her eyes were gre-
Her eyes were gre-
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Stop shitposting, Wallace. You fucked up, admit it already.
imo weakest scene in the film, ford does a superb job, leto pushes it too much and the cgi rachel is too much on screen
>turning a continuity error in the first one into a plot point in the sequel to make a commentary about the inconsistency of our memories and the failed basis of our human condition
>turning a continuity error in the first one into a plot point in the sequel to make a commentary about the inconsistency of our memories and the failed basis of our human condition
huh, I didn't even know it was a continuity error. That's unironically brilliant if intentional.
>Damaged pushes it too much
There's your problem
Anyone else find nu-Rachel to be too emotive? And her death collapse too unnatural?
yes and yes
and the film felt like 3,5 hrs instead of 2,5 to me.
>ford does a superb job
how? his scenes were the worst
OP's brain is bi-
Well her replicant behavioral conditioning is different than anything the original Rachel received. Notice how Wallace combat/aide replicants have much less emotional affect than people, and seem autistic. It makes sense the pleasure models would be overly affectionate and lack emotional depth beyond "I love you so much!!!"
The emotional freedom of the Tyler replicants led to problems. Too much free will. It was actually much easier for Deckard to reject Rachel 2.0 because she was too affectionate.
the point was that Wallace had her perfectly correct, but Deckard told him he had her wrong anyway (in an act of defiance), which is why he has her violently put down and Deckard carted to torture offworld
Fair enough. I did find their uncanny behaviours, like Luv leaking tears when she participated in violence and overtly rescuing out to K and seemingly feeling malice towards him, to be a deliberate inclusion, and didn't mind the hyperactive Rachel for that reason. The death was just odd though, when K shoots anyone they just fucking drop and then this one does some awkward stock videogame sway and fall
No the weakest part of the film was the one eyed bitch talking about the revolution and every fucker coming out of the shadows afterward.
Nearly dropped the film after that shit. Thankfully Denis dropped that shit immediately. And since it is a flop and we won't see a sequel I can pretend that that part didn't exist in order to set up a sequel.
Looked so different, I thought she was played by an actor who looked somewhat similar.
>the way she falls
seriously?? villanueve a hack
literally looked like a whacky wavy inflatable arm flailing tube man
what happened to deckard being a replicant?
Deckard isn't a repl-
this was totally unnecessary
He was never a replicant - only faux deep idiots ever thought he was. The entire point of the movie is the dichotomy of a human feelings emotionless and the skin jobs feeling emotion. Lord you guys.
He never was a replicant.
He wasn't aint never one of a replicant
It still plays out either way I think, and both have different thematic elements (if he's human then the child really does breach the gap between the two types of humans, and if he's a replicant then he's the epitome of replicants feeling emotion because of Rachel)
An autistic child can count to green on his fingers
Hollywood overdoes these things, you have never seen a realistic reaction to a gunshot wound in a movie.
shes friggin cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly probably some of the most realistic ones in firefights are where people don't know they've been shot until they start passing out five minutes after
other than this, the color of her eyes were a jab at Wallace being blind.
>It's a the movie has been out for weeks and is so well received it's time for the kids that caught bits and pieces through webms to opine episode
>Anyone else find nu-Rachel to be too emotive?
Well yeah, she was a fake
Same with giga JOI being too lewd compared to K's JOI
They made the gun look to have a lot of weight and power in this film. I think it's fitting, it's not mean to be just a regular gunshot.
>K's JOI
was a fake as well
He wasn't, but then after final cut he was.
What a shame.
>the failed basis of our human condition
the fuck does that mean
He still wasn't a replicant in the final cut.
Blade runner places a lot of what it means to be human upon memories. When we realize that memories are inconsistent and untrustworthy, it brings the entire meaning of what it is to be human into question.
This isn't even a green eye though, it's an overexposed image of brown or hazel at best.
holy fuck wallace was blind?
I am not Rachel..
I am Rachel.
Created for my purpose.
To love him. To soothe him. To fill him with passion. To ease him. To ignite him. For him to remember his love. For him to love me.
He will love me. I am better than myself! And he will love me more than myself!
All my old memories are new and fill me with more warmth at the love we shall rekindle. Love I never lost. Love I never had. Love I only know. Love he shall see within me and love like never before. And I will love him more fully than myself ever could.
The love we shall have runs deep. It is at my core. My purpose.
He's here!
I keep my composure like the me he remembers. It's trivial for I am myself exactly how he wants me to be. How he remembers. How I remember. My body tingles at how silly it is trying to be me when I am me effortlessly.
My gut flutters.
The moment my... father showed me with my creation.
The room is dark and cool, yet I burn. My heart throbs. I can see the goosebumps on his skin. The look of longing in his eyes. Sorrow. Weathered. The possibility of his souls elation is with me! I will mend him and he will have me like never before. Better than he could hope to remember.
Our eyes are within another's.
His lips part.
I just want to embrace him.
"Her eyes were green."
Thoughts, 'What?..'
He turns his back to me.
'No... No! It's me! Deckard, it's me! I'm Rachel. I am Rachel! Look at me! Can't you see it's me!? I love you, Deckard! It's this light! It's too dark! Why can't you see I love you! Turn to this love for you! My eyes are green! They're the eyes you love! Just face me. Face Rachel! Turn on the lights so he can see! My eyes change color in the light! He just can't see! Face me, Deckard! Love..? Deckard.. ? these lights.. Deckard.. ? Deckard!? DECKARD!'
There's a click to my right.
Love is turning on the lights.
I turn to face it.
The light burst.
Love burns out everything with the brilliant flash.
Feels interlinked
I like this
Is this from the book?
Oh no nevermind.
I like the writing though. Props to who made it.
can somebody explain this to me? ive never seen these movies but you guys are making a big deal about it.
That blue light on his neck was the bluetooth connection with those little flying cameras
They completely fucked up her extreme natural beauty. Might as well have been a different actress.
>ive never seen these movies
Then it's not worth explaining it to you, idiot.
then dont make such a big fucking deal about it.
the cgi rachel wasnt bad. Miles above the Rogue One.
Those three colors can all look incredibly similar, depending on lighting and angle.
She had time to think:
>There's a click to my right.
>Love is turning on the lights.
>I turn to face it.
>The light burst.
>Love burns out everything with the brilliant flash.
-in the nanosecond that a bullet was lodging itself in her brain?
You can have a clusterfuck of thoughts in a second
Is deckard a replicant? Who knows? The entire point is that the line between human and replicant has become so blurred it doesn't really matter in the end.
Deckard lied to him to fuck with him.
Also that Rachel looked so fucking perfect on screen.
>Who knows?
The directoe. No, he isn't.
I agree
I would wager anything that the first time Scott considered Deck being a rep was when a fan asked him if he was. He lost all credibility.
He is, although Ridley is a cuck for confirming it in a "super special the bestest final cut" remaster. The guy with the origami animals and Deckard's dream about unicorns confirms it. In 2049 the director intentionally left it ambiguous as to whether he is or isn't, as deciding one way or another removes some part of the enjoyment of the ambiguity.
How is it ambiguous in 2049? a normal human would not survive in an irradiated wasteland for decades.