

It's VOD Tuesday and the most anticipated found footage film of the year is out but there's no HD version yet. I will report in this thread when we get an HD version.

There's also this alien found footage film that comes out today VOD but no release so far. I will make a thread for it when it appears, if at all.

Found footage lovers, get in here!

Other urls found in this thread:

already beat you to it, vod bro

still love you tho

Do I have to watch the first one?

Yeah, you probably should.

Oh well. I'll keep my thread up so that I can update people on the HD version. I fucking hate these EVO HDRips. I woudn't watch anything less than the 720p WEB-DL.



I'm disappointed that the premise isn't the idea I thought it was going to be. I had a really good idea for the sequel, one that's really obvious if you think about it for a second. This one premise just looks like it's gonna steal from Man Bites Dog

I never even heard of this shit

you have limited taste

Try watching it


Amazon version is out



Never thought I'd see Duplass's dick, but there it is.

I'm surprised they actually did it this time and not last time.

where can i find the original? All i keep getting is some horror movie about a train station in England.

Look for the 2014 movie.

>being this retarded

holy shit man

thanks bro

great answer, keep it up schlomo

First one was ok, ending was so stupid though.

This is going to be a trilogy

2nd one is interesting so far. She got on the road with him.

>ending was so stupid though.
you're pretty fucking stupid

Woah nice argument as to why it was good. Here's mine:
>Who the fuck would agree to meet this guy at all, let alone in a secluded spot

The ending is the best part. I laughed quite hard.

>ending was so stupid though
no it wasn't ;)

man i was thinking about how the title sound familiar and then i remember the movie
it was pretty ok

I really liked the first one but I had no idea another one would be made.

you didn't have any """argument""" why the ending was stupid in the first place
thought since we were just shooting shit I'd join in as well and express my opinion

2 more after this

Are they all still private trackers or? How long until they hit public.

i don't think the ending of the film was stupid, it is just that the guy is stupid
even the fucking creep laughed about it afterward about how fucking naive he was

>2 more
the fuck, i know they are pretty cheap to make but goddamn
are they trying to compete with avatar

This is better than the first one so far.

I wish this woman wasn't an ugly ass towelhead.

wew lads

just what i was waiting for.


he's a big guy

I thought the first one just came out...



Ok that was actually more entertaining than Creep. I just wish I liked the woman more.

>I just wish I liked the woman more.
starting to sound like a creep there buddy
don't start going around hacking people you hear

FF horror is as bottom of the barrel as you can get. I'll pass.

Am I really supposed to take that numale seriously as a threat?


fuck off, fag

Already have, hence the "I'll pass" remark

Any streams?
where are you guys watching this from?

we torrented it. there's 4 different versions of it out there, including the 6GB Amazon rip.

Why should I watch this considering how shit the first one is


The first one was great. You just hate found footage.

What was your idea vs what is this?This guy gets it
This guy is lonely

Dude that's literally the point. Jason was basically amused by Aarons innocence and wanted to see how dumb/naive he was compared to his other victims. Aaron represents the people in society who think they're invincible just because they live in a first world country and have an iPhone in their pocket

Damn dude that's hella deep

I don't hate it really but I do find it to be a very weak genre, and I am a big fan of horror films otherwise. To each their own

Thanks I'm a big Rick and Morty fan so lately my iq has been on the rise as I've been dabbling in theoretical physics text books etc. One step closer to enlightenment, namaste user!

then dont watch it you crying fag

>there are people in this very thread who thought Creep was supposed to be a super scary found footage horror film instead of a found footage comedy

Holy shit, I dont even have a brainlet wojack meme that's deformed enough to mock you people with.

Josef was the killer

Literally every post in this thread thinks it's a horror

it's a horror comedy. the most kino genre


no u

eh first one was better


This shot in the first one is better than the entirety of the second movie. Every thing is better in the first movie even the end credits.


>This shot in the first one is better than the entirety of the second movie.

not really

uh. what is so great about that shot?

For you, maybe.

Do you guys like short films?
Anything good you can recommend?


Nothing really, it's just more memorable than anything in the second. Not to say that I didn't enjoy the second, I did, I just felt it wasn't as good as the first, but it wasn't shitty or anything. This Mark Duplass guy is great, I really like him in these, I hope this guy gets more parts.

>tfw no qt youtuber will never come film me and strip in front of me

>>tfw no qt youtuber will never come film me and strip in front of me

Giv qt youtuber hot tub massage waifu

Duplas was really working that haircut

it was shit