Superman's dated origin

You gotta admit, Sup Forums. He makes a very very good point.

Superman needs a updated origin. A new progressive origin to combat a new era of bigotry (and considering hitler 2.0 is in office, we need it). So why not have Superman's ship land in the progressive and diverse city instead of the problematic bigoted rural lands?

You guys think Bayo could defeat Wondy?

I can't tell if Waid is being sarcastic here or not.

Haven't you made like three of these threads in the past few days?

Get better bait or fuck off already.

6/10 Troll

made me post, good job.


>Superman needs a updated origin
>A new progressive origin to combat a new era of bigotry
Double why

Why can't Superman be born in the country and fight economic disasters like the Flint Water crisis? Or illegal logging?

You tell me your reasons and I'll tell you mine, OP.

In a contest to see who could sexually dominate the other? I would give Bayo the edge.

Or you could just have him live in a country town with black people.
Meaningless, it's a fucking fiction you moron.


Why is Waid disregarding all the non-white people that live in Kansas? What a fucking bigot

Wonder Woman is clearly stronger because she rivals supes in strength, but Cereza is probably the better fighter in terms of technique, as well as being infinitely more interesting.

Trump was raised in a city.

Waid went insane just like every other Comicbook writer. Eventually you go mad and rant about politics all day like an idiot. See Moore and Miller

I can't believe how Waid dropped as a writer these last few years.

I read his Flash/Impulse Run, Kingdom Come and Golgot the Conqueror.

Now he is just liberal trash. Why can't lefty writter keep their opinion for themselve? Dan Jurgen doesn't spend valable time on tumblr complaining.

>Wonder Woman uses her lasso of truth

>Why can't Superman be born in the country and fight economic disasters like the Flint Water crisis?
Superman's powers don't work on lead, remember?

I hate how intellectually dishonest these people are. OF COURSE Waid and random sycophant were heavily implying "because OF COURSE we all know what kind of people rural America REALLY produces...." but he's gotta backpedal now because he doesn't want to "feel mean" right now.

>compels Bayonetta to tell the truth
>just makes Wonder Woman back off because it's just all the things she'd do to her

How would Wondy counter Witch Time?

I wish some comic book writer went Dave Sim kind of crazy.
That would at least be refreshing.

also according to their logic, Eskimos are awful amoral people since a society's conception of "values" is predicated on racial diversity.

Diana is probably so fucking fast witch time just brings her to a manageable speed

But they work on water.


Definitely, not even a contest.


you can never be sarcastic when talking about progress

>Why can't Superman be born in the country and fight economic disasters like the Flint Water crisis? Or illegal logging?
Hell, having him be raised in the country would put him rather close to prejudice. Having him be surrounded by that kind of prejudice would make him hate it even more, thus making Superman an even more progressive character.

>Wondy, potential planet buster
>losing to Bayo, at best city buster

Waid is just salty because DC will never let him write for them again.

Bayo already beats Wondy on the personality and style department, that's for sure

I thought he didn't want to write for them again? Can anyone redpill me on Waid's history with dc?

He is banned from the DC offices. He can't write for them even if he wants to.

Waid got himself barred from DC's offices, anything about him not wanting to work there anymore is sour grapes

IIRC it involved him throwing something.

Cant remember why though.

That reminds me, didn't Cooke get banned from marvel after throwing some a glass bottle at them once for stealing his idea (marvel adventures line) after they rejected his pitch?

A bitch fit.

Holy shit I thought he was being sarcastic when he said that. Did he kill someone?

Man, that's a damning accusation, given that Bayo's design is one of the worst in gaming and her personality is just "dommy mommy" like every Platinum girl.

My question is why is it always Superman? Why don't they change the origin of someone else for once? Iron Man? Captain America? Spider-Man?

It's just another round of "let's go after the biggest name" like how McDonalds is responsible for all the fatties being fatty

I think that was Alonso he supposedly threw a beer at

Worse. He talked shit about the DC management.

As someone who actually lives in Kansas, I can say with the utmost certainty that we have the same ratio of blacks and mexicans to whites as anywhere else.

And a lot of persian people, for some reason.

>mfw people around me get super indignant about the fact I went to mcdicks when they still go to fast food places, just arbitrarily not mcdicks

Anita pls

Where did this meme about countryfolk being moral come from? last time I checked they were all meth dealing trailer trash or bitter unemployed militia fanatics who have wet dreams about killing government officials.

Now that would be a superman origin story.

Fucking stupid. I'm sick of these noodleheads thinking they have to "include" me in shit. I can read a book about white people without feeling "left out" or having my poor little feelings hoit.

These people do not realize how racist THEY actually are with this horseshit.

Wait what does him meeting someone who isn't white have to do with good upbringing?
Should it matter where a person is raised to say they can turn out good from that?

I really want this just Waid trying to do sarcasm over the internet and it not translating right.

He threw his beer at Alonso. And Tom Brevoort outright confirmed that Darwyn wasn't getting work from Marvel because he threw a beer at "one of their editors" while it was confirmed elsewhere that said editor was Axel.


I feel like Clark growing up in Metropolis and if and how this affects his worldview could be a pretty interesting Elseword story.

But to suggest that any rural landscape is bigoted is nothing but asinine. Also, I always thought that the Kents' personality was a bigger factor than the setting.

It's not dated because people like this already exist (crazy I know!)

waid pls

I don't have to do any such thing.

Elseworld, damn autocorrect. Also has a pretty good point.

The 50's probably.

You have an archetypal kindly farmer and his wife who are good people who embody post-WW2 optimism (you can do anything you put your mind to) and who instill values like honesty and standing up for your beliefs and being a good citizen, etc.

>Raised in a city where he'll meet someone who isn't white.
Like Donald J. Trump?

I honestly don't get what the hell is going on there. I mean Smallville had Pete Ross be black and New 52 showed that Clark sold the farm after the Kents died to a family friend who happened to be black. So it's not hard to diversify Smallville. And if it being in Kansas is a problem, why would it be? Smallville only got firmly set in Kansas from 1986 onwards. The only times prior to 1986 where it was in Kansas was the Reeve films and maybe an issue or two. Other times Smallville was in other parts of the Midwest, or at one point just outside Metropolis.

On top of that if the rocket lands in a city wouldn't that mean it gets twice the attention it'd get if it landed in the country?

Some of my friends that have taken the chance to live in New York for some years have basically told me that it's horrible and stressful, I don't think I'd want to imagine how Superman with his enhanced hearing as a kid would cope with all the noise and the speed which the city moves at.

Beats an inner city Supes who would end up joining a streetgang or an enforcer for an organized crime gang.

>Born and raised in the city
>Despise most minorities because i know how they act since i was a kid and never been proved wrong
Gee, if i only had superpowers

>one of their editors
Marvel still has editors?

But meeting people who aren't white is what makes you racist, not tolerant.

>given that Bayo's design is one of the worst in gaming
That's like... your opinion, man.

>Minorities don't exist outside cities
Isn't that a bit bigoted?

The incident happened in 2004.


Remember how Hurricane Katrina flattened rural Mississippi (mostly black farmers) and nobody gave a shit because muh New Orleans? Nobody else remembers either because they didn't give a fuck about people outside the biggest city affected.


>people in cities
>having morals
Like hell...

Sure it's easy to write that when his backgrounds is completely non offensive to white hicks that think Obama is Kenyan.

what? not the Obama part, the rest

people will bite this b8

Superman raised on a farm is offensive now?

I think racism mostly happens, be it white against black, or black against white or any other combo, in regions where there is more violence in general. That`s why third world countries are usually more racist than developed nations. Living in a prosperous farming community would mean we have a less racist Superman than one that lived near a ghetto where every weekend there`s a mob riot and his TV gets stolen.

No, it's non-offensive to whites

Also see

>Why can't Superman be born in the country and fight economic disasters like the Flint Water crisis?
Because a lot of progressive people have absolute disdain for rural americans and see them as uneducated lesser people with no perspective, without realizing that they are making that judgment due to their own lacking perspective.

it's non-offensive to anyone that isn't a tool, more like

The only thing about Superman I think should be updated is his job. I think he'd be better as a teacher than a reporter.

>I think he'd be better as a teacher than a reporter.

He can't leave in the middle of the day as a teacher, which is too big of a problem.

An investigative journalist works just fine for him still.

Farmer, and family man, too.

That's a great counter-argument, actually. At least against those morons.
I applaud you, sir.

>ditching class all the time to save the world
Nah, typical superhero jobs work because the job provide good cover for superhero stuff

>Implying ghetto Superman wouldn't be leading the riots.

I think being a reporter is a good excuse for nobody questioning him stepping out of work all the time when he goes off to save somebody and stuff.

Don't be silly, that only affects white people.

Ghetto Superman became Obama Superman

Being a journalist allows him to know about bad shit going on. Being a teacher also ties him to a rigid schedule he wouldn't have to deal with as a freelancer.

I don't understand.
Rural towns don't have minority ghettos. Or militarized police that target blacks. Or stop and frisk. Or the FBI infiltrating mosques. Rural towns don't put spikes under bridges so that homeless people can't sleep there. Minorities in rural towns don't have to worry about being evicted by police due to gentrification.
Sounds like rural people have solid values.

Black Lightning turned out to be an upstanding guy

It's not offensive to anyone who isn't a fucking idiot
t. non-white.

why? Supes origin is iconic,he combats injustice and social problems the way he is.

If you want something new, make a new character with a new origin.

Current hollywood progressives blanket assume all rural people are racist uneducated hill folk.

If they said anything positive about them it would go against the narrative.

How about you go die, progressive fasist.

Why does Mark Waid have so much detest for working class middle americans?
Could he possibly be more bourgeois?

Doesn`t his super-hearing kinda allow him to know what`s going on? Or even better, his super-internet connection?

Does Superman have internet at the fortress of solitude?

Ghetto Superman might, but Next-to-the-ghetto Superman wouldn`t. That reminds me of that part in Maus where they give a black hitchhiker a lift and Vladek gets all racist because when he lived in New York black people kept stealing his shit. Because he was white, at least to them - Superman is still white, even in a big city, so that`d only make his values a bit more mixed up.

>Why can't Superman be born in the country and fight economic disasters like the Flint Water crisis?
What is he going to usurp the corrupt democratically elected politicians that are fucking up?

>all rural people are racist uneducated hill folk
Are you saying they're not?

Fascist is spelled with a C.

>Does Superman have internet at the fortress of solitude?
Yes, actually. The fortress robots and computer monitor things going on.

Waid's Twitter status: still triggered

They are about the same as the average city-dwelling negro.