How do we fix him?

How do we fix him?

IDK. The new solo is going to a A LOT of damage seeing that the writer is one of the biggest flamers I've ever seen and says the only thing he wants to do is explore Bobby's new homosexuality.

Make him a black transgender woman in a relationship with hispanic transgender man.

Easy. Bring Aaron back to X-Men and let him have his OTP.

Make Jim Shooter EiC.

Return him to that, clearly
But replace Dazzler with Colossus

Why the hell didn't they just leave it at the time displaced Bobby? It's clear that they aren't the same characters as the present ones anymore. Way too much has happened. And there are plenty of AU characters that are different like this. (Ultimate Colossus, Gayverine etc)

We make him a devoted Nazi. Those guys have all "gotten over" their gayness.

Have Fox bring him into one of their new movies and put him in a straight relationshio just to piss Marvel off.

This is a real problem that needs to be fixed.
We can't allow any character to come out as gay.
Not Carol Danvers, not Jessica Drew, not Kitty Pryde, not Illyana Rasputin, not Phoebe Cuckoo, not Irma Cuckoo, not Scott Summers, not Emma Frost, nobody!
It's upsetting to be confronted with the IRL harm of forcing homosexuals to live false lives, that's just something that I don't want to acknowledge.

Look at all the harm to us that has come from Northstar "coming out".
Can't you see how ridiculous it is that a macho manly character like Northstar is turned gay by one writer who had an agenda one day as part of a vast conspiracy within all society to force upon straight men homosexual thoughts!
It's madness! It just doesn't make any sense!

Bobby is going through all the gay pride revelations until Emma confronts him with a page mocking the young x-men page where she tells him he isn't actually gay and that Jean accidentally mucked with his mind while there were no proper psychics around to limit her powers like Professor did when she was in her proper timeline.

But I'm confused...
wasn't the only reason one socialist writer at Marvel made him turned him gay one day is because the second FOX movie had him in that "coming out" scene with his parents?
And that's where that idea began?
Or wasn't it that FOX cartoon "Family Guy" and it's one joke in passing about Iceman being gay that started this whole "Bobby's gay" lie?
Wasn't it FOX who created this crazy fake lie about Iceman???
So how can FOX fix the gay?
Especially after what they put in their last X-Men movie...

Family Guy had that scene. And there were fans who hated Bobby and mocked him as gay online. Bendis turned that into "fans have speculated for years."

I'm convinced if you lean into this hard enough, you can circle back all the way around

If the solo is received so poorly (which I can't imagine not happening) and the prospect that ir doesn't do too much damage (which I can't imagine happening), I suppose they could just say that he was confused or some shit and the original Bendis story will become ridiculed in the future like when Lois Lane turned black and stuff like that. Or some writer could say that he was confused because of the past Bobby and that he is straight so they can have two of them. Classic Bobby being straight and past AU Bobby being a fudgepacker. Kind of like what DC did with Wally West.


It's a good thing Northstar's characterization wasn't driven by his sexuality after coming out, and that his creator was the one to decide it instead of hamfisted attempts at scoring points with SJWs.

Make him bi. Then stop making an issue o this fac... Oh wait we're talking Marvel here, race and orificial preference mih as well be a fuking super power to them, he would be a male Tila Tequila.
Yeah... Scratch that, Im bi and I hope Marvel stays away from us.

he doesn't have a political agenda he's just a slimy attention whore

was Lobdell his beset writer ever?

You do know that Scott and Emma are both transsexuals and have switched bodies before, right?
So why the fuck would a tranny go out of their way to "cure" gay?
Not to mention the stupidity of thinking that if that was even possible in such a casual way that ONLY one telepath would ever have done it?
OH, but I forgot: you think this is a vast feminist conspiracy by an "emotional woman" that thinks being gay is a punishment.
Because you're too stupid to recognize that not everyone holds the same bigoted beliefs as you.
And you also think that none of the half-dozen other telepaths around noticed this horrible crime?
That's stupid too.
Or was it that you think every other telepath is also in on this "gay is a punishment" conspiracy?

You people make me sick. It's not so much your homophobia, it's your stupidity.


that "started with Bendis".

>thinking it's about homophobia

Some of us don't like having an entire character's personality erased and replaced by constant thoughts about being gay.

If you want a gay character in your books write about Anole, he needs love and could've fit on the young xmen team as token gay character that they turned bobby into.

what did happen to Bunker? I actually have no idea what happened to that whole batch of teen titans or Conner or Gen 13 right around the start of the Culling event or whatever it was called

Are you fucking with me here?
He's a literal fairy who's light in the loafers.
His characterization *IS*, was, and always has been that of a flaming queer.
If you never noticed that, or any of the "Northstar-is-gay" in-jokes over the years, it's no wonder you couldn't spot the obviously gay characters, and are so dumbfounded by one of them FINALLY coming out.

It's so sad how you don't have any token heterosexual characters in all of comics...
POOR POOR YOU! Waaaaaaaugh! Baby wants his bottle!

Fuck off.
You are playing pretend here, you couldn't pick Iceman out of a line-up before he came out.
This "BIG IMPORTANT" issue for you is just now a way to take something away from a minority group you ...
... hate and fear for their difference.

Still can't figure out why everyone knew Bobby was gay despite Marvel having never said it outright?
Just how dumb are you Sup Forums bigots?

actually giving him something to do would be a start
that's something, not someone

Sup Forums idolizes a gay man who loves the BBC. They don't give a shit about morality. Try again. And don't think we can't figure out you're an /lgbt/ infiltrator.

This. Aaron gave them a kid in the future. He was clearly into that pairing.

>implying Bobby's and Mystiques relationship wasn't great
>implying Bobby going crazy and freezing New York wasn't one of xmen's best storylines

This is one of the O5 not a new mutant like the native american girl I can never remember the name of despite enjoying everything she's in.

I love how hitting on Dazzler is on his daily chore list.
I guess now hitting on Colossus is on his next to-do list.

But he has always been the Omega-level mutant that's "holding back".
Odds are that he's finally going to start take training and learning how to use his powers seriously.

Remember: YOU said you liked him together with the shapeshifter.

If anything that makes him bisexual leaning towards women.

>native american girl I can never remember the name of
Dani Moonstar?

And that pairing pissing off Bendis so much that he went scorched earth on Bobby is the sole reason that he was made gay in the first place.

Wait, why was Genocide considered a core x-man?

Neutering, of course

Retards like you who act like fucking children to win arguments by having the opposing side give up are the reason the left is losing so many people.
The right has it's own reasons.

Are you so fucking intentionally retarded that you're actually going to make me explain the concept of "living in the closet"?

Okay. Let me make this perfectly clear:
Your limp-wristed dandy of a father doesn't love your mother, not like he would love being married to a man, he doesn't enjoy having sex with her, he's thinking about big hairy men the entire time he missionary-position chore-sexes her.
So why is your gay daddy in this sad fake relationship where he's trapped by having children that need a stable family?
Because bigots like you hurt marys like him, Be honest: you've planned a hatecrime before, that's the stuff that your gay daddy has always lived in fear of, and your gullible idiot mother is so happy to be wanted by any man she's willing to ignore the obvious signs that your daddy would rather be smoking sausage than obligation-humping her.

But hey, you're the prick who thinks a lesbian can be turned straight by being raped, so when you're inevitably gangraped in the prison showers and traded for cigarettes you'll find out for yourself that sexual activity doesn't necessarily mean there's attraction there, or that it's always enjoyable.

He disappeared along with the rest of them

Lobdell's TT is what got me into comics
its super embarrassing but I like it still

The thing about Literature is the writer writes the characters inner feelings right on the page so we can all see. Bobby never thought gay stuff whatsoever, so this hamfisted attempt at supporting pandering diversity falls apart.

Or do you think people can choose to be gay or not?

I didn't know people who were living in the closet tend to hava a series of relationships exclusively with women and required a teenager telling them they were gay to realize it.

Moron, you're taking the side that nobody but you can have anything just for them that they would enjoy.
How is THAT mature?
How is objecting to THAT immature?

"The Right" has over the years become a Sup Forums party devoted to propagating intolerance as a "patriotic" Christian virtue.
Other people who are not you exist. You must learn to respect that. This is a concept that was once taught to toddlers.
I will never be made to feel shame for embracing that concept as a virtue, so stop trying to shame me for respecting others.

You have to go back

Better make sure the hispanic transgender man is also closet gay for added drama down the road.

You do realize you're not talking about a real person but a character who's personality and sexuality can change according to who writes him?

He was not living in the closet. His sexuality changed with a new writer. If it was the writer who created the character who at one point said he was gay then he would have been living in the closet.

Prick, the "pro-straight-or-bi-only Bobby" argument *IS* that being gay is a choice. And they're pushing that everyone who has that choice should only make the approved decision. What the fuck did you think was so offensive about it?
FYI: I can personally vouch to the fact that there are indeed people who are only attracted to one gender. Odd how some posting here don't understand that...

Getting outed often happens as simply as that.
Are you so dumb that you can't see that?
When the lie is exposed there's no going back to pretending and hurting yourself to keep it secret. So literally anyone, at any time, can end it just like that by finding out.

Or are you just mad that he didn't demand Jean keep the secret so he could stay in the closet ... out of fear and self-loathing?
Is that what you wanted for this character you say you care so much about?

If you weren't so dedicated in your stupidity I'd believe you were trolling,

Iceman had actual fans, not as many as Cyclops or Colossus but fans nonetheless and having everything about a character removed to make room for stupid sexuality stuff is insulting and uninteresting,

Also stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a bigot because noody actually cares one way or the other about him being gay just that being gay has become his only personality trait and the fact that they killed off most of his interactions with the xmen cast to fit in more sexuality drama.

Bitch I'm gay this is a shit change. There were actual gay people you could have pushed. Making a new one and pushing the rest. Fuck off with that bullshit.

At this point the only way to make it work would be to say that jean is evil and mind controlling him but maybe he's bi. Honestly they should keep him straight.

Fucking hell we have several gay mutants that could have been pushed over a fucking awful ass O5 teen. FUCK the O5 FUCK Benis for this fucking mess.

I'm talking about the depiction of something that happens in reality.
It's real. It happens to real people. It is a real form of persecution.
It makes you feel feels you don't want to feel? Too bad, that's the character. it's real for Bobby. That's the truth. And what he's gone through is a real thing.
So is child prostitution. Another ugly truth about the world. That's part of X-23's (Girlverine's) backstory.
So if there's a campaign by pro-child-rapists who demand that there be a retcon made so that this negative depiction in her history no longer exist, should that also be allowed?
How much canon do you think can be whitewashed away ... so that only good thoughts are ever had and bad things that actually happen to people IRL are never mentioned again ... and still have these characters still be who they are?
I'm thinking it's almost impossible to find a scene that confirms the fiction that Bobby was always straight without browsing through a whole lot of scenes that suggest he's always been gay.
WHY did Stan Lee include those scenes where Bobby is unimpressed with a female teammate?
Don't know?
I know why he literally couldn't have Bobby be openly gay: The CCA.
But you've chosen a conclusion already, one that defies the evidence but comforts your personal fears. That's bigoted.


You're gay. Yay for you.
I'm guessing you've always been gay, you have that in common with Iceman.
Just because you don't like the idea that someone can be in the closet without you personally being informed does not mean they were never gay.
Jesus Fucking Christ, you don't pull this denial shit when IRL people come out to you, do you?
This was always the joke about this character.
The (transparent) Iceman was a closeted flaming homosexual.
And SPOILER: Mystique and Destiny were the lesbian couple.
And Mr. Repressed Big Pink Explosion Cyclops was always closet trans.
And Storm is polysexual who loves whoever the wind blows her to but will always love Yukio first.
And Kitty Pryde is a joke name about how much this lesbian is proud of her pussy.
The Cuckoos are a highschool clique.
Quentin Quire is an internet troll who enjoys messing with people from a distance.


Stan Lee didn't make the character gay. Stop pretending you know anything about comics. This is just you projecting. This change was out of left field. He didn't even have any fucking setup beforehand. Northstar had fucking setup. This was just hackneyed. Stop defending bendis and get better taste.

Stop being pathetic and literally go back to tumblr. There are actual gay characters and projecting your beliefs about characters just makes us all look bad.

Iceman is straight

never forget !

Dazzler and Iceman would have been perfect

Honestly no one really cared bout Ice Man until he was made gay,

If you want to fix an X-Men character, try Angel,

> fixing angel
just put him out of his misery
Adult is trapped in never ending cycle of death horseman/apocalypse herir crap and betsy braddock breaking his mind
Young is reduced to air taxi for so-called female wolverine

I think Angel's big problem is that his only real power is flight, which is like the white bread of superhero powers.

It's only good if you have something to combine it with.

Hence his horseman upgrade

True, but something can be done with this anyway.
Angel could be one of the most "street-level" heroes (as is Falcon), using high-tech gadgets and his vast training and whatnot. I remember him trying that in early X-men comics (and maybe in x-factor run)
Instead what we get is a sorry, sorry mess. You cannot use "horseman power remission" too much, i believe

Original version Angel rocked.
He had this suck superpower and he was still the perfect guy that all men envied and all women wanted to kidnap, drag into sewer tunnels and repeatedly rape.
It's all those fixes to make him badass that screwed him up.

I won't say bad thing about that original storyline.
Angel's crippling was culmination of X-Factor's story about being "high-tech mutant hunters" who were being used by Hodge to stir up histeria
On the Apocalypse introduction (well, he was technically introduced a bit earlier) i am more ambivalent. Although i kind of like A-dude, horseman business wrecked angel. Maybe they should have used some other way to bring him back (if at all; i strongly believe dead should stay dead - and why is Kurt hopping around again i know not)

I do
he was my favorite Xmen

I bet he was the go to xmen by straight boys until he became gay

Dazzler already hooked up with Longshot, and parented Shatterstar (off-panel)
You remember Shatterstar? Here, I have a pic...

they should be gay together
that's a good ship

It is a miracle Dazzler is not insane after living in Spineless Ones dimension for so long
I mean, Longshot has lived there and he is serially amnesiac action hero programmed to raise rebellions. Sounds crazy to me
And isn't Longshot his own grandpa?

Longshot is his own Grandpa and Grandson
its a fun paradox
Dazzler doesn't know but she's a tough cookie, had to deal with a lot of shit

Fox isn't responsible for a family guy joke becoming a meme.

Dude, that's a real dick move to the kids who went through so much shit!

WOAH! WOAH! Hold the fucking phone!

What if Bendis made Iceman gay because he didn't like the ship with him and Kitty?

that just further cements the notion teen jean is his self insert.

we'll know for sure if he has teen jean hook up with a black guy.

Kurt not staying dead does kinda suck, but the fact that he's now actual demonflesh seems like a suitable consequence for being killed.
It does seem like he's going to end up in Hell for that, and that's crazy because he's still Mr. Religion.
But it's true they really need to start prepping all character deaths better in order for them to stick.
For instance: Scott's story was pretty much played out by the time he was bumped off, there's not much more you can do with were he ended up and as who he ended up as.
And having the paradox Babyclops as a backup to atone for his disgraced Older self is a great way to move on and keep the story going.
It's kinda the same with Jeanie.
TeenJean is a whole person without any fucked-up Phoenix history or Maddie Pryor mind-merging or dutiful Summer's wife adventures. You can almost forget the original... except for the fact that she's still alive as part of the Phoenix... maybe.
Whatever, it feels resolved.

What I Imagine korra and young justice fans look like


Dazzler and Iceman needs to be a thing

Why? What in God's name do they have in common? A love of showtunes?


Looks like that Armenian cuck Maddox tbqh.

Make a "Past Jean Grey is an evil power crazy villain" X-men crossover where at the end they send all the O5 kids back in time to get memory wiped and its revealed that she made Bobby Gay for some petty reason.