Comic feels

Can we get a comic feels thread

part 1

part 2

Never cared for frank but damn that's sad

bruce looks like he has down syndrome in that second panel


This was legitimately heart shattering

Kek I didn't even notice.



Who's the dyke



Sabretooth is such a fucking cunt. Is he the most cunt supervillain?

Gareth may be an edgy but by god he can write Punisher



prepare urself


He gets my vote
>Wassah matter runt?
>Can't take care of your woman
>Your woman
>Your woman

I'm not sure how I feel about this.
On the one hand it feels stupid as fuck and just out of left field.
On the other it opens the door to Frank eventually trying to kill Death.


got some other superman feels stuff. might post if i remember to after i get stoned

might as well



I don't think you really understood MAX

Yep. Whoever did the art for Injustice deserves to be shot.

delet this pls

I remember I was furious when Wade didn't get to really take revenge on Sabretooth for that shit.

m-man up...


alright, here we go then





Uhh, no. He made a deal with death or the devil in order to make it out of the Valley Forge massacre alive, the price was his family. That scene his realization of that.


i know, it shook me when i first read it. had to pace around my house and then cuddle my cat for like a good 20 minutes jsut to get my shit right

>What are you doing?

Incorrect on both counts, the writer has literally stated that this was Frank having a moment with Frank. This was him realizing the kind of things that came with the things he did and the person who he had chosen to be in Vietnam.



I hate cats. I felt nothing.

holy god that face
its almost as bad as the first stories in American alien

Yeah seriously. Honestly, its just so damn sweet too. It just reminds me what I love about Superman, he is supposed to embody the very best of us, and our greatest possible selves.



Literally any Catwoman and Batman moments

i bet u feel a lot of dick tho faggot

a few days ago, another user said somehting about superman that i think will always be how i define superman from now on. i dont quite rememebr what he said, but here goes: in real life, if u run into a burning building to save someone or tackle a suicide bomber, u will probably die. but taht one pure momnet of selfnessness, taht is superman, but only indefinite and invincible

what a gay story all it did was make my monitor super blurry

I had a cousin die of leukemia when we were 15. I felt that one.

Alright, fuck it. I'm not finishing this. Too much, man.

>i bet u feel a lot of dick tho faggot
I'm not sure if you're baiting me or literally that retarded.

sure its not all the semen from the dicks u suck that made it blurry?

i remember reading this for the first time a few weeks after my grandfather had passed away. shit broke me

im not baiting u, im calling u a faggot cuz u feel a lot of dicks in and on u. also i cant be retarded, since ur the gay ur retarded cuz homosexuality is a mental disorder, faggot


this is a good page

Wow, good one.

Nice trips.


supes is such a g



Nice trips
Isn't that after Nightwing slips and breaks his neck on a rock?

I'm sorry, this isn't sad considering the context of what lead up to this point

Nightwing fucking died because he got bonked on the head, fell over and snapped his neck on a small rock.

I don't save a lot of these, as I don't care for multiple pages, but maybe for a few minutes, anywhere from next door to the other side of the planet, we can feel together.


Spidey was the only good thing in the Ultimate Universe

He deserved better


Someone please post the spider comic. Where she offers gifts and inadvertently her life to her human love interest?

I gotchu man

I loved this part. It's so Red.

Sorry, wrong one

The Immates just standing there respectfully was so werid. Especially fucking calender man. Harley being sad was also bullshit.

Thanks bud


Injustice harley isn't as crazy or psychotic as Regular harley.
She's more of a poser that acts crazy to impress Joker.
After he died there was no point in acting CUH RAY ZEY


im pretty sure the "blurry" was from his tears, user, it's a joke

>Gwen and MJ in the first panel on the right
Sale, you're so sneaky

thanks to whoever did the story time the other night

Now put a dog instead and we're game

Art in Injustice is half the fun.
Retarded plot is the other half.




That's the Rohrshack thing, innit?








poor Stevie

>Clark listen here, if you had tried to help Sam you'd have drowned the neighbours horses. I still hear those horses drowning in my sleep Son. I hear the horse's death throes every waking hour, you understand boy? I should have let my family drown instead. I should have drowned...

What did Pa mean by this?


Sam Loeb. Of course.

I recognized the guy's coat... like, immediately.

Do I win a prize?

whoah, I thought I just didn't "get" the ending until you implied that it was a recognizable character. thanks, now im sad


That is some serious next level autism right there.

I would like this comic alot more if I didn't have to associate with some guy who fucks dogs on Youtube