
Hi guys, ever heard of logic?
It will change your life.

Logos? What the hell is that?

So was that supposed to be a sarcastic "live long and prosper" (or alternatively: "peace and long life") hand gesture, right before he was about to jihad both their asses? I didn't know Vulcan terrorists had such an ironic sense of humor.

television shouldnt unintentionally make me angry

it was pretty good, never seen sarcastic sign language before

honestly the concept of "logic extremism" is funny as hell

it wasn't ironic, by his logic killing Sarek will preserve the purity of Vulcan and ensure the longevity & prosperity of his culture

http s://education.onehowto.com/article/the-origin-of-philosophy-the-transition-from-myth-to-logos-2313.html

educate yourself.

Came here to post this.

E. Michael Jones is the final redpill.

there are many elements of STD that I should despise, but I actually like

writers are finally addressing the idea that the super idealism of star trek is nonsense, and that even calculating vulcans would have differing political opinions

the fact remains that beyond pretending not to have emotions, vulcans aren't really all that logical

Logic is complex, and they almost never form complex decision trees or extrapolate a specific point from existing data, they just talk monotonously

None of that is fresh and its been addressed before, some elements even date back to TOS.