movie and she just has to look at her phone so fucking much that it's driving me insane
>Jamie Foxx dies and she is still looking at her Facebook like a zombie
>slaps phone out of her hand and kicks popcorn bucket down the aisle while storming out

I couldn't fucking handle it anymore, lads. She was hot but it wasn't fucking worth it.

You just figure that out?

Well people like that wouldn't be gf material anyway.
I don't even mean that as a cinephile patrician or anything it just seems as if she has adhd or something.

Which is why I try to go to the most inaccessible and least likely frequented theater and time slot for movies like this.. alone

This is why I went alone

I came to that realization during the movie, user. Didn't respond to her texts after either. Felt good to reject someone for once.

I've been a huge Ryan "The Goose" Gosling fan since Drive, and so I knew I had to see BR2049 as soon as the crowd died down, which thankfully was about instantly.

I showed up at 1:45 PM on a Tuesday, and waddled (I have a disability, fuck you) up to the front of the line, where this teenage fuckface employee is staring at me like I'm something gooey he found on the bottom of his shoe.

He asks me what I'm doing here, and I say "I'd like one ticket to see Ryan Gosling's new movie, Blade Runner 2049, in standard" just like I practiced. Only I noticed his girlfriend was there, smirking at me, and I started panicking and said "I want one ticket to see The Goose in 3D."

Then I started hyperventilating and tried to correct myself, but I forgot the name of the movie, and so I just kept saying "The Goose" or "the Goose's film" while the teenager and his fuckface girlfriend are snickering at me. Finally I just pointed at the poster for Blade Runner and said "That," and they gave me the ticket. While I waddled away, I heard the girlfriend stop laughing and lean in and whisper "He's scaring me" to the employee, loud enough that I could hear it across the empty theater.

I could barely enjoy the movie after that. It took me a whole hour to stop crying and shaking. When my tears dried and I'd cleaned off my glasses I saw that I accidentally bought the 3D ticket, the employee hadn't given me my 3D glasses, and that the whole movie was a blurry mess. Now every time someone on Sup Forums posts about BR2049, I have legit fucking trauma flashbacks. Fuck you all.

>reserved seats
Do Eurocucks really do this?

i was taking the train and a girl witj her boyfriend literally put her hand on the pole mine was on

Can't I have a safe space here at Sup Forums without being persecuted for having fun bags? Yes most women are ditzes, but that does not mean all women.

>wanting to get neck cramps because some 12 year old employee put you in the front right corner

>do amerifats really not do this?

show us your fun bags then you fuckin faggot

Tits of gtfo.

Of course not all women are dumb, it's just the men-hating SJWs for the most part

>go alone to 11 pm showing
>have the entire main theatre to myself
>as the movie starts couple comes in
>stare at me, alone, for a brief moment
>whisper to one another and find a seat as far away from me as possible
women cant understand this movie and normies cant understand seeing it alone. fags.

git gud.

Tits pls or gtfo

oi user, u wanna shit on all girls or just this one?

>im not like the other girls

They wanted to fugg

Seen it with my gf and I was pleasantly surprised she enjoyed it, was a cunt a few rows down that had his phone out once or twice but that was it really

This is a blue board, speds. Sorry, it's going to have to be the waifu pillow again for you.

It makes things go smoother when everyone has assigned seats.
Else you'll get anarchy, death and carnage.

Pfff why do you guys go to the kinoplex with your gf? Even just friends it's wrong, there will always someone who doesn't like it. You want to enjoy a movie, just go alone.

>he believes that there are actual girls on Sup Forums



I would loudly tell the bitch to put her cell phone away or t go sit in the hallway like a retard

it's not just about seeing b00bs, someone post the screen about girls having to humiliate themselves if they want their girl privilege back

anons pretending to be little girls dont count

I was worried i'd miss my last bus home because of how long it is.

Has worked pretty good in all my experience

I say this as a man that respects women :^)

I think its just guys acting like girls for some degenerate kick or for shits and giggles.

You could always call a cab.

they didnt, i moved closer to watch in case they did

fuck other people

You should have netflixed and chilled, you would have had sex

How the fuck are these stats gathered to begin with? Nobody asked for my age or gender when I come here anyone here needs instructions on how to jerk off.

This exact thing happened to me, only she made him leave right before the giant Joi scene

If you're the same one from last night who insisted on arguing that Leto's character was "evil", don't count yourself out from the ditzy crowd.

Maybe it was a poll or something.

Who do you think supplies all the captchas you dense motherfucker? Do you seriously think you're posting anonymously? Do you think it was a ((((coincidence)))) that moot was hired by jewgle? Lmao you delusional f a m

Seeing this movie with a female must have been a massive redpill for guys everywhere

You rapscallion!
fucking CHECKED

Baby Driver is a meme film, she did nothing wrong.

>be in theater
>You're way off your....."
>audience eyes widen in anticipation
>audiences starts clapping and screaming with laughter while throwing their fedoras at the screen
>on the back of me I hear people singing The Game of Thrones tune with the text "cells interlinked"
>ryan gosling walked in front of the screen and start dancing like PSY while chanting "UP UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>meanwhile people pull out their phones and start taking pictures of ryan and posting it on reddit
>as I wanted to leave the theatre I stumble on a band of 30 manchildren chanting "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE .... UP, UP UP UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE" while dancing like PSY
>desperately trying to escape this hell hole I see alot of children crying of fear but their parents don't seem to respond
>as I take a look around the theatre trying to find an escape I come to the conclusion that the whole audience except for the women are singing and dancing "UPVOTE REDDIT STYLE"
>in a desperate attempt to survive I pick one of the fedoras on the ground and start chanting "cells interlinked" to every person I come across while trying to escape
>the crowd didn't seem to notice me and as I walked out of the theatre I looked back
>the women are getting crushed by the amount of people dancing and singing like PSY
>i remember the tears on their faces but all I heard while finally leaving the theatre were the people screaming "upvote reddit style"

Holy cringe.

don't go to a movie on a first date

yeah reddit is cringey

>Two years from now
>Denis has released the Blade Runner 2049 Director's Cut
>It's literally 4 hours and 35 minutes long
>The US government uses it as a torture method for female radicals in the South Sudan.

>Felt good to reject someone for once.
Of course it does

Faggots from yesterday's thread want to deny it.

you juust know that's based on garbage like adsense, which is tipped by alll the faggots on here looking at the same shit women do

Are you ok, Sup Forums?

>go to theater
>sit down in my Reserved Seat
>realize that I left my identification pump at home (I use a pump since I don't like injecting myself regularly throughout the film so the seat recognizes my body fluid makeup)
>try to get up as soon as possible but the clamps are already around my wrists
>seat descends into the floor and transports me into Theater 13
You all know what happened after that

Fairly underrated post



Nobody gives a shit. You're a minority among Sup Forums and you're a minority among women. Neither of those makes you special in any way. If you want to discuss the movie, discuss the movie, but do so in a way that isn't intrusive to the way we do things here.

Was that movie good?

Why do you say we like you've actually been on this board for more than 5 years and even before the invasion?


reserve seats exist in my theater don't know what shithole in the us you're from

some might like it but blade runners a risky film to see with normies

rest easy in the knowledge that you're a real human bean

>killing his creations for fun and abducting and torturing an old senile man isn't evil

>Nobody gives a shit.
>makes angry post about it

I went to see this movie with my gf. She just got high, drank a little bit of beer and puked on my shoes. At least the soundtrack was so loud that no one could hear her.

someone argued it was because the new model was infertile, but still, as he seems to desire more replicants to achieve his offworld goals, I don't see what purpose killing it has

it's really just to establish that he is without any moral qualms, it's so the audience knows he's the bad guy through and through

thats cute

Apparently discussing this movie on Sup Forums means bitching about how women don't get it. Great analysis guys

>at BR2049 with gf
>reserved seats
>smelly neckbeard with a pepe shirt sitting next to my gf
>sense that she's restless throughout the movie
>between every scene she looks at me with a worried expression
>whispers to me how the neckbeard keeps staring at her instead of watching the movie
>at one point she makes a comment about how long the movie is and whispers in my ear about how she wants to go home and get away from the fattie
>heavy mouthbreathing and a stench of sweat and farts come from two seats away, but the movie is almost over so I try to ignore it and tell gf to do the same
>gf then picks up her phone, trying to distract her mind and senses until the end of the film
>movie ends, neckbeard gets up, starts clapping and screaming "CYBERKINO IS BACK" while tears and snot run down his greasy face
>man behind him says "calm down big guy"
>the neckbeard then turns around with a smirk on his face and replies: "For you... heheheh"
>gf and I go home and never talk about this

>killing a toaster is evil

My local theater had maybe 15 people in the room while we were watching. i WANTED to eat my popcorn but I felt rude every time I took a bite, so I sat as silent as I could though this.

Worth it. Total silence really sets the tone for the experience. See i again, on a late night weekday.

It was utterly horrible with no redeeming qualities. I loved the first one, by the way.

Tits, pussy, or gtfo
>women and kino don't mix

>taking a girl you met on tinder to see a movie

It's a shit date, you can barely interact during the movie. And if you met on tinder it's best to go drinking and dancing or something more exciting than seeing a 3h sci fi movie.

>women like it
no surprise
it's pretty much capeshit which is why its in all the top 10 lists beside logan, baby driver and john wick 2 with the plebs around this board

>at BR2049
>arrived 45 minutes early to my reserved seat in the center of the theater (the good boy seat)
>almost finished with my snacks (large collectors cup of coke, nachos, sour patch kids, and peanut m&m's)
>3 minutes til movie starts, previews are playing
>young couple comes through obstructing my view of the preview trailers
>girl sits down next to me and leans over and whispers into her boyfriends ear
>they get up and switch seats and he sits next to me
>the whole movie shes just whispering loudly "whats happening now i dont get it"
>they get up and leave as soon as the credits roll instead of waiting for the house lights to go up like a true kinosseur such as myself

Sup Forums was right women ruin everything

it just so happens that this "toaster" is a tailor made human, with real flesh, real blood, and a real consciousness

It was ok.

Tits are allowed if they're spoilered.

>see BR2049 with some friends
>one of them says "my favorite part was when the purple girl made him realize how pathetic his relationship with the hologram was"
y-yeah haha

I had to get up as soon as the film was over because I was about to burst from sitting there for three hours

I like that your friends actually understand what ideas that scene was presenting, and not something completely retarded.

I had the same issue but it was a nu-male on my left who at one point said out loud, "that's deckard," when Harrison ford came on the screen. He apparently wasn't moved enough to avoid his text messages for Joe's passing.

at least he had a favorite scene and was able to form a coherent thought about it

I prefer

Like she's the one coaching you in a friendly and sweet way.

just got out of the cinema

i wasn't programmed for these feels


I would have congratulated him on his ability to recollect things.

I know right?

I was depressed for about a day.

It had the opposite effect on me, I'm pumped up.

kek, but never happened.