Oh hey, Big Bang is doing their weekly report

>Spider-Man on #2 and #3 for their pre-orders.
Jesus, Spiderfags. This is why Slott will never leave.

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah most people enjot slottspidey

To be fair, Clone conspiracy #3 ended with the reveal of Ben Reilly. That got a ton of news, and some casuals were even interested.

Spideyfags don't care about quality, OP

They care about the main book ASM because Muh collection. It's why Slott had to tell LCSs to order more Clone Conspiracy. Because more people care about ASM.
You can put anyone on ASM and it will sell. There's a similar situation with Batfags.


This is kind of sad because the book is a fun event we don't get often.

Yeah, but the problem with this is it's coming off after a really derided event.

I"ve been saying that Civil War 2 really fucked em up because MU looks fun and Secret Empire is an event with actual build up. but no one cares because of how bad CW 2 was

Yeah but notice where they're at in terms of sales from people buying off the shelf.


>Marvel will never end the Carol push.


>MIGHTY CAPTAIN MARVEL #1 sold 15% less that the last issue before the relaunch. So this cost them readers over here.
>(also probably the fact that CIVIL WAR II happened and we all know how good that was for Carol...)


>Spider-man selling well
>RYV selling like shit

This is it. Slott will be the spider-man writer until he dies.


>Here's the thing... Marvel events DO SELL. They sell bigly. (or bigly enough) But then they create a sense of malaise on the readership.
>The readership reacts by not buying books that are released afterwards in "retaliation" (or just sheer fatigue).
>So Marvel goes "we tried all these new books but nothing sells! What was the last thing that sold well? AN EVENT" And you get another event.

And later

>CIVIL WAR II _killed_ any momentum they had as a company. The readership is not supporting them as a company. And not buying their new books

Will Marvel learn the lesson this time? Stay tuned!

That would require Marvel admitting it made a mistake.

Spider-Man will never NOT be popular.

They could sell more if they went back to the roots a bit though similar with how they are doing with Venom.

Personally if I were Marvel I'd split the universes into 2 again.

Have one universe where the SJW's can have all their pandering and gay trans Legacy characters, and one where it's rooted in the throwback comics...that way everybody wins and you sell more comics.

But I digress, Spider-Man will always sell comics no matter what. That's why there's 10+ spider people running around...all of them doing at least decently.

Will Marvel end up closed down or outsourced? Stay tuned!

>Spider-Man will never NOT be popular.

I know you want to claim that just like with other people misinformingly claiming "Batman always historically sells 100,000!", but that's actually not that true. During the Byrne/Mackie run Amazing Spider-Man actually hit lower than 50,000.

>Last year, Marvel sold approximately $1.3B worth of Spider-Man products, which is approximately four times the $325M they made from the Avengers. Meanwhile, their competition over at DC has struggled to keep up. Unsurprisingly, their most popular property was Batman, who brought in a respectable $494M, while their second most popular hero, Superman, brought it about $277M.

Spider-Man could sell 1 comic a year and still be popular.

Again, Spider-Man will never NOT be popular, get rekt nerd.

>Spider-Man products
Few of them comics.

Eyyy Doc Aphra in top 10. I actually buy that comic instead of just using win-o like everything else.

So the lesson here is that people like twinks.