Why does Hollywood think diversity = 'include more black people' while ignoring other races?
In Blade Runner the only Asians were those women screaming abuse at the Goose when he was going back to his apartment
Why does Hollywood think diversity = 'include more black people' while ignoring other races?
In Blade Runner the only Asians were those women screaming abuse at the Goose when he was going back to his apartment
SJW don't give a shit about Asians, and honestly neither do Asians.
diversity=not white
blacks have the darkest skin=least white=most diverse
They see blacks as inferior and Asians as superior. They're racist, basically and for all their dredging up the past with slavery none of them give a shit that chinks were slaves too.
Pic related guy is a meme. If you didn't know.
An inside joke.
He played the same character in 4 movies already only different professional professions. Or it's a life of crime
Jews run Hollywood. Marxist globalist propaganda. Diversity is their code for no whites.
Asians only count when directly contrasted with White people.
Can you imagine if Joi was Japanese or Korean
My gripe with it is that there's chinese characters everywhere in the movie yet barely any Asians
Imagine if the Gits bitch was japs
Never mind movie was horrible already
I love how feminist want more black and asians when it's a white male lead but you won't hear them when the lead is a white female. i don't recal feminists complaining that Rey, Wonder Woman, Ripley, Katniss, BĂ©atrice Prior , Captain Marvel, Aquagirl, Mystique, Black Widow etc are always WHITE CAUCASIAN females. No feminist cried about that
How often do you hear any other races besides blacks and whites complaining about "muh oppression" when it comes to acting roles?
I want more abos in movies. I'm sick of Idris Elbow tier diversity.
Jesus christ, thank god K wasn't some sassy black cunt
True, it wouldn't have mattered because the movie was shit anyway
K being black wouldn't work because then him not being the child would be obvious from the start. They literally care more about pandering diversity than plot.
Talking about sassy black guys
Seen the black tower last week
Dude 100% was a faggot
How did the "we need more diversity" meme turned into having a white female lead in every new movie?
They'd probably try to spin it as "we're all one and the same" type shit
>Asian SJW whinging
"Diversity" started as a thing in Hollywood back in the 80s, when both Hollywood and America were a lot more parochial than they are now, and all non-black non-white populations in America were miniscule.
Most of the grievance-mongering "baggage" of Hollywood representation is coloured by the black history of being 13% of the population but getting very little cultural attention outside of specifically black contexts, and having lots of problems in their history and contemporary society. That's why all the 80s/90s shows had specials that were basically the crack epidemic despite the majority audience being white basic bitch suburb dwellers. Hollywood got to "have a social conscience" by having token blacks in token black issues. Apart from a few actually creative filmmakers who used black actors for their individual merits or dealt with themes of US black society, it has always been committee thinking that put X% of blacks in X% of roles and hired X% of extras.
Only black actors and Hollywood bean counter agenda-pushers cared about it until the 2010s, when tumblr and reddit and more widespread US access to SJW courses in university put the idea into mainstream circulation, which included of course non-black "minorities", most of whom apart from the south Americans are actually operating at a higher level of community cohesion and upward mobility than the average 56% white American. So random Asians go to do sociology, see Full Metal Jacket once, read about Harry Potter not making a Voldemort-Elliot Rodger hybrid, and decide that acting like they've been oppressed or historically marginalised instead of simply foreign will get them further in society than allowing the historical race relations to stand.
>Asians, you are significant minority now
>you must choose:
>grow into position of economic and networking hegemony within pre-existing social structures
>or act like you're as put upon as the blacks and Mexicans
I've never seen a single mexican chimping out about a lack of mexicans in a movie
Asians all the time. Also (((white))) people.
Because Mexicans are Christians they are always represented in our Western culture and there is no "Mexican", they can be White Brown or Indian.
tbf more asians have been appearing in fox shows.
im pretty sure it because more asians are getting into those high level behind the camera jobs.
It's nothing more than affirmative action in progress.
Dress it up how you like but affirmative action is an admission of black short comings
The white male is the new 'Jew' equivalent of the 1930s.
It's perfectly, socially acceptable to blame them for all of societies ills.
I can't honestly remember any time when I kept track of how many colored people I've seen in a movie. This train of thought it pure insanity.
I still don't know why they still hire white people. They should go full diversity already.