I want Marvel hire Murata for draw Spiderman

I want Marvel hire Murata for draw Spiderman.


Yeah you've made quite a few threads about this now.

Marvel needs writers and editors first. Unless you want Murata drawing for Slott.

This 1000 times. And I honestly really like a lot of Slott's run - Big Time, Ends of The Earth, and most of all Superior but seriously how does one guy get to dominate for so long. I mean I love Morrison's Bat epic but I also liked that there were several other monthly books at the same time. Slot has a monopoly on Spiderman outside of minis and cameos or team books.

and I want Nihei on a Winter Solider book.

me too

Same, but I'd also like to see a Spidey book drawn by Quitely.

Because Slott subscribed to Brevoort's philosophy and was actually successful with it. Not good or even competent, just successful. But with how Marvel is overall handling their characters, even the most battered housewives of fans have started leaving titles.

I find it funny that more ASM issues written by Gage are being sold compared to Slott's event. That means more people are reading the tie ins rather than the event and are only getting the side stories.

Why do you want a japanese artist to work with shitty american writers?

For as good of an artist as Murata is, I actually don't like any Spider-Man images I've seen from him.

If any Jap artist works on a western comic, I'd like to see Dowman.

Let him write and draw and it'd be 10/10

I wanna see Boichi work on an actual Western comic.

I wish Scott Snyder would do Spider-man.

I doubt he'd get paid as much and he'd have to work with talentless hacks when so far he has only worked with good writers like Inagaki and ONE

murata can draw a piece of shit and make it look fantastic. shame hes a such perfectionist and will toss out finished work cause he doesn't like the way a shirt sleeve looks

Murata is great but he's only popular because he draws good manga.

Mashima's art is really good and it fits Fairy Tail's tone perfectly but Fairy Tail is still bad.

Oh Great! Is probably better than Murata but his stories always turn into a weird clusterfuck.

Murata is good but if the comic he draws is poorly written it will be just a good looking piece of trash, there's a reason he can't get his own manga serialized. There's plenty of that really

Who the fuck is Spiderman?

Honestly I would be a-okay with a Zack Snyder Spider-Man movie so long as he drew from the right stories. Back in Black, Grim Hunt, the one where Normie jr got kidnapped etc

Lots of brutality and bitter anger and collateral damage, and Spidey rarely speaks while in-costume. It would be perfect for Snyder.

We need to get Claremont back

>We need to get Claremont back
For what the fourth time? The magic is LONG gone

We need to go back in time and retrieve the good Claremont. Maybe he can help modern Claremont get his groove back.