Delicious brown

What's your favorite shade of best color?


Fuck yeah brown thread


Brown of any shade is great as long as they have a straight hair.







What IRL race does Ambiguous Brown the best?



My favorites are Cinnamon, Rosewater and the Okinawan

Caramel is my favorite brown

>Not enjoying a brown girl with thick, fluffy and curly hair

All brown is good brown.

I'd say either Indian or Latin

Top tier thighs.

I'll pass. Maybe if they're drawn as idealized as possible, but even then it's a hit or miss.

But you know what's worst? E-hentai having dark skin and tan lines being mutually inclusive. It's retarded when you're trying to find that sweet brown but ending up with a white chick with a tan.

all is good


shit taste fampai, straight hair is boring and overdone

afro looks like shit

>browns without a single blonde one

Black/mulatta women with straightened hair make my pants explode.

>Porn never
Fucking lazy porn artists
Latina of course because they're not a real race well the least real race and therefore can be ALL THE RACES.
Thanks Spain and Spain Jr.

Amerindians and Latinos do it pretty well. I mean, are they East Asian? European? African? Something completely different? A mix of all four? You just don't know.



where is the original chart??? I wanna see if they actually match. also California Gold, Dusky Dravidian, and The Okinawan are my favs

>porn never
There's like one image.

Do you even need to ask?


I agree with you on that. When I want tan lines, I wanna see tan lines, when I want dark skin cuties, I want just that! Though I do wonder if tan lines and full tans should be separate tags

Thank Italy for inventing all things Latin.

Because there's only one I know of.
Pft those losers didn't even make it to India and ripped off the Greeks.


>Amerindians and Latinos

Mestizas are perhaps the best. You've got that native bronze with Spanish flavor.





>this thread

Good taste Anons

>take a Amerindian/European/African mestizo
>bring them to America
>breed them with an Indian immigrant
Voila, the perfect Ambiguous Brown. No pesky Spanish accent either.


>What's your favorite shade of best color?

Does Salma Hayek count as Mestiza? She's apparently Middle Eastern and Spanish and possibly some Amerindian
>No Spanish Accent
But that's the best part.



They are technically Asian.


That is a cultural identity meaning they can come in all races and shades, but if you mean Latin Europe in particular, even Mediterranean women can be varying shades of spicy olive tan.

>Middle Eastern and Spanish

She's technically tanned caucasian but hot nonetheless.



Well technically that's what Middle Easterners are most the time.


who is this spurm wurm and why haven't I seen her before?

With that much forehead I'd guess Code Lyoko

My favorite color - dumb.




That's so racist.



We're in Trump's 'murica, it's perfectly okay now


>As a cute girl

I feel conflicted.

Is she getting one from Gwen or Peter?


I know that, but I've seen plenty of code lyoko threads, never seen that girl before

Manjula's the only Simpsons character I'm able to find attractive

She's not really brown, but she's definitely not white either



She's half black half native-american though.

This kind.


There's a lot of telltale characters like that


Oh damn, I didn't even mean it like that, now that I think about it. I meant Korra is a moron, not the race. Katara a waifu.


Is that supposed to be me?

Delicious brown husbandos allowed as well?

Since I actually know all these characters, it's a lot harder to judge on tone alone.


I'll take the opposite
non-african nose, cute puffy boingy hair.



Wish she had more screen-time, damn shame.

BLACKED and Ebony are not a part of this board, cuckfags.

Crawl back to Sup Forums, fag. Brown girls are GOAT.

>They are technically Asian.

Aren't they the descendants of one of the lost tribes of Turks?

No, you fag/fujoshi.

Disney what the hell man?

>But the Spanish accent is the best part.
Then it isn't ambiguous anymore! An American accent adds to the ambiguity.

Well tough fucking luck.

>They are technically Asian.
As much as you are technically African. Squat on land for over 5,000 years and you stop being from the place you were 6,000 years ago.

Make a different thread. Not every thread needs you trying to wrench control over it.

you just got owned

Not... really? I just don't want yet another gay hijack.

>tfw no indian gf

Nice pun, but the samefagging ain't necessary.