guys I'm spooked

you know trump is a verb, right?

I'm not sure if the existence of this makes Nick Spencer more or less of a hack.

Trump is a living meme, are you really surprised?

The Sons of the Serpent have ALWAYS been white supremacist KKK stand-ins.

I know, right?

Every American man, woman and child
We're all Sons of the Serpent now!


You realize Trump has been repeatedly accused of racism and shady practices long before his presidency because he actually does those things, right.

He's just got basic observational skills. Are you gonna jump down someone's throat if they said Trump's a shill for Russian interests?

user they're in a casino.



No, using that one quote to criticize the Pepe Punch on Twitter makes him a hack.
But trying to turn Punched Pepe into a meme makes hacks of us all.
And the increasingly un-ironic compliments for Hitler that Woke Twitter's churning out are not great.

Marvel is based in New York. New Yorkers hate Donald because they know better than anyone what he really is.

>people suddenly forgot that Trump existed and was a controversial and often ridiculed individual long before he ran for president

Really makes you think.

The problem with pretending to be a shit ironically is that eventually you always end up surrounded by actual shits who thought you were being serious.

He was a criminal before he got the chance to become a war criminal, yes.

Joe Casey lives in LA and he also thinks a guy mind controlling a woman into having sex with him isn't rape so he's not one to throw stones.

>they're still whining about Trump

He won. He's president. Sup Forums runs Sup Forums now.

Get over it.

Most New Yorkers loved him up until he ran, which makes sense because why would you hate someone who is essentially the personification of 'fuck off, got mine' that NYC is famous for?

So you don't actually know any New Yorkers? You're just basing it off of some stereotype like all Californians are hippies and all Texans are cowboys

I've lived in New York most my life, people laughed to begin with because it was the local rich guy doing a joke run. They don't agree with his politics, that's fine but he wasn't some villian character to most, just an abrasive dick in a city of abrasive dicks.

The sterilization of the city changed that so most new arrivals think thier opinion was and is always right doesn't mean he wasn't popular back then.

need your safe space huh

I had a friend who went to New York some years ago, she said it was the rudest city she's ever been to and she's a black woman from the south so that means something.

>The guy I like won, this means I matter now!

>fuck off, got mine
That's the conservative motto though.

You really don't understand how the monoparty works if you think this is limited to simply 'conservatives'

Hillary bitched about the alt right all the time. Apparently we matter a lot.

That's every human's motto

>Sup Forums runs Sup Forums
Keep telling yourself that

Did he? I always thought he was one of Hollywood's darlings until they excommunicated him during the election.

>Get over it.
Like you guys did the previous 8 years?

>The sterilization of the city changed that
That's what spooks me the most. How the hell does one sanitize freaking New York? I swear, sometimes I think liberals put something in the water.

I will because it's true

>Sup Forums ruins Sup Forums

>You're just basing it off of some stereotype like all Californians are hippies and all Texans are cowboys
Are you sincerely telling me, that not all Texans are gallon hat wearing, six shooters carrying, horse riding cowboys?
Because I tell you, sir, this is not a reality I am going to accept.

So in other words, they hate Trump because he's the ultimate reflection of why new yorkers suck so much?

How many people kept going "not muh" president 24/7 when Obama was elected to now?

actually most Texans are California hippies

I'm British. Only knew who he even was because I'm a wrestlefag and he shows up in WWE occasionally. Say "The Apprentice" and I think Alan Sugar, until a month ago I thought Trump had ripped it off from him.
Also it's the specific "let's fuck up Mexico, durn immigrants" part that really makes you think.

Also, this was in a comic I read last week.
It was published very recently but s'funny all the same.



he was.

Your watching history being rewritten by shills.

>ITT literal children who have never heard of Trump Plaza

>Are you gonna jump down someone's throat if they said Trump's a shill for Russian interests?
He probably should, if they're going to spout goofy conspiracry theories like that

alsmost as goofy as a birther conspiracy. Funny how Obama never flipped his shit on the daily like some people on twitter. its almost like he has more class and grace

>tfw seeing people digging up old media shitting on Trump as if it was prophetic but you remember Trump always being a whiney beta piece of yankee garbage
Hahaha don't call it a grave

>He's president.
Exactly. That means 4 years of justified bitching. Did everyone just stop bitching about Obama the second he got elected? No, we got 8 years of people doubling down on the bitching.

This is the future you chose.

Pfff Austin, maybe. Texas is mostly retired military.

The Air Force specifically sends people to Texas to die quietly.

>eight years
>Implying re-election

Obama did get reelected you illiterate chink boyfucker

He's clearly talking about Trump you fuckwit

Only in fucking Austin/Dallas

Fucking comiefornians need to get the fuck out of Texas. They fucking ruined California and fled to Texas and are trying to ruin it here.

Every time I hear some fucking Cali kid say 'You all' makes me 1 step closer to flying into a rage.

>Did everyone just stop bitching about Obama the second he got elected? No, we got 8 years of people doubling down on the bitching.
You can't be this stupid.

Ok, I'll suspend my sense of disbelief because it's kinda fun seeing retards shit on themselves from far away.

Not when he was talking about the 8 years you moron.

In that sentence he was referringto the eight years of Obama, and republicans bitching at Obama.

Learn to fucking read.

yes now that you didn't make herstory you get 4 years of justified bitching about the white supremacist capitalist heterocispatriarchy because the past 8 years of unjustified bitching about it are now completely erased from everyone's minds because your candidate didn't win


Only by population.
Major population centers are blue, rurals are red, holds true for every state.

So Texas is blue by population count, because the most of its population is in big cities not spread about.
It votes red as a whole because of districts having different weights.

Don't forget gerrymandering! Texas district lines are some of the most bullshit district lines in the country.

Texas Republican voters outnumbered Texas Democrat voters by 800,000 last election.

erm, yes? You really thought I'd dispute that, just because I thought the idea that Trump was a shill for Russian interests was pretty dubious

I believe what you're saying, but as a southerner I want to point out that we're usually VERY polite about everything, including our racism.

Yeah not even close. I won't disagree that it's the core mantra of evolutionary reality, but PLENTY of people live with a mindset of "helping others is the goal of any worthwhile life", and possibly even more live with a mantra of "what should I die for"

No goddam way. He wanted to be, but he was always a sort of harmless joke, which is partly why he decided to run I imagine.

it's called "southern hospitality" for a reason

Damn, that's 10 times more voters than Trump won the electoral vote by and one fifth as many voters as Hillary won the popular vote by! That's a lot!

He was spoofed in Gremlins 2 and that's decades old.

The south is actually really polite. Even the awful ones talk behind your back instead of being mean to your face.
Except minority races and white trash, who just get generally unpleasant altogether. "Niggermoment" is a real thing, though i'd like to amend that it's actually a class thing more than race.

Why do the liberals keep saying jobody complained about obama? This is like the fourth time in 3 days i've seen it (none of them on Sup Forums where politics belongs at that)
What fresh meme is this?

Remember when people kept insisting that Obama was born in Kenya, and therefore couldn't be sworn in? How about the rumours that he was Muslim, and never celebrated a Christian holiday in The White House?

Weren't all his casinos derelict by 2008? Because he ran them into the ground because he's bad with money, and then the Russians came and bailed him out?

It's more likely they just booked a convention space in a hotel that uses the Trump brand (since there's a lot more of those than there are buildings that he actually owns or has any stake in).

I just realised... Trump is Mirror Universe Teddy

Not just accused, he's been proven to have used racist business practices by the courts before. Learned them from his dear old daddy, the racist scot.

It was in Nevada too IIRC. And the ensuing monster fight destroyed some building with Caesar in the name. That narrow things down?

I remember when people said Obama's Nobel Peace Prize was a cheap stunt that would leave a bitter taste in everyone's mouth if he didn't cut down on drone bombings. Man, people came up with some crazy stuff back then.

Pic related is a nice sentiment but no one would brook that talk if Clinton won.

But he has no goatee. In fact, I'm pretty sure a MU Roosevelt would just be a HillaryMan - bald, bearded, thick classes, really comfortable with harassing minorities as long as no one's looking, etc.

Then again, I think an MU Paul Giamatti would be the same way, so I might be off.

At least those could have been legitimate issues to get him removed from office, evendors if they knew them to be false. "Not my president" has no legal ramifications.

>no one would brook that talk if Clinton won.

Keep telling yourself that. If Clinton won you'd see that image on just as many Facebook profiles, just not the same ones.

Will, Trump's currently in violation of the constitution for not divesting from his companies and he still has his tongue deep inside Putin's commie asshole, so those seem like pretty concrete issues to remove a president from office, unlike the "HE'S FROM KENYA" fairy tale.

(of course, the way the system works, it's incredibly hard to remove a president from office even if you have 100% positive proof that he's broken the law. So unless Trump does something to really piss off the Republicans he's safe even if they can prove he's a criminal.)

Hey gang.

Just checking in to remind you that I'm still not in jail.

yes, the President is truly magnanimous