How cringe are the Oscars going to be?

How cringe are the Oscars going to be?

My man Jimmy Fallon killing it as always

They were at maximum cringe for the 2016 Season, with Trump just having been elected.

Hopefully, they won't go full retard on the politics this year. It ultimately won't matter, since the ratings will be lower than ever.

I don't watch tv just read fake news and read real comment on liveleak

They forget that the whole word is watching them

Then us EU fags don't get a single joke

Same, I only read breitbart and watch liveleak

>actually watching the Oscars

for what purpose?

Haven’t watched an Oscars in 10 years. Don’t care don’t have to. Just look up the results the day after

im not going to watch a bunch of jews praise nonwhites for their complaining about whitey

Ugh get ready for the #Oscarssowhite shit Sup Forums