Meesa propose

Meesa propose...

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So there are hundreds of delegates. Just a shit ton of different species with various different needs.

How many different kinds of bathrooms does the galactic senate have? Surely a Hutt can't use a urinal.

I think the hutts excrete their waste as the slime they're covered with

The Hutts aren't part of the republic. They have their own space.

This is true, the hutts have also been a nuisance to the people of the galaxy for a thousand thousand generations

It was an alliance financed by the criminal Hutts that brought to ruin the great robot armies of Xim the Despot as he neared the completion of his human empire's conquest of the galaxy many thousands of years before the republic came to being.

They r just big slugs

who could forget that
Xim was captured and blinded, paraded throughout Hutt Space, and eventually died a slave in the dungeons of Kossak on Varl, though Tionese history claimed that he was treacherously killed at Vontor.

Kill yourself

nice 1
U kys manchild

Lmao you a epic troll brah

4 u

Just riveting discussions on Sup Forums

>"Dellow Felegates, oops Me mean-"
>*entire senate roars into laughter*

Thats what happens when you let reddit and normalfags dictate how Sup Forums should be.

How old are u. And u care so much about star wars slugs that you actually get angry when someone calls them slugs. You should really check out a star wars sub reddit i think there would be a lot of people like you on there

honestly, Naboo would do better to have hired Cookie Monster, even with his public addiction to spice

>massa says I iz equal

>sub reddit
Go back.

yes please leave take your sperging about the huts elsewhere

Fucking pathetic.

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the time that I met Jar Jar Binks from a swamp and he later went on to become a senator who proposed legislation that ended the Republic? He was a good friend

t. brainlet

You have no power here normalfag

that guy was surely stoned as a near east adulteress when he attended this assembly

The Hutts were a sentient species of large gastropods

Pardon me, but you want to write "Hutt" not hut.

A shady syndicate of greedy ramshackle hovels does not hold court over the slime and villainy of the Galaxy!

That would be so much foolishness!

The Huttists will smash this opressing humanoid patriarchal republic by posting complains on the galaxy social media

Fucking pathetic

>Jar Jar is the reason the Empire existed

It's like pottery.

that's the beauty of that meeting area. They just toss it over the ledge

Who's at the bottom

Space Pajeet

Most of the pods connect to their personal quarters

It's funny you say that. It was revealed by Pablo Hidalgo at Celebration Anaheim that Hutts have separate sexes in canon, no longer being hemaphroditic as they were in the Star Wars Legends continuity.

>Deesa spicea, musta flowesen
>Meesa walkin, da Goooolden Pathsa


how can a species of big useless space slugs all be criminal masterminds lmao

What happened to him? His fate needs to be told.

They are proto brain bugs.

Nah. The place has artificial gravity and a miniature black hole at the center.
All shit just floats into it.

The downside is that everyone gets cancer from the radiation that the falling fecal matter emits.

Explain the credentials that allow jar jar to represent any political body on a galactic stage.

Explain the credentials that allow a brain-dead literal rapist to represent the most powerful country on planet Earth.

I would have rather had a standalone Jar Jar Binks movie than the abortion of characters disney created with Rey, Finn, and the pilot guy.

>directly responsible for the liberation of the gungan and naboo empire from the trade federation
>close ties with amidala leading to him being placed as a conduit between the two civilisations
>is easily manipulated by both, very friendly and harmless
>goes on to represent the planet as a vote caster because everybody else cannot be bothered and has more important shit to do

Canada isn't that powerful, bud.


And he was a good friend.

>you have more important things to do than represent your entire planet to the governing body that decides laws and disputes of great importance for the entire galaxy, so you leave it in the hands of a easily distracted simpleton most renowned for haplessly getting his tongue stuck in humorous fashion

it's a figurehead position. all he has to do is push the right button

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the time we made a half retarded barely intelligible swamp creature a senator? He then proposed legislation that ended the Republic. Democracy was a good system.

there is a bit more to being a senator than pushing a button, it isn't a glorified mascot like the queen of england, decisions made at that echelon had direct consequences for the home planet, and in this case, the bloody galaxy

Why that faggot opened his mouth? He's just a substitute and suddenly he wants to give full power to sheev? And the rest of the senate applaud him like if he was einstein?

Palpatine made some conversation with some people nearby the simpering tit about the plight of the republic and so forth that manipulated that great drooling sod into action

what are you an expert on galactic law?

>literal rapist
I'm expecting proof of that from you

>The Nocombackie Law (also called the Not-Coming-Back Law or Gungan Law of Banishment) was a ruling handed down by the Gungan High Council. It banished the accused from ever returning to a Gungan city, on pain of death. Boss Rugor Nass placed Jar Jar Binks under the Nocombackie law after a destructive accident involving Nass's personal heyblibber.

Their seats double as toilets. They just let it rip during the meeting.

that has nothing to do with the role of a senator of the galactic senate. take your non-sequitur ass to autismpedia and don't come back until you get something concrete



He apparently became a street performer in Theed.

The Rights of Sentience was one of the best-known clauses of the Galactic Constitution. It spoke out against speciesism and set out the rights that all members of the Galactic Republic were entitled to, including these:

The formal outlawing of slavery.
The declaration that all sentient lifeforms were equal, and should be treated as such.
All Republic citizens were entitled to all rights enshrined in the Constitution, including suffrage, protection from undue hardships, etc.
When the Constitution was written in 25,053 BBY, the Rights of Sentience was one of its most radical sections. However, throughout its history, the Republic was hard-pressed to enforce the Rights, especially in its outlying regions. In the New Order, it was replaced with Human High Culture. The Rights were still practiced by the Rebel Alliance in defiance of the Empire and was reinstated when the New Republic Common Charter was drafted. Senate Resolution 54.325 most likely helped enforce the law. After Admiral Daala weakened Human High Culture, it can be presumed that the Rights found a place in the Imperial Charter.

It is not known how the Galactic Republic determined which species were sentient. Such proved a problem for the droid rights movement, as droid sentience was questionable at best.

that is still nothing to do with the actual duties undertaken by a member of the galactic senate. are you just copy pasting from random political articles?



Fucking childish.


Honestly, jar jar is no worse than yoda

>All he has to do is push the right button

This is jar jar we are talking about..

'Duh it wasn't an important position'
He fucking ended the Republic. They might not have thought about how powerful he was before, but it's the damn truth that it was the most important position of the entire trilogy.

If you are crediting Jar Jar with convincing a room of 2,000 senators to allow Sheev complete control over the Galactic Republic, then you have made my case on how qualified he was for the role.

Netflix herders

0/10 bait

He became known as snoke

>wahhh Disney sucks and I miss George!
>reminder that pic related was canon


looks no more ridiculous than our irl sphinx

It's a big senate. that a joke?

I've never posted this before since I thought I had too much self respect but fuck it

formerly chucks

That guy's an abo.
Street sleeper not street shitter.

4 u

Unironically good

>Because of his role in abetting the rise of the Empire, he was once again exiled by his people. After the Battle of Endor and the rise of the New Republic, he performed in the streets of Theed as a clown and street performer, who was popular with children but not so much with their parents. Many Gungan and Naboo adults refused to speak to him or say his name. Binks entertained the children by performing numerous antics including wagging his tongue, juggling glombo shells, spitting fish up in the air and catching them, dancing around, and swallowing and flushing out water through his ears.
>In 5 ABY, Binks encountered a young refugee boy named Mapo while performing in Theed's Plaza of the Catalan. Mapo was a ward at a nearby orphanage who had been badly burned after the Empire had bombed his home on the fuel depot Golus Station. Due to hideous burns, Mapo found few people who were willing to talk to him let alone adopt him. After Binks caught a pik-pok fish with his long tongue, he asked the boy where he came from. Mapo related how he had lost his parents during the Imperial bombardment of Golus Station. Taking pity on the boy, Binks did another trick by swallowing water and spraying it out through his ears.
>When Mapo told Binks that nobody talked to him, Binks revealed that he was an outcast because many Gungans and Naboo believed he had helped the Empire. A sympathetic Mapo opined that he did not think that Binks had aided the Empire and suggested that they were both outcasts. While Binks appeared to accept his fate, Mapo pointed out that he had a low chance of being adopted due to his disfigurement. When Mapo suggested that the two could go nowhere together, Binks replied that that was a "Bombad" idea; which meant that he thought it was a great idea. When Mapo asked Binks if he could teach him to be a clown, Binks gratefully accepted Mapo's request and the boy's friendship.

You waited for the right time good on you user

What the fuck are you talking about

>brain-dead literal rapist

>pay no attention to the trial set for December goy! Just turn your brain off when he settles out of court or the plaintiff dies ;)

Jesus, why not just kill him off? I always thought I wanted this...but it's empty now. It's canon that his life was a miserable one, and now I just want him to end it.

sith lord binks is canon and i don't give a fuck if ppl call me reddit. it perfectly parallels yoda. it fucking rhymes

Because he is the key.

You mean a thousand years

Hand over the felegates Sheev!

Except it isn't canon.

A thousand generations is longer than a thohsand years.

Tis treason. then


>muh boogeywoogeys are making this autistic board more autistic!

>that deleted scene where Order 66 gets blocked by some random Bothan judge and the clones just wait around holding up a bunch of Jedi until the Head Galactic Court makes a ruling
Sometimes George's autism is too strong

This is made up, right?