This is the best episode of any cartoon and you can't prove me wrong

This is the best episode of any cartoon and you can't prove me wrong

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Is this a feels throwdown I sense coming on?

Not even the best episode in Courage

It's Mr Enter's favorite animation though

That makes it my least favorite then

What are you doing here John?

the episode where in the end both Eustace and Muriel were puppets was the most disheartening episode for me.

The Great Fusilli

Thanks Doc

ah yes that, even in Perfect or The Mask didn't haunt me like that ep. Imagine all the people you care for are turned into puppets...

That is scary indeed

literally any steven universe episode tops it

nice try though

You were saying ?

This one sucked. Honestly it did. It felt really by the numbers and just uncreative within regards to shit that usually went on. The one where Eustace is cursed and gives Courage his hat is more heartwarming.

What's wrong with Mr Enter?

I really liked the hat part too

How much free time do you have?

The it's a gerbil world ones and this are my favorites among all the great soundtracks

