At the forefront of the mission is former Inhuman king Black Bolt and current Inhuman queen Medusa...

At the forefront of the mission is former Inhuman king Black Bolt and current Inhuman queen Medusa, who have been working together in recent years, though they’ve been living separate lives. How will living and working together initially impact the formerly married couple’s dynamic? What does it mean for the rest of the cast to have Medusa and Black Bolt on this mission together?

Black Bolt and Medusa are closer than they were in some ways, but there are still things driving them apart. There’s a secret between them – as hinted in “Inhumans: Prime,” which I think is out the month before – that might end up putting more distance than ever between the two of them. Can the relationship be saved at this point? Should it be? Are Black Bolt and Medusa too far apart from each other now to reconcile? We’ll have to see, but I can tell you that when the truth comes out, the rest of the cast will definitely get involved.

Your other two cast members of the Inhuman Royal family are Crystal and Gorgon. What’s your sense of these characters?

Crystal is there as one of the key Royals, and she’s proven her credentials over the past couple of years as a leader. There’s an interesting dynamic somewhere in there, with her sister Medusa as the regal, mythical Queen figure, and Crystal as a more down-to-earth leader-type who gets her hands dirty with the day-to-day. And we’re going to be getting some romantic drama from her as well, as her great lost love, Ronan the Accuser, is out in space and very much in the Royals’ way.

Gorgon was recently healed from a spinal injury by the Inhuman healer Panacea, so he can walk again – but it wasn’t a magical reset button by any means. He has bad days and some serious pain issues. But the Inhumans need him, and Medusa needs him, and he’s not going to hesitate for a second before throwing himself back into the fight.

Other urls found in this thread:

The two Nuhumans in “Royals,” Flint and Swain, had a pretty tumultuous journey with Crystal and Gorgon over in “All-New Inhumans.” Which of these characters’ traits do you find especially interesting? What kinds of roles will they play in the book?

Flint’s going out there because he owes the Royals and because he needs to prove something to himself, and he’s still working out what – sometimes people do things and work out the “why” of it later, and we’re not going to get into it for an issue or two. His foster family dying of Terrigen is an element of it, and what he feels he owes the Royals is part of it. I feel like there’s a lot of complexity in him that I’d like to explore, and it just made sense that out of all the best-known NuHumans, he’d be the one to feel the tug of the quest. He’s searching for something, and out there might be where he finds it.

Swain is more driven by duty. She’s the Captain – you can’t have a starship without a captain – and she’s got a responsibility to Crystal and the other Royals that she won’t abandon. And she’s fun, which I hope I can capture in all this space questing. There’s the tug of space there, but the tug of change, as well, the need to shake things up, for her and Flint both. I’m a big fan of the “call of the stars” idea, and there’s a little bit of that at work.

>Crystal is there as one of the key Royals, and she’s proven her credentials over the past couple of years as a leader. There’s an interesting dynamic somewhere in there, with her sister Medusa as the regal, mythical Queen figure, and Crystal as a more down-to-earth leader-type who gets her hands dirty with the day-to-day. And we’re going to be getting some romantic drama from her as well, as her great lost love, Ronan the Accuser, is out in space and very much in the Royals’ way.
This is legit my OTP.

Rounding out the cast is your non Inhuman character, the extradimensional Kree and former Young Avenger known as Marvel Boy. What made you want to bring him into the book? What does he add to the overall dynamic?

We were interested in having a “non-Inhuman” on the crew, and when Wil Moss suggested Marvel Boy as a possibility, I was right on board. He’s got that connection to the Kree – the ruined world of Hala is one of the first places we’ll be going – but with his other-dimensional origins, he’s also got a different viewpoint to most characters in the Marvel Universe, which puts him in a prime spot to see things other people miss. The Kree on his world had knowledge the Kree on ours didn’t – is that just from standard deviation between universes, or has a great secret been buried… maybe literally?

I realize that’s about the third or fourth “secret” in this interview so far – all of which is in aid of keeping my secrets from the readers more than anything. Not to mention the secrets of “IvX,” still ongoing. I did say I was going to be cryptic…

[Laughs] Fair enough! What can you tell us about the vessel the cast of “Royals” will be traveling on? Will it have a support staff of reoccurring characters, “Star Trek”-style?

It’s called the Astarion – named for a hero of Inhuman legend who may or may not have been a distant ancestor of Gorgon, and the inspiration for the Minotaur. That story’s one for, “if we have time.” It’s probably closer to the Millennium Falcon – it’s big, big as a building, big enough to comfortably house seven, but it’s not the Enterprise. There’s most of everything you might need – a medbay, weapons systems, what-have-you – and there’s a bridge that we’ll probably end up spending some time on, but there isn’t a support staff. I felt the mythical nature of the journey was best served by having everyone on the ship be a central part of the cast.

In the aftermath of recent events like the “Black Vortex,” and with the Guardians of the Galaxy currently stranded on Earth, the cosmic corner of the Marvel Universe is a pretty crazy, wide-open place. What threats will your cast will run afoul of?

First stop is the dead world of Hala, once the homeworld of the Kree -heading there, and finding the secret buried within it, is what takes us through the first arc. On the way, they’ll encounter a couple of other enemies, some new-ish – like the rampaging Chitauri horde – some considerably older and more personal. Funny you should mention the “Black Vortex” – we haven’t seen much of Crystal’s ex-husband Ronan The Accuser since that story, or how his cosmic powers have developed.

From there, we’re heading out – to the edges of the Marvel Universe, and into uncharted territory. We’ve only seen a small part of the myriad galaxies in Marvel Space, and one thing I’m planning to do with this series – something I try to do with every book I’m given – is push the boundaries out a little further, both in terms of space–and time.

Oh, one more thing – remember the Universal Inhumans [from Jonathan Hickman’s “Fantastic Four” run]? I do.

That Medusa is fucking sexy but this is still her best outfit.

Are we in the 90s again also >Chitaru

Fucking dropped

I like that they kept the eye of Sauron on her crotch.

They had to run into Maria hill's "bigger than the annihilation wave" Chitauri horde for the sake of that damn event.

I really, really, really dislike this images

Sorry Ewing, but that art and characters kill my hype

this book only coming out once a month?

>Oh, one more thing – remember the Universal Inhumans [from Jonathan Hickman’s “Fantastic Four” run]? I do.

Fuck yes, main reason why I love this guy so much, he actually reads the comics.

It should be, but since they dropped two covers it might get double shipped on the first month.

>And we’re going to be getting some romantic drama from her as well, as her great lost love, Ronan the Accuser, is out in space and very much in the Royals’ way.
Based Ewing.

>Oh, one more thing – remember the Universal Inhumans [from Jonathan Hickman’s “Fantastic Four” run]? I do.

>first at the fallen homeworld of the galactic empire that created them, the Kree, and then further out into this galaxy and adjacent ones.
We gonna get into the Providian Order and Deathbird's latest kid?

>And we’re going to be getting some romantic drama from her as well, as her great lost love, Ronan the Accuser, is out in space and very much in the Royals’ way.
Thank you based Ewing.

Hey guys,I'm mostly a DC guy, but is there like a guide for Ewing Marvel comics like there is for Hickman and Morrison works? I wanna get into his work, but I wanna read in order.

Don't bother, he's not very good.

Mighty Avengers
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers
New Avengers
Contest of Champions
US Avengers
Ultimates 2

I'm sure I forgot stuff.

Right? I loved the pair in the old cosmic books. Seeing Ronan get ripped away from her was heartbreaking. Anyone got the page?


is this Hickman's run?

why shilling this shit on Sup Forums though?

yes, I think it is was FF, he was doing that and fantastic four with the plot flipping back and forth like his avengers run.

>hating on JonBoy Meyers
But why?

>why do you talk about comics on the comics board
Are you retarded user?

Ewing is the only person at Marvel I trust with Noh-Varr at this point. Glad to see he's in good hands.

>Oh, one more thing – remember the Universal Inhumans [from Jonathan Hickman’s “Fantastic Four” run]? I do.
Ewing you absolute MADMAN.

>shilling inhumans
no user, you are retarded

>some considerably older and more personal
Older and more personal, you say?

You forgot:
>Loki: Agent of Asgard
>Ultron Forever

As well as a couple other odds and ends, mostly one-shots.

Who is this?

>not being hype for Ewing's "Make Inhumans Great Again"
Your loss.

Did he write anything good?

Maelstrom, Avatar of Oblivion.

>being hyped
>for marlel
lelelele, the zombies from walking dead have more life than you have

Literally every comic he's written for Marvel has been good. Zombo is also good, but it's the only non-Marvel book of his I've read so I can't speak for the rest of his output.

not Avatar.
Champion. It's different.

Doorman, by the way, is Oblivion's local Herald.

In other words, "no, he didn't"
I'm not falling for that. Not after Soule and King being hyped on Sup Forums

This was sad but I have to say I was OK with Hickman breaking them up in a way were they both still loved each other and wanted to be together but circumstances didn't let them rather than having to deal with a shitty writer doing something stupid to have Ronan and Crystal hate each other.

That said I'm glad Ewing is going to explore their relationship again

Ewing is going to restore Hala isn't he? Hell yeah

Then fucking don't, bye.

I dunno, it sounds more like Hala being in ruins is going to play an important role. Ewing is more of a "build on what came before" than a "reset the status quo" kinda guy, so restoring Hala would be antithetical to that.

>Ewing is going to restore Hala isn't he? Hell yeah
not necessarily... and there is still the Supreme Intelligence out there.


>Oh, one more thing – remember the Universal Inhumans [from Jonathan Hickman’s “Fantastic Four” run]? I do.
About time someone did. I can understand Marvel wanting to change the direcrion of the Inhumans, but they simply had all the UI vanish during Infinity and they were NEVER mentioned again even though you'd think that would be a pretty big deal.
It'll especially be interesting since Medusa and Black Bolt are divorced, so now the other Queens will see their chance to get closer to Black Bolt.

The other "Queens" were not cared about by Black Bolt and they won't gain political power because he vacated the throne. Unless they plan on getting snug with Medusa's hair tentacles.

I kinda want to see medusa molest the blue one

I won't by anything Inhumans related unless Crystal gets her hair back

he's a shitty artist, Ramos with more edges

Considering they have that Inhumans show coming up I wonder if Marvel Boy's inclusion here means he'll show up.

How long until he replaces them with an all black cast? Honestly I don't expect anyone to get the Inhumans right. And thats coming from an actual fan.

Ronan, not Quicksilver. I hate this. She has a daughter, have we even seen Luna?

Really, it depends. I personally don't like him. Also he's written stuff that isn't 'cannon'. I'm not going to recommend anything.

Ugh...that art just ruins it.

Yes, Luna goes the braddock academy.

user, you and me, we both know that Quicksilver is a no-no

They got divorced.

He did a story called Zaucer of Zilk with Brendan McCarthy if you're gonna be pretentious like that. Haven't read Zombo personally, can't comment.
If you've read Gillen's Journey into Mystery with Kid Loki, agent of Asgard really is a must. And Ultimates clean-up job on Civil War II was hella admirable. But if you just dislike the setting itself that's understandable.

They already had that arc in All new X-factor when Quicksilver admitted to lying about what happened in son of M and he made peace with Crystal and Luna. There isn't anything left short of actually getting them back together.

I want to protect that Inhuman-New Man halfbreed

That doesn't fucking matter. Her lost love? She had a fucking child with him. Fought with him in the Avengers.

Watch them reveal that Quicksilver isn't the father. Instead it'll be whoever her love interest in the TV show is.

There is in acknowledging that Crystal would never be okay with the Terrigen cloud. They have her acting so out of character its like she became another person.

I just realized this is why I hate Soule's inhumans. Crystal was the humanity of that group. Without her calling them on their shit, it just doesn't work.

And before that her one true love was Human Torch, with the purity of their love causing conflict between societies.
Characters change over time.

That's, probably going to happen and I think I want to go hit something.

Quicksilver isn't exactly a paragon of knowing who your parents are

Johnny was her first love, her child hood crush. I fully believe she will always be close to him. But Pietro, they got married. They were together for over a decade. Had a child.

Its not the same thing as her brief relationship with Ronan. I'm not saying there wasn't something there. But Ronan isn't her lost love, the father of her daughter is.

Thanks, I needed a little more salt in that wound user.

Loki Agent of Asgard was so good that I went out and bought every single floppy once it was done. It sort of hinges on prior knowledge though.
Everything lists came after. The 2-3 Ultron Forever one-shots came out around Secret Wars, they're hella fun. Homage to Busiek's Avengers Forever.
Thing you gotta keep in mind is that he's a massive continuityfag. Still a great emotive writer (see his Last Days of [Marvel title] issues) with a healthy sense of fun and a magnanimously creative mind but a lot of the hype comes from entrenched Marvelfags who are just happy a writer remembers things.
>Literally every comic he's written for Marvel has been good.
His Battleworld 2-parter wasn't that great.
And I like Fazia. The story just felt impotent.
I liked the Age of Ultron tie-in he set it up with.

Braddock academy, is she still a mutant?

And English isn't a race but a nationality.

Civil War II: Ulysses was by Ewing and was the most Inhumans Inhumans book I've read since their push started. Even bought an issue, once it got a physical copy.
Give it a look, see what you think.

Her powers are from Terregen exposure. Was born "normal"

not that user, but I think Ronan fits the bill more because they actually forced apart against there will. Crystal left Quick by choice and after years of splitting up constantly.

She never was, even when Quicksilver was a mutant she was Inhuman. Terrigen worked on her while it fucked over everyone else in son of M. When she was born she didn't have either side in her, presumably terrigen pulled out the inhuman parts.


Christ that is ugly

>Ewing remembers all your dropped plot lines
Got a checklist?
I've steered clear of Inhumans for yonks.

Ronan being powered up by the scary mirror
Universal inhumans
Ronan and Crystal's break up

Commit suicide ASAP
Ewing is based as fuck, one of the only good writers and marvel these days

I read his Captain Britain during Secret Wars, his Ultron trilogy and his 'Ultimates'. I've read enough to know he cares more about being woke than writing faithful depictions of characters.

I thought so, but I also thought Braddock's was for Mutants?

>Ronan being powered up by the scary mirror
Read that over the weekend (thought Carol would blow up Hala). You're right; it IS nice someone 'members.
By the way do Angel, Gamora & Kitty still have their powerups too?
>Universal inhumans
I'm unfamiliar with this term. Something from DnA?

...Ah shit you're that Galactus guy aintcha?

Hickman. It's been a while but I think the Kree went to other planets and made Inhumans in other places too. They all came together for a bit during his run, Black Bolt was the King with Queens from each race. And then they disappeared

>Read that over the weekend (thought Carol would blow up Hala). You're right; it IS nice someone 'members.
>By the way do Angel, Gamora & Kitty still have their powerups too?
Gamora's ran out in Bendis gotg because it is apparently limited. Angel uses his all day every day and still has it, Kitty hasn't used her's since.
>I'm unfamiliar with this term. Something from DnA?
Hickman made it so that the Kree experimented on all sorts of aliens.

I remember that. The most retarded thing that Hickman did. It's one of these things that should have been forgotten and abandoned. But when you have no mythos, I guess that you need to grasp at straws

>Inhuman Dire Wraiths, Inhuman Kymellians
>Not InWraiths, InKymellians

>Black Bolt was the King with Queens from each race
Pls tell me there's a splash page of this

Huh? I don't know who the fuck that is. I care more about his muslim Captain Britain, who isn't a Braddock, then I do about his mishandling the concept of Galactus. That's par for the course. Its almost a right of passage.

Not like that, but there is one where Doom has made Emma Frost and Loki is harem sluts. Its cannon

best i can do

wait nevermind
>black Bolt is too cheap to get more than one throne

I'm sorry, but this is the first association I had with that title.

>almost 100 posts
>less than 30 posters
christ, the shills can't let it go

It seemed the preferable presumption because otherwise it sounds like you just don't like shitskins.
>I care more about his muslim Captain Britain, who isn't a Braddock
He set it up in a previous story (which isn't even 616 canon, it was Age of Ultron alt-future the world's gone to shit oh god help canon), as the bearer of Excalibur via a prior writer she was a perfectly fine candidate in wake of Brian's death in that canon, and the Captain Britain Corps stretch across the whole multiverse goddammit man they ain't all Brian Bloody Braddock there are literal dinosaurs in wearing that suit.
>What Ifs

I'm just here to shoot the shit about a writer I like desu.
Odds are even he'snot enough to make me buy this. Christian Ward is though, I'll be buying Black Bolt instead.Pre-order your copy NOW True Believer!

>I also thought Braddock's was for Mutants?
Nah, it's just a boarding school for British superhumans.

Jonboy Meyers left Teen Titans for this?!?!

>Angel uses his all day every day and still has it
Thing is that his use of it "all day every day" is just using them as regular wings. That likely doesn't drain the BV powers since that's just his regular powerset. I think the BV powers is more just the "cosmic fire" shit that he can shoot out which I don't think he uses very much, but I haven't been keeping up with Hopeless' ANXM so I'm not sure.

No but over time a trend does emerge.

Kill the white guy and put in a woke woman of colors. Maybe I don't fucking like Ewing's nonstop attempts to push his agenda. You can't name one book he writes where he doesn't pull that shit. Even fucking Loki was so hipster it hurt.

That's...less impressive. But I guess the English can't be as picky.