

I'm glad.
Hopefully they can finish this arc even if the license gets pulled.


Bunnie is cute

>Legolas with a t-shirt.jpg

The solicits feel a little fluffy, like the original 50 issues. But they do sound pretty fun to read, and I could go for some fluff after such a long arc.

>A rashomon of SegaSonic Arcade
I'm hyped.

Still doesn't mean it ain't getting cancelled in 12 issues.

At some point user, you're just being contrarian.

Plenty of time to re-negociate the rights and Archie to got in better shape.


Ian's job has been on the rope how many times?

Of course Bunnie is cute, she's the best girl of the series

One of these characters doesn't belong


Cheese goes with Cream

>News of new Sonic Solicits
>Best team going to be featured
Even now, there is hope for man.

This threesome is someone fetish.

>best team
That's not Team Hooligan.


Bunnie is easily the one who came out of the redesign process the best.

>95 is sonic & antoine and the standard cover is the sonic 2 title screen
>96 is Bunnie & Blaze and the standard cover is Sonic Rush
>97 is Sally, Cream, & Amy, and the standard cover is Sonic Jam
I wonder who's teaming up with Rotor (Tails? Silver? the Babylon Rouges? Big? a solo venture?) and what cover will they homage (06?)

Ive missed Mighty

>what cover will they homage (06?)

Her redesign is a mixed bag, IMO. Maybe it's a little too "busy."

Not trusting anything until they start accepting subscriptions again. I've been given hope only to be burned before.

I also wouldn't doubt Archie convincing SEGA to give them enough time to hit the milestone issues and wrap up the series.

I think it's cute.

I don't see Team Dark anywhere in that image

The whole situation reminds me of when the delayed Mega Man for months and then continued it with solicitations and everybody thought it'd be fine.

And then they announced they were canceling it.


Did they delay Mega Man right before that?

Yes. One of the issues was delayed a full month and several previous ones were generally a week or so behind.

>sally in classic sonic style

I never knew I needed this

I was pretty worried. I'm happy it's not dead.

>And then they announced they were canceling it.
You mean when they announced they were putting it on "hiatus".
A never-ending hiatus.

Not gonna lie, pretty disappointed if the license stays with Archie. I'd rather SEGA go to a new publisher.

sonic had a 4 month hiatus early in 2016. he seems fine now

It won't. It's either Archie or nobody, they really only have the license from inertia.

I was talking about Sally

That could've just been so the crossover could line up with the other three series properly.

It was confirmed that the Mega Man comic was ending when issue 53 was solicited in June 2015. The final issue (#55) was released in December.

The website you order subscriptions from looks to have been redesigned recently. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the dipshits at Archie simply forgot to include the Sonic subscriptions when rebuilding it.

thing is, they did have a section for sonic subscriptions at first when you clicked on the sonic part of the store. they were hidden kinda, not under the "archie subscriptions" page. i noticed they had added an international shipping option and for years they had on their old store that sonic subscriptions ONLY ship to us and canada and didn't have an option for elsewhere. as ian flynn mentioned once, the comics are licensed for sale only in those countries, which is why they do that. a few weeks back i noticed they were gone but i didn't think much of it. people seem to only have caught on now though. my guess is they are trying to fix how that works in the system or perhaps some dipshit ordered a subscription for australia or something and they are trying to do behind the scenes stuff to fix that up. that's what would make sense to me, but others are still crying it's cancelled, spreading fake news. the people on ssmb who reported this didn't know anything about the comics and assumed for the worst and the customer support lady clearly knew nothing of the situation as she was there to help with orders from the online store and nothing else. quite frankly, it's embarrassing how much people are overreacting. do you guys think sega would give up easy advertising and lose the longest running licensed comic ever?

>Wouldn't surprise me at all if the dipshits at Archie simply forgot to include the Sonic subscriptions when rebuilding it.
There's still a sub page for Sonic, it isn't visible on the regular sub list and says "unavailable" rather than "add to cart."

Support has also said they currently are not taking subscriptions, both to people who have called and emails. It's not a website snafu.

key word
they said they are TEMPORARILY off


What's the difference between the three sonic comics?

>Main Comic
Generally follows sonic, often has 5-10 page backup stories, stories vary by issue length (4 issues at most, 1 issue and 2 issue stories are common) varies in penciler frequently (though the last 4 issues and every issues previewed so far has been penciled by Tracy Yardley!), Terry Austin on Inks, Gabriel Cassata on Colors.

>Sonic Universe
usually focused on characters other than sonic, split concretely into 4-issue arcs. Almost always penciled by Tracy Yardley! for a while (though a few arcs back it switched to Adam Bryce Thomas), Jim Amash on inks, Matt Herms on colors. Stories always take up the full issue

>Best Girl, Sally & Cream together again

Feels good.

And Mega Man is still officially temporarily on hiatus.

The third comic listed (Champions) is a collection of issues 268-271 of the main series.
There have been proper third series in the past (Knuckles, Sonic X, Sonic Boom), but they're all done now.


When do we get more Snively

when do we get more Maw

Where's megaman


that's just chibi

To go with who then?