Why didn't the mob members shoot him after he stabbed their friend in the head with a pencil?

Why didn't the mob members shoot him after he stabbed their friend in the head with a pencil?

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Because he's a funny trickster

He had proposition

he literally does the grenade schtick to keep them from doing so.

was this a test or did you not watch the film?

because he had grenades in his jacket

He had a bunch of grenades strapped to his chest

But they didn't know that. Until he revealed it at the end of the scene. The pencil stabbing happens at the start of the scene.

> Joker surrounded by his meanies with guns keeping an eye on everyone
> Just about to cut that bitch mouth
> Batman suddenly out of nowhere is by his side
How the fuck no one of the henchemen could see batman approach the joker???
This is retarded "if it is not show on the camera, is not there" shit. If you rate this movie you are a fucking pleb.

He revealed he was a muslim

> mental retardation: the thread