ITT: Sup Forums characters you'd go gay for

ITT: Sup Forums characters you'd go gay for.

im already gay for him senpai

>ywn be whispered sweet nothings by his sweet Australian accent
why even live?


Fraternal love.

You, OP


So gay that I already spent $150+ on commissions this past week for people to draw him and plan to spend more later.



>all these furries

Does post-S1 Gumball trigger you or something?

Your face is a furry.

Half of Sup Forums is furfag shit.
Welcome newperson

you really should stay in trash.

S2 Gumball is good too but S3 is an ugly asshole
>circular eyes

Izuku Midoriya isn't Sup Forums but he's a superhero and he's the only male to make me weak in the knees

110% gay for the fox.
Why did they have to make him so handsome?

But user, Gumball is a girl.

Took me by surprise. One minute he's just some toon bird in this mediocre movie, and then he made this face...

When going gay is the main concern and going zoo is not even something you give a second thought to, that's how you know you've had to much Sup Forums.

he's some gay's fursona.


dofus cartoon.


weird thing is he reminds me of a friend irl


I like that guy a little too much.
Also the same case applies for Dan, I don't think I could go gay for a stranger.

Thanks, is that character only in one episode or is he recurring?

He appears in every episode, he is the main character.

just get over it.dont know whats so special about saying you have a crush on cartoon character