LOGAN Spoilers

Logan and Xavier were both affected by a virus created by the Essex Corporation that wiped out nearly all mutants, and caused them to lose control of their powers. Xavier accidentally killed several humans and mutants alike with telepathy and became a fugitive, with Logan always by his side.

The Essex Corporation's Transigen Program has been capturing the surviving mutants for experimentation and creates clones of Logan to be used as weapons, but they decompose after a few weeks. Head scientist Xander Rice then impregnates a nurse with Logan's genetic material and she has a daughter, Laura, with similar powers, who later breaks out to find Logan while being chased by the Reavers. Rice often reports to a superior, implied to be Mister Sinister, but never shown.

Logan, Laura and Xavier go on the run and end up fighting the Reavers led by Donald Pierce and an adult male clone of Logan called "X-24". Xavier is killed while Logan and Laura kill all the Reavers and Logan then kills X-24.

Logan finds out he's dying since his healing factor is fading because of the virus and will no longer protect him from Adamantium poisoning. Having grown close to Laura, Logan vows to be a father to her for as long as he has left, and they drive off into the sunset towards an uncertain future.

This is actually the last scene in the movie.

Fake and gay.
But if real, still gay.
Glad I stopped caring about cape films.

>stopped caring about cape films
>still posts on Sup Forums

>"We want the Last of Us audience"

Because Sup Forums is only for movies, right? Fucking idiot.

Sup Forums is "Comics and Cartoons" not "Failed Movies", cuckbreath

Hate it. It will still be good, but I wish they had gotten the vibe from the original OML right.

Hard as it is to believe some of us like COMICS and the variety of storytelling they represent. Some of us don't like the way every movie based on them is shredded, turned into formulaic paste, and then fed back to us in bite sized form with trashy Whedon quips.


I'm beginning think the word cuck has lost all meaning.

change cuck to cock. Boom, making America great again baby.

Sounds great, actually.

>in the distance faint laughter explodes the mountain ranges

Would have proffered he died honestly.

>an adult male clone of Logan called "X-24"
It's just dumb enough that I believe it.

Is his mouth gonna be sewn shut?

>my insult was stupid, pretend I made a different one. . . Boom, alternative facts

Really? You're so new you can't remember Draken?

Never made the first insult, die in fire faggot.

Nothing to do with Old Man Logan.
No tank tracks reaver.
No Mr.Sinister.
How are they even going to stretch this shit into a movie?

They'll insert enough Last of Us references to make every Facebook-using-normie have memes for weeks.

>Logan and Xavier were both affected by a virus created by the Essex Corporation that wiped out nearly all mutants, and caused them to lose control of their powers.
The Legacy Virus?

>Xavier accidentally killed several humans and mutants alike with telepathy and became a fugitive, with Logan always by his side.
Gay as fuck.

> Head scientist Xander Rice then impregnates a nurse with Logan's genetic material and she has a daughter
Bitch better be asian.

>and they drive off into the sunset towards an uncertain future.

So... is Logan set in the X3 timeline?

It's set in the good end DOFP timeline, but don't expect any overt references.

So, good end turned bad anyway - ol mutants can't get a break.

So, when is Shad gonna draw more X-23?

>Bitch better be asian.


>"Logan, you have to stop Magneto, and show the world that mutants aren't monsters! Mutant rights!"

>"Logan, you have to stop Stryker, and stop him from killing all mutants! Mutant rights!"

>X-Men 3
"Logan, you have to stop Magneto and the Phoenix, and show the world that mutants can't be forced to take the cure! Mutant rights!"

>X-Men Days of Future Past
>"Logan, you have to change the past in order to save humans and mutants everywhere! Save the mutants!"

>Logan, all the mutants and X-men died offscreen. You're all that's left.

I mean, come the fuck on. Does this not piss anyone else off? All the mutants and X-men are fucking gone? After all the movies that came before, mutants get wiped out offscreen? They just started to give other characters their due.

You mean Daken? I'm familiar with him but didn't realize he was X-24. He's a pretty lame character from what I recall.

It's not Daken, it's a digitally de-aged Hugh Jackman. They use clones.

>I mean, come the fuck on. Does this not piss anyone else off? All the mutants and X-men are fucking gone? After all the movies that came before, mutants get wiped out offscreen? They just started to give other characters their due.
They officially stated this is not the same continuity as the other movies though. Besides they have Cable coming in Deadpool 2 so they could rejig the continuity again with him if they had to,

>First Class

good, old man logan was garbage

>They officially stated this is not the same continuity as the other movies though.

No, they didn't. James Mangold has gone on record to say that Hugh Jackman mispoke and that the movie is set within the same continuity, but doesn't directly reference any of the previous movies.

Damage Control.

People will lose interest if the movie is set in a shitty AU. They'll confirm it's an alternate continuity after the movie finishes its run.

Now listen to me guys, what if the Cable from Deadpool 2 is actually from this movies future: the first mutant born after the Legacy virus wiped all mutantkind, messianic and all, that travels to the past to avoid this bad future, so we would get some kind of X-Force team-up to take down Essex Corp, maybe even a glimpse of Mister Sinister


Nope...not touching this.

They used the "Logan loses his healing" in the last fucking Wolverine movie

Jesus Christ

I know for a fact that this is bullshit. The actual twist reveals that Xavier's body is dead throughout the movie but his superpowered brain is still alive, thus allowing him to project onto Logan and everyone else the illusion that he's alive albeit in failing health.


Solid rebuttal, guy!

>ody is dead throughout the movie but his superpowered brain is still alive


>What is a "vegetable state"?

He said it takes place in 2029 after the events of DOFP long before Jackman was misquoted.

That's quite literally the exact opposite of what you described.

Why are people's main complaint is that it doesnt follow the comic's storyline page by page?

fuck it, its the same complaint with Civil War, I remember Sup Forums saying bullshit when the title got leaked, everyone kept saying 'BUT THERE ARE NO HEROES', then it came out and got its dick sucked.

Logan should be fine on its own

Are you retarded? A vegetative state is where the body is still alive but the brain suffers severe trauma to the point where the person lacks awareness and cognizance. Either way, it's impossible for a person's body to be "dead" while the brain is still alive.

B-but the loli

>X-23 doesnt speak in the movie
>In a desperate attempt, Pierce then calls Xander Rice for help as he is unable to capture X-23 with his Reavers
>Rice calls the warehouse Logan and X-23 is in and Logan picks up
>Rice tells Logan he's the father of 'Veronica' and to put him in speaker
>Rice then proceeds to talk with 'Veronica' but then calls her 'X-23', exclaiming that she should come home, or else he's coming down there himself
>X-23 freaks out and Logan hangs up
>X-23 breaks the perimeter they set up and tries to run away without Logan
>Logan convinces X-23 to stay and that He'll protect her
>X-23 then sleep in Logan's arms
>The next day
>Xander Rice arrives
>scolds Pierce for his incompetence
>Rice sends Pierce to X-23's location
>Logan and X-23 is now with Xavier in a small village
>The village is composed of a small number of human and mutants working together, surviving in harmony
>Logan is treated by Curtis, a local doctor who treats them of their wounds and speaks to Logan in private
>Curtis says that his healing factor is no longer able to cope up with the virus and the adamantum poisoning his body, and that he only has a few years left to live
>Logan sees that the mutants in the village are dying and volunteers to share his blood, the same way he's keeping Xavier alive
>Curtis reluctantly agrees and warns Logan that he no longer cannot exhaust himself and Logan goes into a semi-coma
>Rice and Pierce arrives with the reavers the next morning and harrasses the villagers
>Logan is still unconscious
>X-23 hears Rice's voice and cowers in fear and is slowly walking out the door
>Xavier tries to convince X-23 not to go out and looks inside her mind
>we get glimpses of X-23's mother who is a scientist in Transigen who argued that Wolverine was 'not created' but 'born'

>Xavier sees that Rice has been torturing X-23 for more than 20 years
>it is revealed that Rice's father used to be part of the original weapon X and got killed by Logan in his escape, and wants to strip X-23 of her humanity, the same way Logan did to his father
>we see Rice putting her in low oxygen atmospheres, spraying bullets in her body, beaten by guards, and has her bones broken
>we then see an unknown mutant infiltrating the X chamber that houses X-23 and the other clones
>the mutant kills all the clones except X-23, remarking that 'you smell just like him' and instructs her to find Logan
>Xavier tries to speak to X-23 through her mind not to keep going
>X-23 keeps walking back to Rice
>Rice calls her 'Good girl' and throws a vial on the ground releasing a pheromone
>Xavier is no longer able to communicate with X-23's mind and watches in horror as X-23 goes into a feral state slaughters the villagers and a few reavers
>X-23 yearns to slaughter more reavers but is seen to still fear Rice
>Rice then asks Pierce to order his men to shoot whats left of the villagers, including Xavier
>Rice and Pierce then rode off with X-23 on a cage back to a nearby Transigen HQ
>Rice then reports to an unknown higher up, proudly saying that X-23 is back and will have her blood replicated as soon as possible
>Logan wakes up and sees a mortally wounded Xavier
>Logan and Xavier then ride off on a pick up truck with Logan using his sense of smell to track X-23
>they arrive in a nearby motel where Xavier asks to be left in, saying that he will always be with Logan
>Xavier warns Logan not to fully exert himself
>Logan doesnt care and unleashes his claws
>Logan infiltrates the chamber where X-23 is being kept but knowingly falls into a trap
>Pierce welcomes Logan to his death, and releases X-23 into the chamber
>Rice once again uses the same pheromones that causes X-23 to go into a feral state

>X-23 first turns her gaze into Pierce
>Pierce then realizes that Rice has thrown him to the wolves with Rice locking the chamber from the outside
>X-23 kills Pierce as Logan tries to reason with her
>X-23 proceeds to fight Logan, with Logan refusing to use his claws
>Logan is then stabbed and slashed, his blood dripping out of him
>the scent of his blood slowly knocks X-23 from her state
>realizing this, Rice then releases the last clone from a nearby chamber whose number reads 'X-24'
>Rice devlares that hes stronger than the both of them
>we see X-24 as a younger Logan, with a different pattern of claws (2 in his knuckles similar to X-23 and one coming out of his wrists)
>a three-way battle then insues between the three, with X-24 gaining the upperhand
>Logan decides not to hold back anymore and gives into his berzerker rage with scares X-23
>Logan deduces that X-24 heals faster than the both of them because he has no Adamantum in his system
>Logan tells X-23 to run back before fully succumbing to his rage
>Logan accepts that he cannot win in a hand-to-hand combat and tries to lure X-24 to nearby adamantum chambers
>after a grueling scruffle, Logan manages to severe the wires housing the molten adamantum which falls on X-24, engulfing him in Adamantum coating
>Logan falls to his knees, fully exhausted, waiting for the molten adamantum to reach him and suffer a similar fate
>Logan looks back to his memories, we see creed, silverfox, jean, xavier, curtis, then X-23
>Xavier tells Logan that X-23 is the closest thing He will ever have for a family, which causes Logan to snap back to the reality

>Logan tries to gather his strength to stand
>this proves to be futile, his body failing him, as the molten adamantum slowly creeps closer and closer
>X-23 arrives and helps Logan back to his feet and outside the Transigen HQ
>Rice escapes via Helicopter but is mortified to see what assumed to be the person he was talking with earlier (we only see Rice's face)
>Logan and X-23 buries Xavier's body in a nearby forest with Logan saying "Goodbye, old friend'
>X-23 holds Logan's hands
>Logan and X-23 ride off into the sunset, with Logan asking X-23 her name, in which she replies "Laura"

Any post-credit scene?

You didn't know the X-23 story involved cloning Wolverine?

not that user but, since X-23 and X-24 arent exact clones but both having human mothers, doesnt that make them both a son and daughter of Logan?

so technically not only X-23 is this but also Daken right?

sorry, i'm afraid not, it cut to black when X-23 spoke, no credits even

what about Sabretooth?

As long as they don't reference X-24 being a prostitute, I'm okay with this.

Nothing in here is real.
SPOILER! I've read the novelization by Isaac Walker based on the movie.

>Movie starts with girl escaping from bad guys.
>Logan has been on the run for years.
>Main bad guy comes up to Logan.
>"I don't like you Logan, you are a bad x-man, I don't like you."
>Logan then goes into weapon X mode and summons the phenoix to help him beat the bad guy.
>Then Xavier comes to Logan and is like, "I like you logan, you are my friend."
>Then the girl tries to steal some pringles from a store and Logan is like, "No, don't do that!" But then LOGAN steal some beef jerky in a very funny scene!
> Then xavier and logan and a black guy and the girl are sitting around a table laughing because logan told a really funny joke.
> Then a guy with a robot hand comes up to Logan and the girl and he's like, "You shouldn't be here, girl. I'm not happy with you!"
>Then the girl shoots out her claws and she kills a bunch of people. This scene made me very sad. :(
> Then they are in the woods and logan and the girl hold hands because they are happy and the girl thinks of logan as a father and logan thinks of the girl as a daughter and logan can't heal like he could before and the girl has claws and logan has claws so he realizes they are both kinda the same and then the movie ends with them riding a car and the girl has sunglasses on.

autism comes in mysterious ways

how come logan isnt affected by the pheromones?