Check his Tinder

>check his Tinder
>favorite movies: Iron Man

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>check his Tinder
>favorite movies: BvS

I can understand not liking the sequels but not liking the first one? literally neck yourself

>She uses Tinder

Thot detected.

Okay I mean she's trying to get better at sex for the good guy so at least her heart is in the right place

>They're pathetic enough to need tinder

Explain what's wrong with this.

>Have crazy sex with bad girls.
>But marry the good girl.
WTF, I hate men now.
>B-but gurls are supposed to be different.
Fuck off.

They literally are though. In western civilization, women are the gatekeepers of sex. Every sleazy asshole who brags about banging all the women he has was allowed access to doing so. There is no effort whatsoever on the female in our society to achieve sexual intercourse and the men that slept around were ostracized as cads and lowlifes and the chastity of women was elevated.

There's already enough scientific proof and data to make it clear that women who engage in promiscuity grow up to be far more unhappy and unstable than those that do not.

What's wrong with it is she thinks she can change her behavior after a decade of fucking the bad boys. People don't change over night, and "get it out of your system" is the typical myopic, ad-hoc reasoning that passes for ethics to a liberal/feminist.



Burn in hell.

there is literally nothing wrong with the first iron man movie, you walking sperm receptacle

>Check his Tinder
>Under 6'2"

>There's already enough scientific proof and data to make it clear that women who engage in promiscuity grow up to be far more unhappy and unstable than those that do not.
Post it senpai.

>Under 6'5"

>They literally are
We're talking about morality here.
>social sciences are bunk
>except for these examples i cherry-picked to support my claims

>astrally connect with a fellow ethernaut navigating the great cosmic spirit of being
>they use tinder

>Check his Kik
>He doesn't post Sup Forums themed dick pics


Wait are you creating a scenario or just a flaming homo?

I can't find the study that compared partner count to STDs, length of marriage and happiness, but there's this.
>discrepency between number of sexual partners

Pretty much a "high partner count" person doesn't change at all but just lies to themselves and their spouse.

Shit man. These studies aren't even hard to find but you'll find a lot of skanks handwaving them as they grow older and more alone, steeped in denial.

>We're talking about morality here.

Except there are distinct differences between what the two genders engage in/are subjected to. I'm sorry you haven't realized it yet but by no means are men and women equal nor are the things they face.

>check her tinder
>favourite movies: Seconds

Women are expected to know better because they're regarded as wiser and smarter than men.

That's interesting but doesn't look causal. Do you have a means to get to the full study?

Women are the choosers, and men are the ones who are chosen. There's a lot of anthropological studies to back it up, but honestly it's just common sense. How do you kids not already know this, seriously how naive are you?

is this a jojo reference?

>women are chooser
>therefore women who fuck around are "bad"
Really makes you think.

>check her Tinder
>favorite movies: Joe Dirt

>therefore women who fuck around are "bad"
Not really. All this chooser/chosen stuff is instinctual, to help us survive in a tribe. But people don't live in tribes now, or at least not in the civilized world. Because of birth control and shit, it really don't matter if a chick sleeps around. I'm just saying there's an anthropological reason why it irks people, and why the same reasoning doesn't apply to men.