Are there any good films about life in North Korea?
Are there any good films about life in North Korea?
She proves that all those weird Sup Forums guys who want to insist that ALL Korean chicks look like the before picture in a plastic surgery add.
I mean she's not a 10 but she's a solid 6, not the 1 or 2 these guys would have you believe.
Watch The Net directed by Kim Ki-duk. Amazing film.
She is so cute
I will never be this pretty
plastic surgery *ad
>Sup Forums guys
Lol who are you kidding, it's roasties.
Lol, is that who you think it is? There are def a few individuals VERY insistent on making you believe that all Koreans are malformed mutant freaks.
Your theory makes sense. White women know they can't compete with East Asian cuties.
What the fuck does one have to do with the other?