File name thread



















I want Sup Forums to leave


>I want Sup Forums to stop being right



Maybe if Sup Forums had a sense of humor they'd be welcome to hang out

Like this,

This ain't clever and it ain't funny.


Fuck you for reminding that comic exists










you know just because i saw this one already doesn't mean i won't reply the same thing

Sodom is GOAT

>No Knarrenheinz Doom WAD where you rip and tear Weirdcong in a free fire zone with your M16 ever

>No Knarrenheinz Doom WAD where you rip and tear Weirdcong in a free fire zone with your M16 ever
This post seems very familiar...



I talked to you before m8. Don't worry, it will come some day


Basic trolling. That's really all it is.






WOW, Fucking Racist


>Posting Sup Forums and Sup Forums edits of images

This people just have two jokes?


jesus christ you guys




oh, that is GOOD



Now i got ptsd

who made this drawing again?


the riddler joins fight club



name needed






You're right, but it's a tough job to be a janitor. Report and hide them; their bullshit violates the global rules and the mods know it.
This board won't get better without everyone's help.


>This ain't clever and it ain't funny.
That's true of most posts in Sup Forums filename threads




oh shit i used to do this in megaman 3. you had to hold one of the buttons on the second controller








i had a dude who animated most of those early ads/shorts for a professor once. coolest fucking old dude ever.

The right d-pad button.

Also, Up+A is frame stop mode.

I never knew I wanted this

Whats her name user?

OC I made

Acrew you








