Be me

>be me
>hears about new new DC fighting game by Moral Kombat guys
>gets hyped
>turns out to be based on elseworld story where everyone is an asshole version of themselves
>injustice 2 coming out
>still about asshole universe

Anyone feel the same and would prefer a DC game based on classic characters?

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Why would the normal ones fight each other?

Story mode they just have heroes vs villains with some hero vs hero or villain vs villain ones when there is a misunderstanding or something.

Or even better use an in universe villain like Starro and have them deal with mind control and have to fight eachother to get off the Star.

The are tons of better examples in comics that would provide better ways to let that happen but let them show their normal personalities instead of these asshat versions.

>Or even better use an in universe villain like Starro and have them deal with mind control and have to fight eachother to get off the Star.

Down with this.

There's a million reasons why it'd happen.

>Darkseid invades earth
>He found the anti-life equation and Superman is the key to fighting against it
>He starts with Batman and cures him from the anti-life equation, and they work their way up to the rest of the heroes


>Martian Manhunter gets held captive by Grodd and absorbs his mind control powers, which amplifies Grodd's own mind control powers which are then used to control most of the heros into doing evil.

Easy peasy.

>Anyone feel the same and would prefer a DC game based on classic characters?
You and me and everyone else with some sense, user.

I have no idea why everyone's crazy about Injustice.

The Marvel vs. Capcom series does just fucking fine with the classic versions of those characters. People just get really weird with DC characters for some reason.

Does it count if Capcom goes weird on their characters?

What do you mean by that?

Why does DC want to make asshole DC the status quo?

In MVC1 and MVC2 the characters that were not direct ports from other games were not like their native versions at all. And then somehow Morrigan also ended up fucked.

I know DC likes to play around with multiverse but this should've been their all Star game where they showcase the best of their characters. Not feature the asshole versions cause more that's what the comic book noobs are gonna have stuck in their head when they think of DC if this was their first proper introduction to DC

Kingdom Come's influence. Or more precisely Twilight of the Gods' influence.

Blame Moore as always.

Yeah, I've noticed this. In a LOT of their 'outside-of-the-comic book' adaptations, they always go for the most cynical, Elseworlds take with their characters. It's like they don't want their universe to be fun anymore.

Oh well, I never played MvC1 and I didn't remember that about MvC2 at all. It's been years since I've properly played it.

With MvC3 though, every character is really faithful to where they came from though, to the extent where they really put in a lot of research for characters like Zero.

Sure, there's some liberty taken with some of the Marvel characters, like Wolverine, but all said and done, at least they're still the 'classic' versions that everyone loves, in personality and appearance.

Right? They always do this shit. I want to see the most iconic versions of these characters duke it out. I want a more fun, vibrant, comic book-y atmosphere, not this grimdark bullshit. It's the same shit with the DCEU.

That's why I had no problem with Spawn winning that character contest instead of Hellboy. Injustice deserves Spawn.

DC dragged fun back into a secluded alley during the late 80's and bashed its head.

It's kinda weird, but when you stop to think about it NetherRealm Studios, the company most known for the Mortal Kombat games, being loosely affiliated with DC actually fits. No other game company has more in common with DC than this one.

The MK universe it's basically DC without capes.

Did they ever.

It really feels like they've become way too sensitive to the bullshit criticism that DC is too corny and overcompensates by making everything grimdark these days. It really is a shame.

Now outside of comics, DC has to put this super serious image because Batman is popular so let's make every character Batman

But the point of Injustice is the classic characters defeating their asshole counterparts

It's because the Mortal Kombat guys are doing it.

A classic DC game should be made by SNK. Or a crossover with Shonen Jump so Superman vs Goku can be real

Yeah maybe evil versions vs good versions would be a good idea if they focus on good versions and what makes them so good and likable but instead they focus on developing the evil characters and having the good version as a straight man for Batman and Luthor to explain the lore to.

For example, evil Superman takes up the whole story mode. We have to wait until the last chapter for the good Superman to do something and they don't develop him besides saying he is the good version.

You can't blame the MK guys for it when almost all Elseworlds that are big and famous show the DCU as dystopian and the characters as... well, fuck-ups.

Lol. A crossover game would be fun especially with SNK. Especially because it would force DC to use classic characters since a elseworld story would be too convoluted.


Also differentiating between the 'good' and 'evil' versions by making the 'good' versions closer to their classic appearances would've been much better as well. Instead everyone had this really ugly, edgy aesthetic in the first game.

Then don't do an Elseworld story. Do the OG universe.

The OG universe kinda became like that after Nu52.

You mean that aesthetic the DCU has entirely tried to copy?

The grimdark aesthetic?

Nah, I'd say that the nu52 tried to update everyone in a different way. It was similar, but it wasn't quite edgy either.

Superman became an edgelord?

He kinda did at the beginning. The whole JL became. Then you had the whole dumb plot about the world fearing about SM and WW having superbabies.

>injustice 2 coming out
>still about asshole universe

Why would you expect anything different when it's clearly a sequel game on the title alone?

>It's like they don't want their universe to be fun anymore.

Or they know basic math and are well aware that pandering 50K comic readers isn't as profitable as wooing the casual market.

>would prefer a DC game based on classic characters?
Why the fuck?

I would prefer a DC fighting game that didn't have such a shitty Mortal Kombat gameplay.

Superman would never rip anyones arm off, do fatalities, etc. Using Jerky version of the characters lets Netherrealm do the thing they're most famous for, brutalities, fatalities and the like.

Fuck casuals. All they want is more Batman and grimdark. Casuals are why we got the DCEU.

This too, kinda. I enjoy MK and Injustice to an extent but sucks that we'll never get DC vs. Capcom.

>no fighting game based off the brave and the bold cartoon
The side-scroller was so much fun but a straight up fighter would be good too.

Glimmer of hope

Most of the Injustice costumes are some of the worst DC-related costumes I've seen during the 2010's. Like I thought New 52 Superman Armor was bad but Injustice Superman's looks beat it for the Shit Crown.

But they don't have that violent supers. The real Superman or Wonder Woman or any hero could get away with those supers.

Good old fashioned corn-fest featuring obscure heroes instead of a half the cast being Batman villains. Awesome

user, the Injustice costumes are legitimately some of the worst DC designs ever fucking made. God, they are so fucking ugly.

Injustice 2 not looking any better.

It would have been great. All those fun characterizations duking it out.

I honestly think it looks a little better. At least they seemed to have listened. All the gear they've shown so far looks so much better than anything in the first game.

Uhh, are you all forgetting about Justice League Action?

Wondy sucks in it.

Haven't seen it.
Is it good?

I didn't read the comics but I still don't get why Mirror World Hal joined the Sinestro Corps

>Grodd redoing his public enemies plan, but with Martian Manjobber as a battery as to not wear himself out controlling so many minds at once.
I'm throwing my money at the screen but nothing is happening user.

This BREAD is your FOOD?
More like sidecarbs, mother.

Yeah, i'm not that guy. I just don't like the whole brash warrior who likes to hack n' slash.

They got weird with Wolverine, he makes a giant laser X.

Well that's because it's more of a cracked-mirror world. Injustice universe is basically an elseworlds with the premise of "What if everyone was shittier?". Supes isn't strong enough to handle grief, Wondy is a raging manipulative cunt, Batman is even more paranoid and self-righteous than normal, Arthur is more isolated and distant, Barry is a wishy washy sycophant, Cyborg is just a yes-man and Hal is a coward. When everything was normal they were able to function like the normal universe but they were always just one disaster away from it all falling apart.

>Supes isn't strong enough to handle grief, Wondy is a raging manipulative cunt, Batman is even more paranoid and self-righteous than normal, Arthur is more isolated and distant, Barry is a wishy washy sycophant, Cyborg is just a yes-man and Hal is a coward.

Kinda weird how some of the characterizations fit the N52 era.

lol its fighting game, why even give a fuck about the story? you can play as your favorite "good version" you fucking whino.

Definitely would have been better, like that Justice Lords episode in JL. Would have been perfect to have a rare dialogue between good and evil Superman, eg. "What, no trunks?"

I guess your right. Fuck me.

Supercharged Speedforce Grodd sounds like a pretty cool final boss, actually.

>People just get really weird with DC characters for some reason.

I feel like the comics kind of encourage it, but yeah, generally any adaptation of DC properties is made "dark" in an attempt to reconcile it with the mainstream these days

They didn't give a shit with BvS, and that had an even wider audience than Injustice.

Imagine a light hearted campy fighting game.

Like silverage batman.

Too bad moviefagsness ruin any possibility of any diversity/variaty/growth.

>wooing the casual market.
They're not doing a very good job of it.Nobody seems to like the DCEU.

>God, they are so fucking ugly
Goes with the rest of the art.

>Moral Kombat

Sounds dumber than what was in the game, to be quite desu.

BvS was the best though.

I remember pre-release when the story for this game was being hyped as impressive. Then it turned out to be a shitty version the Justice Lords with less depth and moral nuance than a literal children's cartoon. I get the idea that the writers neither read comics or play a lot of fighters.

First Injustice had a fun story and it was satisfying to see good Supes come in and put asshole Supes in his place. I don't know what's going on in this one, though.

BvS was just wannabe Injustice.

It's a follow up. What we know so far is that it's two years after the first game, Supes is still in prison, Bats is still trying to unfuck the world through Brother Eye-like shenanigans when things start going to shit again. Supergirl shows up on Earth for the first time and wants to help Superman because she has no idea what happened, Grodd starts up a supervillain team to take advantage of the power vacuum and then fucking Brainiac shows up. The comic tie-in will take place in the two years between games.

>Anyone feel the same and would prefer a DC game based on classic characters?

Can we get a good fighting game too, or is that too much to ask?

Wrong, everyone was shitting on the story cus "muh evil superman" and then turned around when it was revealed to be a parallel universe.

Except it wasn't at all. Not even that one dream scene was Injustice. It was more Superman being a pawn of Darkseid.

Go ahead if you think you can prove it.

I'm enjoying it and it's pretty refreshing, yeah. Still, if you look at the DCEU, Injustice, and most of their DC animated originals as of late, you kind of get the feeling that DC thinks all their adaptations need to be dark as fuck.

>Anyone feel the same and would prefer a DC game based on classic characters?
No, because classic character wouldn't be fighting. Stupid world where everyone are stupid assholes at least provides context for them to be out of character and fighting with one another.

Your comment is one of the dumbest things i had read

>Not feature the asshole versions cause more that's what the comic book noobs are gonna have stuck in their head when they think of DC if this was their first proper introduction to DC

But that doesnt happens you retarded casual, normies won't give a shit about the characters and casuals like you know this is an alternative earth

>we will never get a Marvel vs. DC fighting game

The night is darkest before the dawn! Of Justice.

They could even take the JLA/Avengers comic as inspiration. Imagine that Superman vs. Thor fight and then everyone jumping Superman at the same time would instead be you fighting as them and Superman being a boss with huge amounts of health.

Have they ever gave an actual legitimate reason for not making this game? Seriously Marvel, DC, and whatever dev they get to make it will make millions.

Seems like insanity that this has never been made... especially because its not like the 2 companies have never worked together...

I hate this thread, i hate casuals fans like you.