ITT: A character's best look

ITT: A character's best look

This is literally the best modern Superman uniform

Alex Ross' Spidey is best spider. Thankfully, Superior spider-man was inspired by it.




The concept art for Batfleck are literally perfect but for some reason it didn't translate too well on screen.


All of them.

i don't know dude, looks pretty dope to me



The Rebirth suit is just too much fun


I know this is often used at bait - but I do love the design of this.

I can't help but see him wearing a bathrobe.


I think you meantSimple mistake

What a waste.
close but too busy and her sash should be a different color. That one just conflicts with the red in her leotard.

>ITT shit taste

Ben Reilly's Red and Blues are the best costume designed by any Spider-Man.

What is taste?
Does it differ?
Is it subjective?

Short hair Emiko is fucking A1


No offense to based Fabok, but I prefer her Rebirth costume.

imma stick with old school cool over here

>Removing the iconic red trunks

Pleb taste detected

Looks like Ms Marvel from a NRS videogame.

If I had to sacrifice the trunks, I'd rather go with this design.

I value the trucks. I appreciate the trunks. I'm also pragmatic about the trunks. That's why I have no intention of insulting you or impugning your taste. If we are discussing the suit within the modern context, which I thought I was with the user I responded to, the trunks are gone and not coming back. Even Jon joked with his dad about "the underwear on the outside." The new belt is a perfect heir apparent to serving the purposes the trunks served IMO.

I hate the DCEU cuffs. If I needed to have cuffs, I'd prefer 's. Also, the belt seems busy to compliment the cuffs and boot tops. I liked the design when I doubted we'd ever get a clean crisp design again, but since we are getting one in that even uses the belt to mirror the traditional boot tops, it is my preferred costume.

Shame we'll never get this baller costume ever again.

honestly I hate all movie designs

they are all "gritty" "realistic" unsaturated colors shit because otherwise Americans would be self conscious about going to see a movie about superheros in colorful tights

I know this is an alternate but this costume is pure sex. Whether or not it can be adapted with the classic color scheme is a little more questionable.

Her red costume is miles better.

You referring to this guy? And for some reason I associate it more with Karla Soffen Ms. Marvel than Carol Danvers Ms. Marvel.
>We will never get a dual Carol/Karla movie which greatly upsets me.

he looks boring

Another pic.

And then they fucked it up even more with the JL design by adding those stupid ab squares and other unnecessary shit.

Not the user you replied to. Would you consider this an adequate modern Cap costume?


Trunkless Supes doesn't get any better than this.


The space onesie is a lazy design at best.

That's even more boring.
Classic costume under a good artist is best.
But qualifying anything with "under a good artist" is cheating. Most costumes are made better under a good artist especially when they edit the costumes to work better.
Case in point, Acuna's Spider-woman is one of the best because he knows how to make it work but most other artists just did that weird "jam a pate between her tits or whatever" so it had no flow. It always worked best when it looked like a pattern following her body.


just add the head wings and it/ll be fine


great bait has arrived

God damn that's good.


Now my quinsential movie Bats costume.


Also I know this may be unpopular, but my favorite WOlverine outfit by far is his look in X-Men Evolution. Something about it really strikes a chord with me.


Love Justice Lords Superman and Superman Beyond

It's a difference in head size. Either Batfleck's noggin wasn't proportionally as good or for practical reasons the cowl had to be wide, or both.


The GOAT coming through

I drool for the Fleischer Logo.



The MoS costume looks like shit.

I like this best, though his other looks are great too and I'll probably respect any disagreements.

Make it purple and we're talking.

The right one would benefit for being a bit darker.

Key word being darker, not less saturated.

*Barf* That's his worst look. No wings, no good

I wonder about why is he still using that suit if it's Starro who decided to change it.

I unironically love all the phoenix 5 costumes and hope they come back in the future.

one thing that bugged me, why did they go back to the burton style cowl where the head, neck, and shoulders are all one piece? the head being separate from the neck was the best update from the dark knight movies

The red cloak might be more iconic but there's something i really dig about this look.

Best cheetah

Only with long hair.

this desu

I still can't believe that he went from this to the current utter shit like his barechested look and now 'Unworthy'. This look had literally everything right. But Marvel just had to fuck it up in order to push their all-new, all-cancerous Foster, while turning Thor into a whiny hobo.

With a little editing this could be the regular costumes of Namor and Magick. They're legit enough that they really imply regality to me.
Give Magick her horn thingies and it's gold.
Make Namor's blue and it's a great mix of beefcake and good design.
Emma at her best looks like a CLASSY hooker. Like the kind that only fucks Billionaires and Politicians.

This. As such, I'm give you the (YOU).

I think this is the winner, followed by . The red belt with the yellow accent is better than a plain yellow belt. For some reason, I prefer a suit without the cuffs, seems a bit more everyman and unassuming than the cuffs that seem to give a more "formal alien wear" to the suit.


I wonder about why they ruined a potential iconic character like Falcon. I know it's a legit legacy character, but now Steve is back.


Could use more red. A lot more.
It's been 4 decades. It wasn't going to happen. He was always going to be Steve's "partner" but never really his own dude. Though he'd never really replace Steve either.


>It's been 4 decades. It wasn't going to happen.

Shit happens, look at Starlord. Okay, maybe you prefer the classic one, but he was a pretty obscure character back then. (not an A lister)

Good shit, good shit. I love Falcon's MCU look and he was so badass in "Winter Soldier".

How are his wings and the Vulture's tech related in the MCU?


I mean would you really look at Star Lord? He was the main main character in a hit movie and even then his comics are just selling averagely to mediocre.
That's what Sam is doing as Cap and he was just a supporting character in a hit franchise.

This is so good.

Try to prove me wrong

>How are his wings and the Vulture's tech related in the MCU?

According to rumors, Toomes stone the Falcon's wingpack that was confiscated at Leipzig. Then tricked it out with Chitauri tech. Basically turned it from the equivalent of a para-rescue plane to a fighter jet. But that's just the rumor so far. We really don't know anything concrete yet.


Just why didn't they use that Story for Whor?
And her look is also better than the one we have. But it's Based Ross.


I actually like Whor's costume better though I'd prefer for her to have either regular eyes or white eyes.

that's a weird and problematic plot. and they already did Loki turns into a woman for awhile

>no red underwear
I'm puking

Needs more yellow

>covered legs
>lesbian hair

Long haired captain Marvel is best Carol.

Remove the scales and it's golden.

Is it sad that i like the design but wish it was a new character and Carol was left alone as she was?

No more new Character please. Cap must be Mar-vell or Carol

Great, I have an excuse to talk about this. What the fuck is up with Cheetah's pants a lot of the time? Are her inner legs and pelvis just bare? Is it just cheetah print? If that's the case, why the FUCK is she wearing cheetah print when she's already covered in cheetah fur and why the FUCK is it only on the inside of her legs and pelvis?!?!
