Damn...Literally me

Damn...Literally me

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Why is bojack horseman so hyped?

It's good.

back in the nineties, you where in a very famous tv show?

First season and the second to last episode of the second season were good. Everything else is just too wacky.

MFW no pink fluffy gf

>le sad reddit horseman


Serious question:

Is Bojack "black"?

he's brown

Do you have a special keyboard.

no, he's the perfect tan

You're literally a famous TV actor from the 90's who wasted his life? Literally a horse?
No. I think the only minority is Diane.

I feel like the beginning of season 1 sucked, then it hit its stride towards the end and kept that momentum going until halfway through season 4.

To be fair, you have to be very depressed to understand Bojack Horseman. The depression is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical emotions most of the feelings will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Bojack's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Bojack Horseman truly ARE normies- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the irony in Bojack’s existential catchphrase “Staaaaaaaaaaamos!,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Full House. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Bob-Waksberg's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What emotionless bastards.. how I pity them.

Todd Chavez is hispanic although that's not really a minority in LA

I'd say I'm a bit darker and more nihilistic then bojack. Also far, far smarter. I have a near genious level intellect and my IQ has been tested in the 190s

Why did Klaus say he was white thought?

Figuratively me


Because he is. Being white and hispanic aren't mutually exclusive, look at Tony Romo, Jessica Alba, or the girl from Blade Runner.

The fathers of bojack have to be the whitest people in the show

He's almost definitely "white". His parents were both really upper-class types in the 1950s, the odds of them being "black" are insanely low.

and yet you still get "then" and "than" wrong

Good point

It's a pretty good show. The depression can be a little too much though (Bojack's constant reminders to the audience about how much he hates himself get old), and sometimes the show swings and misses badly with certain jokes or storylines. Also, fuck Wanda. What a shit character.

I'm jealous of the fact you're a millionaire with plenty of people around you that still want to be your friend even though you're a dickhead to them like 90% of the time, OP

At least you have a literal horsedick, I have to live this cursed life with a 6 inches microdick.

In my opinion, it started a little shaky, but didn't "suck." Every new episode got better and better though, winning me over. Season's 2 and 3 were awesome. With the send off to season 3 being the apex of it all.

Then Season 4's tonal shift is immediate, and worse. Suddenly everything they set up in Season 3 doesn't matter. Suddenly everything is super cartoony, and the pacing is a lot faster. They stop making jokes, instead going with flat out absurdity and slapstick. And I hate to say it, but you can feel the influence of hyper progressives shoehorning messages into the show.

>but you can feel the influence of hyper progressives shoehorning messages into the show.
Yeah, I think I might have noticed that.

>We can't let women have guns!
>From now on, all guns are banned!
>Great job Dianne, you helped pass sensible gun legislation
>"I can't believe America hates women more than it loves guns" (actual line from that show)

The whole episode was just...odd. If it was satire, then fine, but I don't think the gun lobby in America has ever complained about women having guns. It just came across as weird and hamfisted like the writers were fighting an imaginary extreme-right caricature.

here we go with you fags shilling your homesite in every thread. Take your own advice

Yep, everything you just said. Plus, Todd's asexuality story going nowhere. I guess they're going to do more with it in the next season. But they did spend a significant amount of time highlighting his asexuality, without zero destination. No jokes or anything.
And, to their credit, they did drop some hints about his lack of sexual interest in previous episodes.

But the way season 4 handled it was like, "He's asexual and proud, and we need to normalize this as much as we can."

Wanda was a fantastic character what are you talking about? Her and Bojack suited each other perfectly and for a little while she even made Bojack forget he hated himself so much.

>6 inches microdick
The worst feel.