Past the age of 23, a man without a family, is a bad thing

>Past the age of 23, a man without a family, is a bad thing

Is he right?

Only in shitty rural towns who don't realize how backwards they are

>Past the age of 18, a man without a gf can be a bad thing

stop misquoting marty

>Past the age of 23, a man without a family, is a bad thing



I feel like Sup Forums likes to interpret this line as being about family values, but it's really just about how a lack of something to tie you down, something to be responsible for, can end up putting you in harms way (as it did Llewellyn). You end up doing reckless things you wouldn't do otherwise.

Also this

>Past the age of 15, a man with his virginity intact, can be a bad thing.

But that's the opposite of what jews want

Yes good Goy, only the chosen people should settle down and procreate.

>thinks the jews want men to be having a family with traditional values
you're fucking retarded