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Looks like DC's in for a BIG drop. It's unfortunate but it's to be expected. UNSURPRIZED!

They should try #0 next time. Yes, there will be a next time, AND THEN ANOTHER ONE, AND ANOTHER ONE, AND...

... I like when you play dumb user.

But sometimes i feel you ain't playing, and it scares me.

I worry for you

sounds like it did better then it deserves too

Why the fuck is it called mighty.


Mighty Marvel is an alliteration

Nice alternative facts there, user.

Wow, it's almost like no one wants to buy an ongoing that's tied to a shitty event that everyone hated.

The smartest thing Marvel could do is distance itself from Civil War II as much as possible. Pretend it didn't happen, and find an excuse to separate Carol and her book from it before it wrecks the already precarious Captain Marvel brand.

But Marvel editorial seems to be completely deaf to what readers want so they're just going to double-down on this failure party instead.

not even the rock can save them

Theres a Captain in there tho. They should give mighty to Ms. Marvel

Or they can leave it with Thor, as it should be. They can give Carol "Fantastic." It's not like they're going to be using that word any time soon.

Kamala > Carol

she embiggens my dong

>not Fascistic

>The Cosmic Captain Marvel
But that would require her comic to actually be Cosmic, nah Carol doesn't deserve it.

Is that the issue number or how many copies get ordered?

what if the movie bombs?

Well i hate both so. Mire for you

I think it'll do well. If the movie actually does bomb then I'd believe in the Curse of the Fawcett Captain Marvel affecting any Marvel character named Captain Marvel.

It won't, but it won't make a billion.

like Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant-Man did

literally impossible

>it will be LELSORANDUMB
>Sup Forums will hail it as an underrated masterpiece

It's the opposite. It will have jokes and Sup Forums will say that means it sucks.

Quips, user. And someone will say YAAS QUEEN.

it seems to me like the only reason they do this is Marvel values diversity for marketing purposes, and it would be bad PR to have a Wonder Woman movie (I think it will be shit btw) and no Marvel female movie.

>Guardians of the Galaxy was a nostalgic fun space adventure that took itself just seriously enough and respected its audience
>Ant Man was a legitimately fun and charming heist movie instead of standard superhero fare
What will the Captain Marvel movie bring to the table that will actually draw a crowd past the first weekend

not much. they'll retool another movie to give her a prominent role to try and garner more interest then try again

Nice company wars, Sup Forums.

>took itself just seriously enough and respected its audience
>legitimately fun and charming heist movie instead of standard superhero fare

Oh I hope so.
I really fucking hope so.
Can you imagine? Thanks user.


And Marvel shills will defend it.

>Kamala > Carol

This is true. They should being using Kamala rather than Carol because at least some people like Kamala.

No one likes Carol. The most useful shit she ever did in comics was let Rogue take her powers.

It'll only bomb if they don't lower expectations.
I'm ready for people on twitter to call other people sexist for not watching the movie.

Bots, user. People are too expensive.

It's the little things that bring me happiness

I like tothink that that kind of shit has settled down since the Ghostbusters fiasco, but then again, I'm not on Sup Forums much these days, so the drama might just be slipping under my radar.
Tell me, Fred: is there as much bullshit lefty drama today as there was even a year ago?

I like Marvel too dude but there's no need to be this defensive.

Right now worst case scenario is the movie will make money back, but the character's popularity and mainstream appeal won't grow as desired (much like what happened with Mister Doctor) and they'll be forced to do this .

But that's what happened with Captain America, so chances are they'll get Carol over with the normalfag crowd.

The trips have spoken.

Seriously tho it won't bomb because it has the Marvel Studios stamp and people will flock to see it no matter what.

It might not perform as expected tho and I bet Feige expects Captain Marvel doing as good as Iron Man or Avengers but IMO she'll perform as good as Ant-Man and if the movie does suck she'll do worst.

>I bet Feige expects Captain Marvel doing as good as Iron Man or Avengers
No one is delusional enough to actually think this. That sentence might be true for Spider-Man, but it's fucking Carol Danvers we're talking about for god's sake!

no, that certainly wasn't best post, dumb namefag

>But that's what happened with Captain America

True, his first movie was a pulpy WWII adventure movie and while good and campy it didn't really captured the audience's interest and then Whedon did a poor ass job with his character in Avengers.

Then the Russos worked with the First Avenger Cap writers and just channeled Brubaker's run and made his movies into an action espionage movie with some minor sci fi elements with Cap as the underdog and people really responded well to that.

Captain Marvel would need to find her own genre and flavor in order to succeed but so far I haven't heard anything interesting about her movie or the character other than "She's a woman" which doesn't leave me much confidence.

I mean before Ant-Man came out we had an idea of what the story or the feel of the movie was going to be about or at least the feel of th emovie, same thing with GotG but Captain Marvel? What is it going to be about?

Dude Hollywood types are really out of touch with reality, it's why we got shit like female Ghostbusters and they were all surprised when it did horribly even though we all saw it a mile away.

Hell IDW comics did a better female Ghostbuster team wish they adapted that.

It probably won't. Even if it is a super success, her comics will still suck though.

No chance.

After Wonder Woman bombs Marvel will be hailed as having the first good female led superhero movie. I can already see the headlines and they're already triggering me.
>THIS is how female superhero movie should be
>Take notes DC
>Move over Wonder Woman

Except Hollywood more than anyone knows Female protagonist don't sell despite blabbing about equality and muh feminism bullshit all the time. They just alter minor details to cater to minorities (i.e. Marvel movies' main character's best friend is black).

Ghostbusters was a meme movie fueled by meme reasons that it did horribly both critically and financially. There's a reason they are trying to get Venecia Cambridge as the next face of the franchise.

Don't forget Bendis will be in charge of her book 6 months prior the release of the movie.

If that's what they wanted they also could have gone with a She-Hulk movie.

What is YAAAAAAS QUEEN and why is it associated with Captain Marvel

>they also could have gone with a She-Hulk movie.
Not with Universal getting a piece of the cake.

They could have given Black Widow a movie, too. Since, ya know, she's already established and whatnot? Or maybe they could have pulled their heads out of the fucking asses and given Lady Sif a more prominent role in the Thor movies? (okay, I know, Jaime Alexander hurt herself and they had to cut back on her screentime because of that.)

>is there as much bullshit lefty drama today as there was even a year ago?
Moreso, Shagg!

Lefty power!!

They used that phrase in the solicit for this comic and now everybody makes fun of it.

To be fair it probably was some dumb editor (Amanat?) instead of the writer, but the writer will have to live this down forever.

>Marvel made a character with Marvel in their name hated

Shut up Satanichia.

Fucking rekt son. At this point Marvel would be better off just making a new female leading lady(since they're very adamant on not using any of their Fox owned females), cause it very obvious that Carol will never be what they want out of her.

>marvel movies newer than 2005

Literally impossible. They have an innumerable number of drones eager to watch anything they churn out

Could spend the big bucks to get Rogue Back

But then she'd be relying on getting her powers from men.

Jesus, I didn't know they ACTUALLY used it in any form officially.

That's incredibly embarrassing.


I can only feel apathy towards the character.

They really need to stop pushing Carol so much. Just wait for the movie, and have a good writer steal half the shit thats going to make her popular. That and bring back the long hair. Funny isnt it? That the MCU is perhaps the only way to redeem the character at this point? You ask me, just do what Avengers EMH did and make her femshep

>Have an evident that made everyone hate her
>Pretend it never happened and expect her to be super popular

More people would be interested in reading her if they didn't make her so damn unlikeable in civil war 2.

Can you answer the question ?

Its pretty much guaranteed not to user. Though in the unlikely event that it does then Marvel Comics might bench the character for a good bit

It'd be funny if Carol's movie ends up being the one that bursts the bubble.

Nice trips user, but i'm sure people are going to eat any piece of shit the MCU throw at the public i would love the movie to fail so Marvel can stop pushing Carol as Marvel WW

You may as well ask what happens if we all turned into cookies. It's not going to happen.

Shit better relaunch it. I bet volume 14 will catch on for sure!

I want it to do well so Marvel has something to rip off. I mean for god sake it cant be any worse than the Carol we have now

The razzies didn't even nominated the Ghostbusters in the worst sequel, remake, reboot so what you think

The smartest thing Marvel could do is drop the cunt entirely. Nobody likes Carol and the movies wont change that. They have fuck all effect on comic sales. If they did the Avengers would be beating the Justice League

Of course it won't. Doctor Strange didn't even do 700mil and people were actually excited for that. Carol will do Ant-Man numbers if shes lucky

Carol's great now though.

Depends on how Marvel handles the promotion. If they go full retard with the YASSS QUEEN SLAY like the Ghostbusters did then it will tank

Considering how the public and critics love to attack sequels and reboots after the release, this is no shock to me

Carol's the worst she's been in decades. They've retconned her so much it's like she's an entirely different, shittier character.

Sadly this.

Pretty much, which sucks because theres no reason why Wonder Woman shouldnt be the first great female led superhero movie. Goddamn WB, theres an animated movie from 2009 thats laid out for you to rip off.

Carol Danvers will get so much press, "First Female Superhero solo movie for Marvel".

Besides, they are going to probably push her into a avengers movie like they did with Spooderman and Black Panther (I know civil war wasn't a avengers movie but it was marketed as one).

>they are going to probably push her into a avengers movie

I think shes confirmed for IW.

>theres no reason why Wonder Woman shouldnt be the first great female led superhero movie.
well, you have the insane execs who demanded a script for Suicide Squad to be done in 6 weeks and then rejected the director's cut in favor of sending it to a place especialized in editing trailers, not movies.
It has MANY reasons to fail.

Am I the only one who wants a Shazam movie?

if it's Carol + Jess then I will masturbate for 24 hours straight while crying. But then, I do that every weekend, so no big deal

>No one likes Carol.
and yet there's Carol threads that stick around for days. Face it, user. She has a fanbase. And it's not just SJWs.

> is there as much bullshit lefty drama today as there was even a year ago?
more, but they are ignoring comics right now. They're all obsessing over Trump and will be for quite a while. If we're lucky he'll take all the heat and we'll be left alone.

I'll fucking riot if that happens. I would even prefer KSD to him

that is officially the worst solicit in comics history.


Yeah, if she gets pushed like spooderman did and she does well, which it will probably do since it's the freaking russo brothers behind it, I can see her solo making around 800m. Which is terrific for that IP.

Doctor Strange made 659.3m and he wasn't even in a avengers movie.

Can you imagine how confusing Marvel is to an outsider right now?
So is IvX the BIG EVENT or is Monsters Unleashed the BIG EVENT?
What comic isn't the big event?
Why are there two Spider-men, two Captain Americas, two Thors, two Wolverines, and two Iron Men?

>"First Female Superhero solo movie for Marvel".

Playing up the female shit will hurt them like it did Ghostbusters. Just market her like you would a male hero instead of a diversity push. Nobody likes that shit

FUUUUCK, I'm already hearing it. Why are all these SJW reviewers so...i don't even know what's the word. Condescending? Loud? Selfcentered? Painfully unfunny? Overly-Snarky and Passive agressive? It's almost as if every sentence they wrote smelled of glitter, and had this vibe of dyed hair and bitch glasses with a song by the 198 playing in the background.

>Doctor Strange made 659.3m and he wasn't even in a avengers movie.

So it did worse than every other Superhero movie except for X-Men?

>Playing up the female shit will hurt them like it did Ghostbusters. Just market her like you would a male hero instead of a diversity push. Nobody likes that shit

I disagree, I don't think they'll push for it. I'm just saying that the normie/SJW folks will get exposed and more hyped up by it. Look at WonderWoman she's already getting some tumblerrites out of their lesbian caves.

Its a wait and see scenario
if captain marvel is big and makes dosh then the comics will get a bump

>Condescending? Loud? Selfcentered? Painfully unfunny? Overly-Snarky and Passive agressive?

Sounds like your average Sup Forumscksucker nowadays.
You'd think after recent events and Marvel comics failing all the time it'd TRIGGER some self-reflection and humilty, but NOPE.

Socialism is one hell of a drug.


Here's a list, Dr Strange did pretty well.

>Can you imagine how confusing Marvel is to an outsider right now?

Who isn't an outsider right now?
I've started reading Marvel comics 25 years ago and even I don't know what's going on. Not that I care.

On the contrary, general audiences love marvel nowadays, because of the movies. They don't even need to sell comics to keep themselves afloat.

That's why I said Marvel COMICS.

because they are shitty writers.

writers write, and great writers write a lot. SJWs spend that time going to protests instead. in addition they exist in the progressive hugbox where people love the smug, condescending tone and they never get any feedback on their style. then they head to a big paper as a diversity hire and shoved into a position where they won't do any damage, like movie reviews.

Basically, they write with that tone because they suck, and they're used to writing for people who love it. They don't understand how looks to everyone else.