Name superheroes that weren't invented by Jews. The more iconic and classic the character the higher your score

Name superheroes that weren't invented by Jews. The more iconic and classic the character the higher your score.

I'll start.

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Is this a Sup Forums thread?

Jay Garrick

As far as I know, Gardner Fox and and Harry Lampert weren't Jewish.

Nah, I just noticed from looking up famous characters on Wikipedia almost all of them were invented by Jews and thought this would be a fun thread.


I can't tell who is and isn't Jewish

Holy jumping Jesus. I knew the Great People as my grandfather used to call them were all up in this motherfucker, but this looks like practically ALL of them.

Steve Ditko was a Polack and he deserves half the credit for Spider-man.

Okay... mmm... Spawn.

Ted Kord
Captain Atom



Well we ran out of names pretty quick, didn't we.

you're all casuals and should be ashamed of yourselves

Latin here

What is this fucking obssesion with the jews?

well it's important to remember that like 10 guys total created most of the iconic characters we recognize today

It's not an obsession with Jews, it's just pretty much any classic superhero you look up (Batman, Superman, Hulk, X-Men, Captain America, Green Lantern, Spider-man, etc.) were created by Jews, it's pretty easy to notice this. Personally I am thankful to our Hebrew friends for their pop culture contributions.

How about Thor? I mean Stan Lee did the reboot but I'm pretty sure Nordics came up with the character.

Is stan lee jewish

Im happy that im jewish!

I think im gonna make some comics one day, i already have a whole list of characters lined up.

Yes, born Stanley Leiber. Jack Kirby was born Jacob Kurtzberg.

Why the name change

Back in those days there was more prejudice against Jews. Of course some still change their names now because they think it will make them more successful in showbiz (i.e. Jon Stewart was born Jon Leibowitz)

Just in case the Axis won.

Gerry Conway was a christian/atheist later in life
Wally Wood wasn't jewish
Neither was Ric Estrada.
