>tfw Ryan couldn't come on the class trip to Japan
Tfw Ryan couldn't come on the class trip to Japan
This was fucking sad, when you look at their earlier interviews all of them even ford seemed hyped as fuck but now everyone is so down and even the goose isn't there.
This movie deserved better it was the chosen one of the sci fi genre to save us from capeshit and star wars.
>tfw the Japan trip was supposed to be your big chance to hook up with Ryan, but he couldn't go
Fuck that bitch the important question is why the goose wasn't there?
>yfw Goose didn't attend the event because he was instead buying Gundam toys for Refn
>implying he isn't home with the kids sadly sipping whiskey because BR 2049 flopped
please, he only drinks coke
It flopped?
I just saw it today and thought it was great
>pepsi in the dark
>coke in the light
Financially it didn't do well at all, that's not a comment on the quality
I don't know what they expected, desu. Spending $150 million on a 2hr45m R-rated sequel to a 30-year-old box office flop was not a smart business move. Loved the movie though