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Reminder that neither CBS nor Netflix publish any kind of viewer statistics.
first for fuck Orville
Fake news
Why would you want to fuck a green duck?
Where was this weeks episode?
Is the show already cancelled?
Are we really going to do the thing where you pretend Vulcans haven't 'logically' rationalized bad ore violent actions repeatedly in the past?
STD renewed for another season since its the most watched show in TV history critics say and is putting shows like TWD and GoT out of business as dead series everyone hates since STD is better!
Soon we will dance on the grave of Orville and its cheap knockoff that all scifi fans hate.
No, but instead of just self destructing with a switch that takes 0.0001 seconds to cause an explosion they have to do it in the slowest way possible that actually makes their target survive.
It's not logical to be inefficient and chose a method that has a possibility of failure.
to be honest im so glad that pretender is already dead, i felt personally offended it was even on the air when the scifi GOAT discovery is running