Forgotten/Ignored abilities

>Cyclops has minor energy absorption abilities
>Storm has cat eyes doesn't appear on video or camera

She has cat eyes and THEY don't appear on video or camera or she has cat eyes and SHE doesn't appear on video or camera?

The latter

Some of the x men aren't even supposed to be caught on video. That includes storm, Longshot, havoc, wolverine, colossus, and a few others. It was during the outback Era of x men

Huh. You'd think that come up in X-Force, seems kinda handy for their stealthy business, although I didn't get far on the X-Force run she was in.

With Storm you're talking about that one image where she's de-aged right? She's probably invisible to electronics because of

Golden Age Superman had whatever the fuck ability he needed in that issue, even that fucking page for that matter

Hulk can see ghosts.

the X-Men's ability not to filmed was a magical spell that eventually wore off.

in the end of Fall of the Mutants, the X-Men fake their deaths and the magician Roma gives them their cloaking powers,It's never explicitly mentioned but those powers simply faded away by the time X-Tinction Agenda rolled around 3 years or so later, when the X-Men are put on public trial on Genosian TV.

As the ruler of Limbo, Magik can make it not look like a hellscape 24/7.

Kingpin and Daredevil are eskimo brothers thanks to Typhoid Mary.

Not sure that counts as a forgotten ability since the source of his power was changed entirely.

Emma has latent telekinesis.

He still absorbs energy, he just uses it to open portals in his eyes instead of producing the optic blasts himself.

>Storm has cat eyes doesn't appear on video or camera
Claremont really was a perv, wasn't he?

Thor has earth powers, also doesn't need Mjolnir to call forth lightning.

Cyclops is good at spacial geometry

And clothes

Superman can literally get all of his Silver Age powers back if he can figure out what dimension Sandman Superman lives in.

Cyclops and Havok's powers can't work on each other. Cyclops' powers don't affect Vulcan.

Vulcan's powers work against both Cyclops and Havok. Only Havok's powers work against Vulcan.

Now which train arrives first?

In an issue of Green Lantern where Hal and Guy decide to investigate a case of missing Lanterns, Hal mentions he has a gut feeling that they're still alive. The Guardians make an off hand comment that gut feelings are a low level psychic abilitiy that humans possess.

Mr. Sinister's engorged erection.

>And clothes
That's an ability I don't have to read about.

Kitty Pryde can walk on air.
Nightcrawler becomes invisible in shadows.
I don't know how either of those has been forgotten though.
With Kitty she used to do it every other page and it really helped with how her ability worked. Otherwise you would need to assume that she can just passively move through objects or something.
And with Nightcrawler, it's literally his fucking name.

>Nightcrawler becomes invisible in shadows.
they had that in the X-Men 3 tie-in game

The Wall has never been beaten by Spider-Man.

I'm pretty sure glamour is like makeup and you need to reapply it every so often.

Rachel Grey's time travel powers. It's like everyone forget how she got in 616

This happened.

i was so mad at Waid not referencing Scott getting powers from the sun in Champions 4

not because i need it or anything but because that's the kinda thing i expect waid to reference. so i guess disappointed not mad

>Emma has latent telekinesis.

So does Xavier. It's pretty common in telepaths.

So's Daredevil and Spider-man through Black Cat.

I wonder how far this chain could go.

I actually really like that

I saw a flow chart somewhere that says, by extension, everyone in the Marvel Universe has kissed Tony Stark. And that was before him and She-Hulk hooked up so now its even more connected

Iceman being heterosexual

Silver Surfer has transmutation abilities and has turned gold into sand

Gambit has a low level charm power where people will agree to what he is saying as long as he doesnt stop talking.

Iceman powers are technically a connection to niefelheim, the dimension where the asgardian Ice giants live and thus he can start the ragnarok.

Carol Danvers has died when Rogue absorbed her, what now resides in her body is a simulacrum put together by Xavier over time out of her memories, it's not a person.

If cyclops remains too long out of the sun his powers turn off.

>Iceman powers are technically a connection to niefelheim, the dimension where the asgardian Ice giants live and thus he can start the ragnarok.

First introduced with loki decades ago, recently played up in a short x-men story where he fights Thor

The Genesis game gave the optic blast the ability to bounce. Pretty neat. They are often portrayed as a red kamehameha these days.


>eskimo brothers


>Nightcrawler becomes invisible in shadows.

So if he went to a sunny beach and sat under an umbrella he could turn invisible?

It's a term that means you have both banged the same girl.



Motherfucking magic, I tell you.

That's just silly.

wasn't that a what if

Magneto can astral project too

Cable's, because it time-travels.

Writers occasionally remember that Wonder Woman can talk to animals (it even came up in the TV series once or twice), but I don't think I've ever seen her use pic related

i really don't think Stan knew what magnets actually were

>this thread

Sometimes dead is better.

Clint Barton is a skilled crafter and acrobat.

Bitch, everyone can astral project if they sleep with a magnet under their pillow, are you even trying?

Is Immune to reality manipulation

You could write a whole book on it with Transformewrs and their original bios and stuff from the early seasons of the cartoon

>megatron drawing his cannons power from a black hole

Even scientists don't know what magnets are.

>Cyclops has minor energy absorption abilities

Wasn't really forgotten, the source of his powers is still ambient solar radiation, and there were some stories when he got explicitly charged up by his brother (they are immune to each others powers - they absorb the others attacks).

Havok had his absorption thing mentioned specifically when they fought Vulkan in space. They locked him away 10000 meters under water in a cell, so he can't charge up. It took him months to get enough power to break his door. Also, a bit earlier he was thrown into a star and got charged up so much that he could overpower Vulkan, an omega level energy manipulator who can fight Black Bolt to a standstill.

Does that mean she was just stuck outside of everything when Secret Wars happened?

and an asshole that is literally bottomless.

In Secret Wars, Magneto manages to telepathically probe Galactus.

It's just enough for Galactus to notice him and Xavier, and he responds by wrecking their fortress in half with a thought.

I consider telekinesis of both Xavier and Emma to be mistakes, as in, they were never referenced again.

Xavier blew up a Sentinel with his mind early in Claremonts run, but his mind blasts were never again shown to be similar to force beams, and so far he has been helpless against machines for decades.

It was in the sea, he was with one friend/colleague in a ship.

A forgotten ability of Emma Frost is that she hasnt been an inventor of machines for decades.
She created a mind swapping gun, and she also created the machine that allowed Mastermind to access Jean Greys mind directly.
When Frost Industries existed, and she was a super wealthy villain, it made sense for her to be an inventor.

Black Cat fucked Wolverine and Luke Cage, and I think also Flash Thompson and Puma.

Emma fucked every guy that appeared in the same panel with her. That's a big brotherhood right there.

And I haven't even mentioned She-Hulk yet.

That's what happened in house of M for a while. She was stuck in that white void just killing time with Rachel for a while till they decided to worm their way into things

I want pregnant betsy and Raven Betsy yuri

He also know what's happening in New Mexico at all times.

Godwilling that's what the Exiles were doing too, just waiting for reality to work itself out.

That or they were killed by the Beyonders as the first casualty of the war.

I think it's more that because Magneto is Xavier's archenemy, writers like to give Magneto similar kinds of mental powers, but his canon powerset is so familiar and straightforward no one wants to retcon it.

>You could write a whole book on it with Transformewrs and their original bios and stuff from the early seasons of the cartoon

With the TF books being written by fans nowadays, a lot of those pop up quite often now. Just a while ago Megatron used his antimatter projection as a deus ex machina.

But can he become a ghost?

>Black Cat fucked Luke Cage

oh, and just in case there is any doubt.


I cant find the next page in google images, but in Uncanny X-Men 98 Charles destroys a Sentinel with his mind as if he could shoot power beams.

Quicksilver had magnetic powers since he was Magneto's son.

>That or they were killed by the Beyonders as the first casualty of the war.

They were killed long before that by allowing Claremont to write the book. It turned into a Psylocke/Rouge/Kitty/Mystique jerk off fest, like with everything else he writes.


>Cyclops is a whiz at visualizing spaces and geometry
This is one of those cool secondary effects of powers that I want to see explored more. I wouldn't be surprised if it influenced Xavier's decision to use him as the leader since "tapping in" to Scott's brain is like opening up a sonar image of the room he's in.

Also Scott's brain is incredibly well ordered and his thoughts are deliberate which is why he attracts telepaths.

here Emma is fighting her future boyfriend. What are her Light Spears supposed to be?

Magnetism was also an old term for mesmerists and spiritualists.

Man old Blackie could do a whole lot of things
>stole the energy from human torch turning back to normal
>reversed the energy of the Nova force
>turned regular matter into anti-matter
>mind control by by shooting electrons into someones brain
>creating hypnotic patterns out electrons
>turning of the power of the ten rings
>creating things out of thin air via matter manpipulation
>removing the oxygen from an area and keeping the oxygen in a ruptured spaceship
>people remember that he can survive in space but not that he can make other people do it too
>creating force fields
>the master blow
>turning off Maximus's powers
>creating a magnetic funnel to close black holes
Probably a bunch I have forgotten

Condensed semen of all her lovers

>Also Scott's brain is incredibly well ordered and his thoughts are deliberate which is why he attracts telepaths.

They mentioned this once when Emma and Scott were taking a vacation in Savage Land. Scott was fighting some dinosaurus for fun, and Emma explained to Shanna that every time, Scott it thinking of every possible solution in a fight simultaneously, assessing which one works out better, what are the enemys weak points, etc. And looking at that thought process is quite phenomenal and oh god I wish you could see it too, he is so awesome, and also I can turn into diamond and look at his eyes any time I want to, unlike that skank Jean.

Probably the same thing as Psylockes psychic daggers, you know, the one that Claremont always had to state, in every issue, every time it was used, that it is the totality of all of her psychic powers, focused into to one strike.

>Emma to be mistakes
Twice in Generation X, once in Uncanny X-Men.

No way she's 27

he sure as shit can now

She actually invented those? I always thought she just paid scientists to build shit for her.

Xavier was explicitly mentioned to have limited telekinesis in Ultimate X-Men. Just enough to levitate a glass of wine, or to be able to enter the Hellfire Club through the front door by levitating himself up over the two step of stairs.

Worse, Hudlin.

Bumblebee had bee themed power armor and gadgets, she did not have shrinking powers

the adventures of emma frost and user storytime when

Dr. Druid and Dr. Strange are just really big magnets.

she invented those

here "white queen's design, use a telepath to ensnare a telepath"

Since she later was shown taking tests by just scanning the minds of normals to learn the answer, she might have learned a lot about comic book science from doing that to others.


As is Longshot.

See, if I was writing X-Men I would also use this and the punches from the punch dimension.

What I would do is explain that Scott's eyes are portals to an 'potential energy supply' but in fact, Scott's entire body can serve as a 'portal', yet because of the brain damage he received, his powers were broken. I would also state that theoretically, this energy can be changed into any sort of energy Scott wishes it to be. However, because Scott is Scott and is so afraid of losing control, he subconsciously prevents himself from using anything but kinetic force.

I could actually write an entire Summer's saga involving all of the Summers around the multiverse with this idea.

>geometry that doesn't work on a pool table
>not unlike photosynthesis

>Scott's entire body can serve as a 'portal'
So basically how Havok's shoots out his plasma blasts when he's not wearing gear?