What the fuck was her problem?
no seriously what was it? Inferiority complex? And why did she kiss k at the end? Did she like him or she was just copying what she saw Wallace do?
What the fuck was her problem?
IRL, hoeks grew up as a shy husbandoist who didn't do anything with a boy until she was 24. On screen we saw all that frustration pour out, and she finally got to kiss a genuine movie star.
Do you think Luv's ever had sex honest question
Her goals aligned with Wallace, but she knew he and everyone else was just a stepping stone for domination by replicants. As soon as Wallace figured out how to allow replicants to reproduce she would've brained him too.
She kisses Joe because she knows he's struggling with his job of killing replicants. His job is to kill people like her, but instead, he asks about her feelings instead; or perhaps it's his aura of life and death, who knows. I'd have to watch it again and focus on their exchanges.
Sweet jesus, she really is /ourgal/.
Imagine her shitposting here in broken Dutch English, muh dick.
>IRL, hoeks grew up as a shy husbandoist who didn't do anything with a boy until she was 24
She's been a model since she was 14, how can you possibly believe that? All models do is fuck each other for fun and fuck photographers for exposure.
I'm a fashion model and a virgin.
I'm romantically and sexually and flirtingly retarded. I have absolutely no idea how to do any of those things or how to spot if someone's doing it to me. Talking to women isn't a problem at all but I have no idea how sex or relationships tie into anything. The only girl I've kissed actually kissed me. This was when I was 13 (she was 17).
I'm getting semi-desperate. I have close friends and have no problems talking to new people and makimg new friends, but it's always non-sexual. I might have too high standards myself (I'm not interested in any of my female friends). Also, my emotional development might be stunted since I didn't realize sex was a thing you could go out and do until I was 20; before that I was like a child who thought "oh that's what grown ups do" without realizing I was an adult myself.
Some of my friends seem to think I'm a huge man-whore and I don't know what to make of it.
The sexual disposition of those in the profession varies greatly. If Sylvia really was that shy it's not unthinkable she never hooked up. Hell, I don't know how big she was so she might've only been around straight women and gay men, with the occasional photographer trying to make things happen (which she would've been to autistic to pick up on), and her gigs near her house so she'd be in bed by 10.
This couldn't be a bigger lie if you tried