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>tfw no Ed Salad Sammy bf

He's not the tuna we want, he's the egg salad sammy we need.

Ed is a cute! CUTE

>tff no Ed bff to eat pizza, share feels and complain about roasties with

You'll never feel those giant sausage-fingers gripping your trachea...

I love this mother fucker. The lead is shit compared to our boy Ed.

Tfw Mindhunter inspires several anons to become serial killers, thereby making both the series and it's threads maximum comfy and engrossing. Kill your mom user.

ITT: Times you acted like Big Boy Eddy
>Mom drives me to school
>I tell her to drop me off a block away so nobody sees, but the bitch won't listen
>"It's raining, user, I'll just take you right up to the school"
>she's always fucking with me like that
>pull up in front of the entrance
>the car is easily visible to other students, GIRLS
>I try to escape the car
>The bitch KISSES ME ON THE CHEEK and says "I love you, user" where people can see!
>on the inside, I'm boiling with rage
>If a mother humiliates her little boy, he will become angry, hostile, and violent. PERIOD.
>On that day, I start to make my plan.

Good topic for discussion: what makes Ed "our" boy? Yes, it IS in your file, but, from your perspective...

You sound young, don't you think that a piece of drama illuminating the fact that shitty early-life experiences, left unexamined, could lead to the worst outcomes is a good thing? Angry young lads can take something from that