5 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 3 > R1 > 1 > 2
Feel free to post your own power rankings or ask me why my rankings are like this
5 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 3 > R1 > 1 > 2
Feel free to post your own power rankings or ask me why my rankings are like this
>7 > 6
5 > 4 > 6 > R1 > 7 > 1 > 2 > 3
anything else is not a Star Wars fan
Switch 6 and 7 and you're gold.
The first time Ive ever seen anyone post the actual power ranking correctly.
Return of the Jedi is the most epic
>lets rank star wars films
5 > 4 > 6 = 7 >>>> R1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> diarrhea >>>>>>>>>>> 1 >>>>>>>>>>>> 2 = 3
Ewoks did literally nothing wrong.
Oh fuck you had 3 above R1. Nevermind, you fail at understanding just why the prequels were fucking dogshit and why they ruined star wars.
I fucking hate r1, it's an abomination that shouldn't exist but it is still better than the prequels
you cannot be more right than this
4 > 5 > 3 > 6 > R1 > 7 > 1 > 2
>b-b-but muh nostalgia
How could anyone rate R1 above 7? Just watch the RLM reviews already.
OP here
Dont get me wrong, i think episode 6 has better parts than 7, but episode 6 takes a bit of a nose dive in the 2nd act for me.
6 starts at a strong 9/10 but falls to a 6/10 with the ewoks, while 7 stays at an 8 or 7.5 all the way through imo
The only reason you 20 year old faggots like the prequels is because of the nostalgia for when your mom took you to see them.
Not my taste
Tbh the only reason 3 is higher is because it has a better soundtrack and more entertaining monents
>Episode 3
>entertaining moments
No, no no no no no no no nooooooooooooooooooooooo
>prequels above anything else
I remember liking R1 more than 7 when I finished watching it, but now I remember like nothing about it while the basic gestalt of 7 sticks with me.
Episode V, VI and III are all good. The rest do nothing for me. I like parts of IV but found it to be a mostly dull movie easily eclipses by its two sequels. And I only like the first half of VI. Once the ewoks showed up it lost me. But Luke vs Vader was extremely well done. III embraced its cheese and was a prolonged Saturday morning cartoon. I liked it for what it was. I like the bits of VII that invlude Kylo Ren. I still can't tell if Disney intentionally wrote a complex character played by a good actor or if everything about him was a fluke. I'm interested in Last Jedi to see how they handle him. The rest of the new cast are consistently dull.
Rogue One is a bland piece of shit and if you like it you're a tasteless faggot. This is irrefutable and if you deny otherwise then you should probably kill yourself.
Never saw Rogue One
Why do people include the garbage Rogue One spinoff in these autistic rankings while not including the Clone Wars movie or the Christmas Special?
5 >= 4 > 6 > 3 >>> 1 > R1 > 2 >>> 7
The only correct order.
>all this shit taste ITT
Patrician ranking:
Should've stopped by the first one. Everything else was trash.
Very close!
Very good taste! You overestimate 6. The first act is unwatchable if you've watched the film more than 3-4 times, the 2nd act is literally shit and the 3rd act does a huge disservice to Vader's character.
Also, you can't possibly seriously think that there is any movie worse than AotC
Almost excellent taste.
>3 above anything that isn't another prequel
Poor taste in filmmaking in general
4 is comfy, 6 is overrated, and 3 is plain bad. I you disagree you need to be older to view and browse this website.
>Why do people include the movie together with the movies but don't include the thing that isn't a movie?
Bad taste
There's nothing of value to be gained by watching 3 fat faggots sit in a basement sharing their opinions on a movie. Talking on a forum is one thing. Actually watching shit from these fucking morons is another.
6>4>5>1>R1>don't really care
>bad taste
>ranks jew jew's flick as the THIRD BEST MOVIE in series
Everyone, the ultimate state of this trash board in 2017. Just neck yourself. Every list where 7 ins't in last 3 positions is objectively bad.
whoever puts 7 before 6
is a cretin with no idea what good cinema looks like.
>don't really care
Correct answer
RLM is THE authority on Star Wars. Until you've seen their reviews, you are frankly ill equipped to pass judgement on the film franchise. Feel free to refute any of their points. There's a reason why they've obtained their status.
6 > 4 and 3 > 1 + 2 but otherwise you've got good taste in kino user
4 > 5 > 6 > 3 > 7 > 2 > 1
Not seen Rogue One and I'm not gonna see 8 or Han Solo or 9 or Kenobi or 10 or Boba Fett: Origins or 11 or Yoda's Highschool Days or 12 etc etc
Those are both movies, you pathetic retard.
7 > 5 > 4 > 3 > 6 > R1 > 1 > 2
>Feel free to refute any of their points.
Plinkett's TPM review has a huge strawman, he asks some people to describe Qui Gon Jinn's character without describing his occupation or external appearance, and to the same thing for Han Solo
foul 1
They didn't even try to describe Qui Gon properly
foul 2
Han Solo is a 3 movie character (at the time the review was released), Qui Gon only had one. Try comparing Qui Gon to Han Solo but only use RotJ for the latter.
Other than that Plinkett is based.
>Arguments against TFA:
>Uhhh DAJOOS made it
>[collage of Rey's facial expressions, somehow implying she's a bad actress presumably]
So if I call you a WB anti disney Jew and post a collage of Hayden Christiensen, Jake Lloyd or Mark Hamill's facial expressions do I win?
Disney nu-male shitters need not apply
I cant understand how anyones ranking wouldnt put 7 as the worst one next to 2. Its a hotrible mess that not only killed off any meaningful character in the original cast , let alone destroying all they achieved in the first trilogy, but also has the most textbook example of a mary sue character since the twilight movies. Like that is some 'i hate sand' level shit right there.
Kino tier
Pleb tier
5 > 4 >> 6 > 7 > R1 >> 3 > 1 > 2
>you need to be older
>while spouting "It's comfy" as argument for one of the movies
The ironing.
Anyone who legitimately thinks any of the movies outside of the original trilogy are better than any in the original trilogy should immediately be disregarded as retarded.
This desu
3>5>4>1>Tartakovsky Clone Wars>6>Clone Wars>2>>>>>>Shit>R1>Rebels>7>8?
4>=5>lukes story 6>3>1>r1>ewoks 6>2>>>>indifference>the mary sue awakens
You can switch 4 and 5 but its the best list, I cant imagine anyone could even care about reys story after 7.
>thinks 7 isn't a cash grab
>thinks Daisy "I'm acting!!!" Ridley is a decent actor
I've never seen a more Reddit poster in my life, fuck off
>calling people reddit
Back to 9gay with you
Patrician taste
>reddit spacing
The redditor recoils as if he has been struck
This is correct. Anybody who puts 7 above anything has got be underage. I really don’t see anything other possible way someone would do that
these are the absolute closest but 1 is the best of the prequels in every way, so
Why is everybody stupid but me?
The correct answer is to type 5>4>6, and to forget about the rest of the franchise.
To be honest I'd rate 3 and 1 above 6. 6 is not a good movie
>reddit spacing
No reddit, pretending to be tough and saying nigger doesn't make you one of the cool kids. Please fuck off back to nu/pol/ or reddit, they're practically the same at this point
>this continuous and autism-fueled meme that 7 was bad and somehow worse than the garbage fire prequels
Yoi will grow up eventually.
>I liked this one better because some whiny faggots on the internet told me it was
I don't think you know what a straw man is.
>it's okay that Qui-Gon is underdeveloped, he only was in one movie! So he doesn't need any.
This is literally the lamest and most pathetic excuse for bad writing I have even seen. Neck yourself.
>le prequels are bad
They obtained their status by the fact that most people dont want to think for themselves and would rather sit in an echochamber to follow the nerd zeitgeist. Off hand here are some silly points their reviews bring up:
>strawmanning quigons character.
>everything is cgi, the cgi is even considered bad for its time
>too many things on the screen
Seriously saying something ages poorly does not mean that the cgi wasnt cutting edge at the time. Though they arent vfx or even animation authorities so you cant expect them to ynderstand things like composition or lighting. Rlm have some good points but its mostly just a nostalgic rant by another starwars autist. Who hates the prequels so much that they gobbled up the liquid cinematic garbage that was 7. A movie that has more in common with jupiter ascending than it does with A New Hope.
Is there any opinion outside of "Daisy sucks, Disney wars sucks, the Jews blah blah" that you'd even listen to at this point? Because repeating the same memes is getting old after a few years.
The original trilogy is part of my youth, like it is for many people. The succeeding movies are just meh. I've seen part of one or two of the prequel trilogy, and none of the subsequent movies. The magic or charm, or whatever you want to call it, isn't there.
You're mostly correct. Nice to see someone with good taste in this shithole.
Patrician taste. I could rewatch Ep.2 maybe once a year, but I'll never rewatch 7.
>pure fantasy kino tier
4 = 5
>acceptable enough for franchise
6 > 3
>largely regrettable but still original tier
1 > 2
>supplemental A New Hope footage tier
>modern day nostalgia baiting PC episode 4 rehash tier
If you argue against this you are seriously braindead.
Literally dogshit > 5 > 4 > 6 > 3 > 1 > 7 > 2
>t. r/prequels fag
You don't know what a strawman is, do you?
you have a point with 1. I'd still give the edge to 6 though. 6 had some sloppy acting and those fucking ewoks, but 1 had jar jar and that fucking podracing scene.
How about the idea that Rey, the movie’s main protagonist, is one of the worst characters in movie history? You think all of the “I bypassed the character development!” memes are just shitposting? She’s just good at everything she does without any training making her one of most boring protags I’ve ever seen. Not to mention the villain becomes uninteresting halfway through the movie.
>he didn't like podracing
>t.tfa pleb
You couldnt come up with decent counterpoints huh?
I don't even remember what happened in Rogue One. There was a cool space battle, and then a horribly embarrassing scene with Vader. Before that there was some kind of... plot?
This guy gets it.
Where did Sup Forums's scathing meme-rage over the latest 2 movies come from? Sure, they mangle the franchise lore, but the atmosphere is excellent. Kind of the exact opposite of the prequels, in a way.
>that fucking pod racing scene
there is literally nothing wrong with this scene other than the DUDE Ben Quadrineros LMAO and little Anakin, pod racing is a legitimately original and cool thing in a science fantasy epic
No, you're right.
There is no nu/pol/, only lefties like you think there is
>How about the idea that Rey, the movie’s main protagonist, is one of the worst characters in movie history?
You sound like a hyperbolic autist of the highest order if you seriously believe that. This fandom is fucking filled with turboautists.
>You think all of the “I bypassed the character development!” memes are just shitposting?
>She’s just good at everything she does
Except she isn't.
>without any training making
If you still haven't figured out the title, the hints to her suppressed memories, the fact that she waa obviously trained before and even literal children figured that out, you are seriously brain-damaged.
>Not to mention the villain becomes uninteresting halfway through the movie.
Kylo was the most interesting thing about TFA.
If you think any of the Star Wars films are above mediocre then you have shit taste.
What counter do you want? Your points were retarded, you don't know what a strawman is.
>pod racing is a legitimately original and cool thing in a science fantasy epic
You're right, unfortunately, like most things in the PT, George ruined it by making it fucking Wacky Races in space.
ELDERLY GEORGE: Kids still like Hanna Barbara, right?
HIS BOARD OF YES MEN: Of course they do, Mr. Lucas.
Empire > RotJ > FA > New Hope > R1 > 3 > 1 > 2
That's not what these threads are about user.
hi, Reddit. How's r/the_donald?
>unironically says "da joos"(sic)
>calls others lefties
Weak bait
Very similar to my own.
5 > 4 > 6 = 7 > 3 = R1 > 1 > 2