Is Storm the only Black magic girl in comics?

Is Storm the only Black magic girl in comics?

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she's not magic
well, except that one time Loki gave her a bootleg Mjolnir. Stormcaster I think its name was

So there's actually none?

Empress was Haitian

I don't think she currently exists

>tfw Slobo and Nita will never get their happy ending
Just fuck my shit up fampai

There's barely any black girls in general, let alone sorcerers.

Wanda recently had a run about her meeting witches from around the world. surely there was a darkie in there somewhere

lol no.

There were a few asians, and a couple of gypsies

There's Taranee from when W.I.T.C.H. had a comic series.

Pretty sure that a Indian.

Does queer diverse Mary Sue magic count?

Storm is like all "black girls" in cape comics, designed and drawn 99% like a white european model and then colored with a brown skintone, same as they do for the men.
Probably because they'd be shit on by racebait-whingers if they actually designed a character with actual black facial characteristics.
>yfw you realize that the "racist" black caricatures of the past are actually much closer to real life than the modern black caricatures that pretend to be representative

There's that black family from Amethyst Sword and Sorcery. I think it was the Topaz family?

Actually it was mentioned in some comic that Storm's features are from several nationality styles. Like a mesh of black white asian etc. So her looks are part of her being a mutant.

>they even rationalized the eurodesign in canon
Mein sides

Pretty much, though I mean where do ya draw the line when it comes to mutants.
"It doesn't make sense that this African mutant has European features. This comic that has a skeleton and nervous system inside a jelly body is ridiculous."

Storm was originally a cat. Cockrum took an unused design for an alien cat girl and decided he might as well use it on X-Men.
Frank Miller drew her as an African though.

She was a sorcerer in that Magik miniseries, think it was some alternate dimension/timeline version of her or something.

>Frank Miller drew her as an African though.
With a hairweave to be fair.

>search Vixen
>0 results

Physical magic still counts.
And she's not even that obscure. B list being pushed now to go A list.

I'm quite surprised.

You would think "African Voodoo babe" would have been a popular trope in the early days that still at least tries to be relevant.


Most people still don't give a fuck about her.
My dad watched DC's Legends regularly, so when I was over at his and it was on I was scrabbling to remember her name (I knew it was vixen, I just thought that was such an awful name it couldn't be right) even my dad couldn't remember who she was.

Voodoo actually formed in Louisiana and Haiti, it's a bit of a melting pot of beliefs.

>Bad name for a smoking hot supermodel with animal powers
I can't think of a better one.

This was really printed?

>anecdotal evidence about you and your father's joint dementia
yeah ok you must be right

I forget
Is hoodoo a different thing and people associate it with voodoo because it is similar name?
Or is hoodoo actually voodoo and it is just a different name cause different languages?

Surely there's someone from Black Panther's trove of characters.

Ah. My mistake.

Are you dumb?

Well it's not like he meant it offensively.
It's like seeing an old medical paper diagnosing a child as mentally retarded and going "why aren't they using the more PC terms that are around now?"

Ever heard of Mongoloid?

Calypso is just that. Shes a Spider-man villain with ties to Kraven and wouldve been good to use in Yost's Scarlet Spider

Uh, yeah? It's the same as Caucasoid and Mongoloid. Only a handful of people who look for things to get outraged about have a passing interest forensic anthropology, so no one's successfully forced the terms to change.

Voodoo is a religion, Hoodoo is a kind of magic.

Nah, italians just can't tell the difference

Ah yes, because any human being on earth has lips the size of tomatoes, dog-noses and lower jaws longer than the skull.

Does she count

I don't really know much about anything from the "big 2", but if you're including more obscure stuff there's Theresa from Empowered and Elka from Unsounded


Most black people are part European, though. Even in mos of Africa.

Is she east/north african? Because those blacks and a lot of african americans have suitable admixture to look like brown europeans.

I have a black co-worker who looks just like Storm facial feature and build wise. She just doesn't have the hair and eye color/elongated pupils, which are part of Storm's mutation.

Honestly Storm just looks like a black woman with mild Waardenburg Syndrome. It causes the eyes to be farther apart than normal, and a lack of eye pigmentation. It can even cause hair lacking pigmentation, but that's usually only a patch of white near the forehead like Rogue has.

The cat like pupils are another real life rare genetic anomaly some people are born with.

Waardenburg Syndrome ref.

Me grandmother is black with blue eyes, dunno if it's Waardenburg tho.

Her appearance is a result of her magical heritage, not her x-gene. She has magical potential but she's undergone any training in 616.

*never undergone training

>Blue hair
>Dusk brown
If my animus have taught me anything is those are the traits of an Indian.

there are African populations with natural blue eyes, no syndromes.

Storm just has all the uncommon features together.

Sistah Spooky

Why is it, whenever people complain about a mutant character's looks, it's always Storm?
Yes, most black people don't look like her. I haven't met many blue, three fingered germans either.

Voodoo is Haitian religion based on West African religion with some bits of Catholocism tossed in here or there.

Hoodoo is luck related superstitions, the local equivalent to tossing salt over your shoulder or knocking on wood.
