Season 2 celebration! We did it!
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>clothed females
That is a fitting image.
>I enjoy this take on the Klingon culture.
I don't mind it so much either, but why are their scenes subtitled? They're a real chore because no one can actually act during those scenes because they're busy speaking nonsense while the viewers read lines. Besides this is only a minor portion of the show, Klingons haven't even been in the last two episodes.
>I actually legitimately like Michael and I don't think she's a bad actor either.
Objectively wrong, I'm sorry.
>Then of course, Lorca is pretty fantastic.
He's okay, mostly because of the actor and what you've said about being able to see from the other side of what we've seen in Trek before.
>I've seen so many awful, unentertaining things
I too have watched countless unending seasons of drivel, particularly sci fi, but I'd rather watch campy mediocrity than this super serious edgy drivel.
pushing new barriers
posted for guy from last thread
lawsuit when?
Reminder last thread to orshills:
STD renewed for another season since its the most watched show in TV history critics say and is putting shows like TWD and GoT out of business as dead series everyone hates since STD is better!
Soon we will dance on the grave of Orville and its cheap knockoff that all scifi fans hate.
under rated
Season 2 fuck right of you cunt, seriously?
never he is a nobody a piece of trash and an anti-semite who is only looking to steal and defame the jewish creators of STD. He will be destroyed and anyone who stands against STD will be destroyed just like what they did to anyone who went against the Ghostbusters movie.
I posted my response at
I know we're not in agreement about things but I appreciate your civility.
He's forgotten that Trek has on numerous occasions had things like Vulcan serial killers, assassins and racists who based their actions on logic as well.
>The logical way of showing how correct Logic is is to become suicide bombers. That will show everyone how logical the logic way is!
>Logic could never lead to evil
What the fuck are you even doing in a thread discussing science fiction?
>At the very worst she's serviceable as an actor
This is basically what I think of her. She can twist her head quizzically, she can grind her jaw angrily, and she can open her eyes sadly. But she doesn't really bring anything special to the role, which is a shame because the show would be elevated if a truly great actress played Michael.
>I actually hate campy mediocrity so much.
I guess it just comes down to taste then. I enjoy Voyager during its most nonsensical episode more than most critically acclaimed shows which take themselves super seriously.
I prefer your Heroes example. Sure the show was trash after the first season, but I've watched it through twice because I liked the characters and wanted to see what happened to them. I don't like any of the Discovery characters, and I'm only really interested in seeing what happens to Lorca.
Is this a good show Sup Forums? STD? Is this show about Sexually Transmitted Diseases? I don't see how that could be a good.
Why did they seem so uncomfortable here when both actors are actually gay IRL?
>Michael: So you must be the secret ingredient
>Tilly: FUCK YOU
What did they mean by this
> I've watched it through twice
Fucking madman.
As to the point about Michael, a lot of the actors on Trek have been serviceable. TNG just had one or two really good actors on its main cast, despite my nostalgia, and that would be Patrick Steward and LaVarr Burton. I thought everyone else was serviceable-to-awful. Didn't stop me from liking the show any.
I guess you and I will just have to disagree about caring about the characters. I actually find MIchael's story interesting, I like Saru, I like Lorca. I really like Stamets, I forgot to mention him in my original post. I think he's fantastic. If it doesn't click with you, I get that of course. I just don't think it's the dumpster fire people keep saying it is. Not even close.
>Real gays
>Stable, monogamous relationships
LeVar* Burton because I can't spell his fucking name right and I wish I were him.
What is going on here?
>a lot of the actors on Trek have been serviceable
But the show is a different format now. Before, you had ~8 characters who all had roughly equal shares of screentime. Obviously, the Captain tended to top the list but each character had their own episodes and they were all almost always in each episode.
With STD, you have a clear protagonist. We aren't introduced to the crew. There's no "Janeway picks up Paris from prison" or "Sisko arrives on DS9" scene, in fact we don't even meet the Captain until the third episode. Michael is clearly the focus of the show, almost the sole focus. And when the show has so much emotion (as opposed to the more calm standing talking scenes in TNG) you really need strong actors to carry the scenes. And I just don't think Michael's actress is up to it.
>I really like Stamets
He has potential, and I don't hate the alien First Officer, but because Michael is the main character rather than having a roughly equal crew they're all backgrounded. Stammets and First Officer barely appeared in the most recent episode at all.
Let's dissect most of the problems of STD so far:
>Michael is the Mary Sue of Mary Sues.
>The show steals everything from better shows like the "spore drive"- which requires a humanoid to control the jump- see BSG cylon base ships which stole it from Dune
>They stole the idea of surgically modifying a klingon to be an undercover agent- yes past Star Treks have did this but the creators never watched Star Trek before and obviously stole it from BSG= Skinjobs- Who will be the final 5?
>The show never addresses social, political or religious issues in the show, their "diversity" (that they announced before the show to virtue signal) is having an all woman bridge crew- fat black woman, red haired burn victim, cyborg woman, all cardboard cutouts that we still haven't met yet, Saru will probably be transgender of his species, the prisoner that is obviously undercover klingon is some middle eastern brown person, and the strong black female who thinks shes a klingon in her head canon. Two faggots, one brown, one white in an interracial relationship. A fat ginger with bad skin to promote the "healthy at every size" bullshit that is more athletic than the skinny people on the ship. The only white male cis male on the ship is the captain that is depicted as insane.
>Dark and gritty visuals stolen from BSG
>Hand held shaky cam stolen from BSG
>Technology doesn't fit in where they are supposed to be in the timeline.
>Klingon and Vulcan lore is remade to fit the show.
>They obviously stole the whole tardigrades arc from an indie game that was being made at least one year before the show began filming.
>Bad acting- Michael has one expression throughout the show- the same expression the actor used all throughout her appearances on the walking dead.
>Bad fight scenes and bad camera work
>Bad writing. Horrible writing.
>Fidget spinners are trendy, so lets turn the ship into one.
>Vulcans are Jedi now.
>Did I mention Michael is THE mary sue.
The klingot lines being in actual klinger and subtitled is the best thing about those scenes. A shame they speak it so slow and guttural. I get why they went that way, I just don't like it. That last sentence sums up my entire experience with the show.
>Netflix publish any kind of viewer statistics.
Netflix used to have a star rating system until everyone 1 stared that Amy Schumer "comedy" special to death, and blue haired fat cow SJW feelings were hurt. After that Netflix mysteriously did away with the audience rating system.
Have you been training Geordi?
1. gays don't do monogamy as a default.
2. one of the guys probably doesn't date outside his race (ironic given the direction of the show)
3. teeth brushing isn't a sexy time, you'd know this if you ever had a real relationship.
>since STD is better!
Of course it's better, goy.
It has forced diversity, feminizam, gay characters, and a strong independent woman of color as the lead. Just don't ask us to release actual numbers to prove how well the show is doing or every SJW feminist blogger will burn you to the ground like they did to that Cinemassacer guy who said he simply had no interest in seeing the new RUN AWAY SMASH HIT 2016 Ghostbusters film.
>Sup Forumstards too stupid to whine within the context of the thread or board they are invading
>forced diversity
God you're stupid.
I genuinely enjoy stamets the most. I like bitchy femqueen faggots in real life. Their cattiness is fun when not directed at you and they are really easy to fuck with since they care about what you think like a woman.
Seriously, hang out with some ultrafaggots. Go drinking with them or something. They will pull you so much pussy and actually be fun the entire night.
CBS shill please
It's like he doesn't even understand the main problem with Vulcans.
>anyone who likes thing is being paid to like it... I'm not delusional
How many Star Trek frogpost images are there?
If you're going to get a very pale redhead as one of your main characters, wouldn't it be good to go through a few lighting tests and see which ones work with her skin? It annoys me to no end to see her so pasty in every fucking scene where there's that sterile bright (bluish) tone. It doesn't fit with her at all and makes her look sickly. Last episode was especially obvious. And I know the argument of 'well, the show isn't centered around her/you don't have to appease the wishes of one actor', but I think even a decent showrunner would want his actors to look good.
because the props they were pretending were sonic toothbrushes are actually ass vibrators
also the dialogue was clearly written by someone who'd never been in a relationship, much less a male homosexual relationship.
I want a Q one and a Lore one please. Thank you.
I don't make them
It's pretty obvious, when did reasoning and deduction become bad things? Especially when you see the ratings from places like rotten tomatoes compared to social media and internet forum reactions. Liberals must hate Sherlock Holmes. But Data loved him. Of course a shill wouldn't understand that reference.
Like with the lispy admiral they are putting their imperfections on display, doubling down on your standards getting lax until you don't even realize you just asked that 3/10 out on a date and felt good she said yes.
You can get that 5/10 user, don't let hollywood jews tell you otherwise.
not enough
>Liberals must hate Sherlock Holmes.
Disgusting. I hope there's a Archer version.
They probably like it because her looking gross plays into the character.
If you want a lighting tech reason, black people look like the undead under certain colors, they suit blues and purples and golds the best. Blues tend to make white people look pale and so the effect and contrast on pale readheads is extrme.
The best compromise for all races is a warm color, but that wouldn't be very grim gritty sci fi.
>mfw no Barclay frog
>Not being aware how deep the rabbit hole goes
>implying these forces haven't been active since the 60s
The only difference is that STD has reached a point of faggotry that no one can surpassed. It's starting to deconstruct, and implode on itself.
found the extremist
>hating ezri, the cutest main character
off yourself tbqh
The actual sherlock holmes and his novels, not the cumberbund shit. You know, the sherlock that knew women were inferior to men due to their smaller brains, yet yielded that their animal cunning puts them on an even field with men, if the man allows it.
Putting your pants on straight must be a real challenge for you.
where mah frakes frog?
her character made zero fucking sense.
>The actual fictional character, not the other fictional character.
Okay buddy, I'll pretend you aren't retarded this time.
I'm wondering if DS9 fans might be more likely to prefer Discovery over Orville, since it has more war and such.
Anyone willing to weigh in?
>the lispy admiral
The one that looks like Brianna Wu?
DS9 fans still enjoy Trek for being Trek. I love DS9 and I prefer Orville to STD by a longshot.
I mean TNG and DS9 were my favorites, so maybe. I did really like DS9.
I like all Star Trek. Though I've never seen the animated series.
are you implying that the sherlock show is in any way representative of the novels? You do know I know the character is fictional by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle right?
I watch both STD and Orville.
You just can't say no to your fix.
Doba a shit.
>CBS won't publish their own numbers out of shame
Am I implying that liberals fucking love the new Sherlock series which humps the "deductive reasoning" shit so hard they draw dumb little air sketches about it? Yes I am.
Am I implying that people who like that trash show give a shit about the books? No I am not.
Are you retarded? Yes you are.
>anyone who likes thing is being paid
No, but if you are unironically a fan of STD it's a sign that you've been injected with the Kool-Aid, and nothing I say will change your mind. Well, not until the day that it affects you personally that is.
Is it weird to be attracted to someone's nose bridge?
>this new grimdark bullshit will never result comfy awkward scenes like Geordi, Barclay and Data were capable of
feels bad desu
Or maybe they just like a thing you don't, and your autism can't cope because you're a hugbox faggot. You realize that's a legitimate symptom of autism right?
I thought the original guy was making a joke about Data portraying Holmes often, seeing him as an idol, when the "real" holmes would espouse views that a modern day liberal would kvetch at so hard whats left of their post-op dick would pop back out. I still think thats what the original guy was going for and you are just an asshat who has misunderstood the reference (like the original guy guessed would happen ironically).
I could be wrong though.
I like all Trek, STD isn't Trek though.
DS9 is my favorite Trek show (close to ENT) and I prefer the Orville because the characters are all different and interesting. The way the show is writter allows the characters to grow. It also helps that the actors and the crew care about the show and its universe.
When I look at an episode of STD, I don't see people who love the franchise. I see people who are there because they want to sell me their new product (I feel the same thing about Disney's Star Wars).
thinking your viewpoint is unequivocally correct and that varying views should be discarded without thought is what you are doing though. Weird how much what you are doing resembles what you claim he's doing. I'm not even the guy you responded to btw.
A "large" amount of people joined cbs all access do to their free 30 day trial. Do you honestly think that the majority of those people are going to renew this, and start paying to watch STD?
Hell, I bet you that more than half of the people shit posting in this very thread have only watched the show do to pirating it.
>claims user is a shill for disagreeing with him
>gets called out as a delusional asshole
>completely spills the spaghetti by doubling down on his delusion, claiming he doesn't have to argue to be right, he's right just by being user
>want to discuss STD
>literally 99% of the general thread is shitposting
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
>joining some cableshit's online streaming
>to watch the show that's on Netflix
Wtf is wrong with people
>accidental multilateral hivemind
It's available on netflix everywhere except the US. In the US the only options are cbs all access or piracy or a vpn, but most people will never know how to use a vpn
What would you like to discuss?
Oh wow, I didn't know about that. Feels good to live in a shithole for once.
>not using a private ratio-less tracker
I love DS9 and almost instantly loved The Orville.
I'm still warming up to STD.
I don't think it's available on Netflix in Murica. They are really fucking Americucks up the ass in the US if they wan't their weekly dose of STD.
It's a bad show. let it go you fucking autists
Your wish...
Who green lit any of this?
Sup Forums talks about lots of bad shows, go bother one of those threads instead