Tfw Hellboy will never re-join the B.P.R.D

>tfw Hellboy will never re-join the B.P.R.D.

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He's had a hard life, let him rest.


Honestly the chances of the B.P.R.D. making it to the end are pretty slim anyway.

He's not resting. He's in mexico, drinking!





I really didn't expect that monkey with the gun to be the one who sends him to hell...

Why does Liz look more like forgman than Abe?

Hellboy in mexico is definitely one my favorites. Anything with the baba yaga is good too.

Did Hellboy ever have a girlfriend in comics?

'Cause Guy Davis draws weird stuff.


Alice, who was a baby taken by the fae and returned to her parents by Hellboy. She ended up gaining immortality by her bond with the fae and helped him after he left the bureau, leading up to his death. Now she's some guardian spirit for England

>he knew her as a baby

A bit creepy, t-b-h

And a wife.

He spent most of his life there and left for legitimate reasons, I'm comfortable with his decision.

I want to hug him. I need to find Perlman and make him put on the make-up.


Hey at least he didn't think marriage was a food.

Kind of amusingly ironic how its his wife, who hellboy saw his union with as a curse/risk for his life, end up being the very thing that allow him to fulfill his fated duty by controlling him when it came to do the ''thing''.

We need more stories featuring Kid Hellboy.

new winter special this week

D'you think Hellboy in Mexico (the trade, not the story) will get collected in a library edition?

Gun b good


atleast we have hellboy and the B.P.R.D. although I feel like it's been lacking lately

Adorable, yet terribly sad considering where it led.

Nah, they make me feel bad for the kid. Plus you had all of Midnight Circus and BPRD 1948.

Well, they won't make me feel any worse than the ending of In Hell.

>goggles and a punching glove
Okay that's pretty creative.

Could've ended with Hellboy losing himself or being corrupted in some way. He did what needed to be done, and walked out of it without giving into the fate everyone had thrown at him.

Any ideas what this new cycle of B.P.R.D. stuff will be about?

He's still got a heroic charge of the dead brigade to lead. I hope the writers remember to include that.

In the canon novels he had a girlfriend archeologist in the 80s.

I figure by the time we get there the truth of Edward Grey will be known, and the difference between Hell and Earth will be very thin indeed.

Will Arcudi still write it? Cause he better be

Nope. He retired from BPRD. He told them two years ago actually. Gave them plenty of time to find a new guy for the final cycle, and he finished off Hell on Earth. I have no idea if he's still dabbling in Lobster Johnson or anything at all. I don't think so.

Chris Roberson is handling it now. He's done the most recent Witchfinder mini, Hellboy and the BPRD, the Exorcism arc from BPRD, and maybe something else? I forget.

He'll be doing the Visitor mini starting in January with a prelude in the Winter Special, about the alien from Conqurer Worm. That seems to be the prelude to the third cycle.

I dont think so user at least i boughtmy trade thinking that it wont

So the third cycle will be aliens?

Oh and Roberson also did the Rise of the Black Flame mini. I thought that was good with the right tone.

I think he's still got a bit of warming up to do, but he's certainly getting there.

So where is hellboy now ?

In Hell will at least, right?

Roberson is doing everything now actually

I doubt that's the focus. At the least we're getting information on what the aliens were all about. And I'm hoping the Visitor himself will be added to the field team.

I'm thinking a roster of Liz, Abe, Visitor, Howards, and maybe Strode or another of the built up normal field agents. That seems like a good mix, right?

I think the alien died user

Thanks. I wasn't sure. Shit, so BPRD, Visitor, Witchfinder, Lobster Johnson, Hellboy and the BPRD. That's a lot of responsibility to be plopped on one man. Granted two... maybe three of these happen a month.

I know that he'll be working closely with Mignola and Allie, with varying degrees of input from them depending on the character and arc. I know they're still working from a loose but fluctuating master plan. But that's still such a shift.

He's getting an entire mini man. And what does dead mean when we had Johann as a field agent for well over a hundred issues?

Most certainly user, not sure they gonna name it vol7 tho

Mortal status isn't really an issue at this point.

But its in the past user, he died in conqueror worm in the 90's so he cant join the other folks

I suspect Hellboy in Mexico and Midnight Circus and the new graphic novel will eventually form another Library Edition or two. Don't forget, turns out his weird drunken bender marriage is important, since it turns up in In Hell.

(Actually should they include Frankenstein Underground? That'd be neat.)

We now know OGN's end up in trades... eventually. So, it's a waiting game.

So Hellboy in Mexico, Midnight Circus and Into the Shining Sea? That could work.

He did die? I... forgot. Still, I don't know man, maybe he's not the only one on Earth, maybe he's not dead due to some weird fuckery, I don't know.

I'll say he's no longer on my mental roster for the field team, but I hope something happens.

I knew the mini was in the past, with each issue covering at least a decade. I just figured it would go up to the present, and not.... when he died. Oops.

I think the visitor was the story of the alien that died in Conqueror Worm.


BPRD is entering it's final arc. It could be around 70 issues easy going by past trends.

Can they pull this vast web of strings together? Will Hellboy show back up one final time in a cataclysmic ending? Will Sir Edward Grey actually be explained and matter? Will Devon stop being a little shit?

>although I feel like it's been lacking lately
Not at all, it's been giving a great deal of information about the history of the mignolaverse

Yeah I forgot he died and wasn't just.... visiting. I haven't read Conqueror Worm in years.

I've been wanting to crack open my Library Editions and read it all again, but I'm lazy and can't decide if I just want to reread everything. And if I do, what kind of order.

You call it lacking while posting a really fun character driven page that highlights the inherit weirdness of how mundane Hellboy is in their world?

1. I hope so
2. Maybe
3. Yes and maybe
4. No

I miss when Devon had to hide in a phone booth from werewolf dogs.

Sitting alone in a house, somewhere in the deserted hell

Resting until his people need him, for never shall the King of Britain abandon his realm.

The unfair sadness of that makes me think Hellboy may be the only time I'm kind of okay with a universal reset ending. A way for him to get some of what he deserves for what he's put up with.

sell me on hellboy please,
I watched the first movie when I was younger and it was really interesting.
then I saw the second but I thought it had lost something. (I fucking love esoterism, pic related is cool too.)

what comics should I read first ?
Is there multiple autors ?

Yes there are multiple authors and artists, you start with Seed of Destruction. Here's a guide, someone else will sell you on it I'm sure.


I've made some progress on the anotated timeline I've been working on, I made it up to the 80s.
When I'm done with the main stuff I'll go through and add things from this one.

The things in the background look really similar to stuff I've seen on Berserk.

thanks! have a funny

Start with Seed of Destruction, the first Hellboy arc. If it's not exactly great, at least read the second, Wake the Devil too. People have varying opinions on Seed of Destruction. At the time Mignola hadn't written anything, so he had John Byrne do the heavy lifting for writing. From then on he did it all himself and it turns out he's a great writer. I have no problem with Seed, but eh, fair warning.

And all Hellboy titles are either written by Mike Mignola, or cowritten/plotted by him. Basically all 100% Hellboy titles are him solo, usually on art. He's done a few others like Frankenstein Underground solo, but for the most part BPRD and others are cowritten by people. Mostly John Arcudi until recently. They've all been edited by Scott Allie too. So between Mignola and Allie there's a tight editorial flow throughout all the books.

I'm sure somebody will post the very large master image of a good proper reading order, as the series come out spread all over the timeline, yet they're best read in the order published due to what they assume you know and what they hint at in the near future of core "present" books like BPRD or such.

The actual comics are more serious than the film. Bit more noir and gothic I guess? Mike Mignola pulls from an insane amount of sources. British, Slavic, Russian, Japanese, South American, African, Celtic, etc etc mythology has all played a roll, all mixed with a healthy does of Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, and I dare say Jack Kirby.


>and I dare say Jack Kirby
This is no secret.

The way this separates the Fegredo trilogy just really irritates me. Sure all of that was published between those bits... but really? Come on!

I know. I don't know why I phrased it like that, but I did. The "dare say" should have been Howard, as his influence only pops up for Hyperborian flashbacks.

>The actual comics are more serious than the film. Bit more noir and gothic I guess? Mike Mignola pulls from an insane amount of sources. British, Slavic, Russian, Japanese, South American, African, Celtic, etc
that's exactly what I'm looking for. thank you.

The only thing I want from the third cycle is Devon dying

The films were perhaps the panel to screen adaptation that managed to stray furthest from the source material while maintaining enough about it to feel like an adaptation, yet still being their own thing.

I like them. I think most Hellboy fans like them. Damn near all the casting is impeccable. But Hellboy does act like a manchild in them for some reason, and Abe like a stuffy officious bookworm. It's weird, but it worked. I have to admit I do read Hellboy and the Professor and sometimes Abe and Johann in the voices from the films.

>British, Slavic, Russian, Japanese, South American, African, Celtic, etc etc mythology has all played a roll, all mixed with
Not just all those but he also weaves in obscure 1800s literature and stuff into the history of the world in seamless ways. I mean shit, the sigils for the demons are their actual ones from the Ars Goetia.


Oh yeah. It's amazing how often I'll do a quick googling of a throw away name and find it's a real occultist from the 18th century or the like. The way he weaves together fact and fiction is some of the most seamless in this genre I think.

So far the only named demon that isn't in the Goetia is Iblifika. Not to mention the real world connection between vril and neo-nazism.

For some reason, Lobster Johnson sounds like the Crimson Chin in my head.

I think everyone hears Hellboy in Ron Perlman's voice now. It's obvious he loved the part, and fits really well.

Fun story. I was wearing my BPRD shirt and my dad asked me if it was a Nazi symbol.

Yeah. Yeah that was awkward.

Bruce Campbell recorded a voice pack for the 360 game to play as the Lobster in DLC. It got scrapped.

He was also supposed to play him in the third animated movie that never got made
I had a fun theory about the BPRD symbol. So the Howard's fanboys turned it into a symbol of Gal Dennar's sword, but it could very well be based on it. Professor Bruttenholm was huge fan of Sir Edward Grey and had copies of his journals. He could have used it as inspiration for the symbol when creating the BPRD

1952 and 1953 were good but 1954 has been very mediocre

I think you're right about the symbol's inspiration. It's all circular, which fits.

(Is Gal Dennar's sword the same one Edward Grey found in that one arc? I'm not sure about the chain of custody, and I haven't read that stuff since it came out.)

It would be neat if Dark Horse released the modded symbol as a shirt too.

And a Lobster Johnson shirt too I guess. That could be fun.

Yes, they are the same sword. Grey was last seen with it when he disapeared fighting the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra and Howard's found it in a Brotherhood hide out.

That's a notation from the Companion, right? It has to be. I read that cover to cover, and it had most of the Brotherhood's history which was still not in the comics. And I think it's still largely missing.

To highlight how thick I am, and the problems I have reading all of this as it comes out and not going back too often, I didn't notice that Iosif leader of the Russian BPRD group was the guy from that Abe Sapien two parter. It took me like an arc and a half in BPRD for that to click.

No, they showed Edward Grey disapearing in Hellboy in Hell 004 while they were summoning Amdusias. Also it was my mistake, it was Knights of the Silver Star which are an offshoot of the HBR.

Did it work?

God damn it Mignola left so much story untold it's as frustrating as possible.


I don't know it makes it feel like a real world.