How you find the 4th episode tv?
The Gifted
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I'm watching it now on Hulu.
Boring ep
Are they hoping for the Ariel Winter audience?
I mean it's a nice departure from
And she's just as bad at acting! Must be the boobs.
Big boobs little brains!
So is this better than anything on the CW?
can someone make webms of those sexy scenes of natalie pls?
this looks fucking stupid
I imagine it to be about the same with just a smidge less whiney teen angst AKA CW formula.
so what are their powers exactly?
Manipulating shit at a distance
She kind of makes force fields which can move/block manipulate stuff
He just wrecks shit with his mind. Rips it apart.
She combines her powers with his to focus what he rips apart/breaks.
TV budget powers it is.
>The plan
>The preparation
>The battle scene
>The happpy reunions
>The magneto girl revenge
It was comfy and I liked it more than the previous actually.
so just a shittier version of Sylar.
thank you, can you make webm that scene too pls?
Unfortunately this seems like it is the end of her collars.
Absolute best grill coming through
Episoded needed more her but on the few apparances she still manages to save the day
Polaris was good too
she is hot thank you very much, at 28 minutes and 43 seconds she has a nice downblouse, can you make that in webm? maybe in slow motion or real speed
the downblouse is in that scene, can you make screenshots and webm with natalie's downblouse please?
It's less formulaic and monster of the week though right?
Like agents of shield and gotham have multiple arcs in a season whereas the flash drags out savitar for a whole season
So far I'd say it's closer to the Gotham structure as you describe it. Too soon to tell for sure, but it seems like they're going for the multi arc + long-term season big plot masquerading as subplot thing.
Gotham is more cartoonish though and this looks more sci fi, and I'm not saying either is a bad thing.
No MotW episodes yet.
didn't notice it during the episode
can't see how
Wow!!!! thank you very much
She is truly The Gifted on FOX
It wasn't as good as the last 3, but I still liked it. Also wtf, there's only 6 episodes in the season?
Good lord
>The Gifted began airing on October 2, 2017, and is set to run for 10 episodes. It has received mostly positive reviews from critics, particularly for its social commentary and cas
How is her acting on the show?
Huh, I'd just looked at the wikipedia page and only 6 episodes are listed. I figured that was all there was. I'm cool with 10 though
What’s with niggers and bimbos, seriously.
>10 episodes
Thought they were going to do the standard 18-23 mid-length season...
Nope, second season maybe.
I like when she stuck the dude with the syringe. She's still Root.
>creepy alienfu
So I wasn't the only one who saw that
Did you have any doubt?
I thought it was clear the minute she infiltrated that clinic like a pro on ep 2
No, each episode I become more and more convinced that Caitlin Strucker is just Root in disguise. I'm just waiting for her to brush somebody off by saying "I wasn't talking to you." Then I'll know for sure it's her.
Seriously though I like how the cool badass mutants have to keep getting bailed out by the cute sweet old housewife. She's literally the most competent one in that whole group.
should I expect another train wreck ending
>another train wreck ending
Don't forget the part where she basically handed them the plan to get everyone out without having to siege a fortress.
The only bad thing PoI ending is that she and mr Reese died, the only bad thing about Angel is that she and Wesley died, otherwise both are superb endings. Question is, should we expect her to die and become a goddess again? :'(
tfw some loser spoils the poi ending in a the gifted thread :^(
Didn't thought anyone cared or didn't know anymore. Plus the dude calling it train wreck seemed to be expressing an opinion on something he already saw. C'm on m8, this has been discussed extensively on poi threads, it's no secret. I can delete and edit still
reese didn't die though
I'm so sorry this happened to you user. If it makes you feel any better it's still absolutely worth watching even if it's been spoiled for you. It's legit one of the best tv shows I've ever seen, and the ending is pretty much perfect.
Not only should we expect it, but we should hope for it. Amy's goin for a hat trick.
Also somebody on the twitter asked her who her favorite mutant in the show was, she said she couldn't say because it's a spoiler. Mutant Amy confirmed
Repost after delete
Don't forget the part where she basically handed them the plan to get everyone out without having to siege a fortress.
The only bad thing PoI ending is that she and mr Reese died, the only bad thing about Angel is that she and Wesley died, otherwise both are superb endings. Question is, should we expect her to die and become a goddess again? :'(
Which Lynd sister is this
They've already changed her hair color to blonde...
Will they change it again for mutant Amy?
What color should they go next?
Fantasy white maybe?
The oldest, Natalie.
do their faces turn into potatoes as they age?
Looks more like the second one l
Well green is already taken by Polaris. White would be fine, but I wouldn't mind seeing her be blue again. Blueberry Amy is one of my favorite flavors of Amy.
what is this from?
Yeah, mine too. Just thought it would be too obvious and the writers would be confirmed Amybros if they do that kind of homage.
I'm just a bit worried if the change will be as painful as the others. Last episode we finally say mommy Amy getting her family back. Happy endings are usually a prelude of something worse to come
It's starting to piss me off how stupid everyone is, especially the son.
Almost everybody working in television is an Amybro tho, and if they're not, they quickly become one as soon as they work with her. Everybody she's ever worked with adores her. In fact the only reason she even ended up on Person of Interest is because Jonathan Nolan's wife was a massive fan of hers, and kept badgering him to hire her.
And I hope the show doesn't get too dark or cynical, I wouldn't mind a happy ending. Let Amy have one happy ending please for christs sake. The ending of this episode was a nice start, it didn't really make me feel, but it was nice.
i'm 2 episodes in, and it's so boring, desu. does it get better?
If you don't like it so far, you're probably not gonna like it at all. It stays more or less the same, quality wise
what's going on in this thread?
Waifuposting. I'm kind of sad that ayylmaofu isn't getting any representation, but I only have one picture with her in. The rest is all Amys. Hundreds and hundreds of Amys.
unwatchable unfortunately
>Let Amy have one happy ending please for christs sake.
Second that
>The ending of this episode was a nice start, it didn't really make me feel, but it was nice.
I don't expect to feel so hard after the first few episodes, quality feels require building, and we're only getting to know the characters. Even PoI started to make me feel only a bit later, when they dug deeper in Reese's past and Harold/Machine scenes. I doubt anything will match that kind of feel quality anyway, but if it does, it takes time.
Amyposting, Natposting, saw some Ayyposting there, all welcome.
Trying to pump in some show discussion to keep things fresh and comfy is nice too...
Sometimes I wish we would have a Sup Forums user to contribute with some lore maybe since I don't really know much about X men other than the movies
>I don't expect to feel so hard after the first few episodes, quality feels require building, and we're only getting to know the characters. Even PoI started to make me feel only a bit later
True, it takes time, and we're only 4 episodes in, but like I said it was still nice, just because happy Amy is always preferable to sad Amy, gif very much related. Although now that the family is back together, I don't really know what they're going to do now. I'm not sure what's going to drive the plot after that.
But about PoI, really? I had already started to feel like halfway through the first season, John was a tragic as fuck character.
>But about PoI, really? I had already started to feel like halfway through the first season, John was a tragic as fuck character.
Can't recall the exact moment, but I'm sure it's wasn't episode 1 immediately. We get a tragic war veteran like so many others, it's not until you truly know his pain that you feel.
Nothing made me feel more than Harold's scenes though for some reason.
On this, I think we say a glimpse of Polaris' past though. I'm placing my bets on her as the tragic char on this.
Missed my related Amy + Harold
I just hope we do see more of Polaris in general, she's my favorite character besides Amy, and I'm not just saying that because she's cute in a space alien kind of way, but she's actually pretty likable so far. That and I really dig the green glowy effect on her powers. I don't know why but it looks really cool to me.
And on the subject of PoI, I noticed something watching this. Why is it that PoI looks so much better than every other tv show? I mean I like The Gifted but it looks like dogshit compared to Person of Interest, most shows do. PoI spoiled me with its cinematography, no other tv show can compare. The colors, the way every scene is framed, fuck it was so good.
God dayum shes leggy. I'm amazed this show isn't more popular on Sup Forums given how many quality waifus it has
is that the kid on the right? he looks much bigger already what the fuck
>there are now 2 different shows about mutants along with a new movie about mutants from Fox
Are they connected or this still just every network trying to get its own MCU?
I think thats the dad on the right
Tallettes are bound to be leggy
Polaris best 2nd grill
>Spoiled by a great show
The sum of many parts. One thing that plays a major role is the music though. Quality storytelling + good music = feelscore. It just works. It reaches the deepest parts of one's brain.
Honestly, I feel kind of disappointed in most shows since Angel ended. A few jewels there have managed to get me like Fringe or Galactica, then PoI, and Amy was in 2 of those, so I did the math.
Same with movies. Been meh'd to death by most stuff lately.
I know it's unrelated but, then I saw the latest Blade Runner and my faith returned
Setting + Story +Music. It worked again
The fact AIs are a part of the topic helped bring PoI memories too
That and I was thinking all the time " I want a holo Amy I want a holo Amy... Cells
No cinematic universe. The Gifted is it's own thing according to what they're saying
So it's the first step of a twenty series plan of interconnected shitty CW tier shows, got it.
>One thing that plays a major role is the music though.
This has been my biggest gripe with The Gifted so far, forgettable music, which is annoying because I know they can do better. In the beginning of the pilot, when Blink opened up her portal it was accompanied by this really cool synthy music, but ever since then there's been almost nothing, and when there IS something, the volume on it is so quiet you can barely hear it.
Meanwhile even from the pilot episode of Person of Interest, they were blaring Ramin Djawadi's amazing score at every possible opportunity as loud as they could, and it was great. Good music can make a show, somebody needs to tell the people running The Gifted that.
Well so far it's already a lot better than CW superhero shows, so it's got that going for it.
Yeah, wish people knew that too. Well... best case scenario, they're saving the best music either from OST or from external artists for the climax scenes that could come, like you said, we heard synthy music once...
I wasn't crazy about that song they used when they were loading Reed and Polaris into the bus, I really hope they can do better than that as the season goes on. Or that it atleast isn't the only song they shelled out money for this season. That'd be disappointing.
t. blind person
defying gravity
Trolls gonna troll
No, think they have more themes... I don't think PoI quality will be achieved sadly, but what there is, its definitely not the last of it. With any luck, music gets better from time to time at least.
Tried to find a proper Amy... ended up grinning like an idiot while browsing. What's wrong with me.
You didn't even webm the best part.
Call me when Amy starts making out with Natalie
>Tried to find a proper Amy... ended up grinning like an idiot while browsing. What's wrong with me.
You're a dyed in the wool Amybro, be proud. I don't have that problem though because my Amy folder is a mess, I really need to reorganize it.
This show is really unrealistic, how could such a flat woman give birth to such a stacked girl? Fuckin immersion ruined
Never gonna happen, Amy's only got eyes for one woman.
Amy can be deceptive in that though... it's like they're small and cute, but well shaped. But true, there's no way Nat inherited her figure
That's like 90% bra though, pic related gives you a pretty good idea of what they look like, and they aint much to look at.
But that's ok, because we all know her best feature is her smile and that's more than enough.
and also her booty
I don't really matter they're tiny. They're cute! And I could still probably look for hours, just like her smile or her eyes or her nose or her booty I know some people are footfags which is not much my thing, but if it's hers... Also met a claviclefag once who kept asking about her neck
I think every part of her is perfect, can't reduce something like that to a mere fetish.
reminder to edit that pic
Anyway, one with the girls.
any good pics of the redhead
>I think every part of her is perfect, can't reduce something like that to a mere fetish.
I agree, she's pretty much my ideal body type for a woman, I dig that thin graceful ballerina look. I'm just sayin, on a girl like that the boobs aint really a factor at all.
>Also met a claviclefag once who kept asking about her neck
Hey I remember him, I made sure to save this picture just for him. Turns out he was also the gibposter.