Why does Sup Forums hate star wars? I swear you guys will bash every single film in the canon.
Why does Sup Forums hate star wars? I swear you guys will bash every single film in the canon
Why does reddit love star wars? I swear you guys will cum over every single film in the canon.
Sup Forums doesn't hate Star Wars, Sup Forums hates Nu-Star Wars. Reddit loves Nu-StarWars and JJ is their favorite director.
>another website likes it so I have to hate it!
How pathetic your life must be
Because it used to be a fun fantasy movie series. Now the whole thing just seems like a bunch of shit, and it seems even weirder when a bunch of people start to make it their religion
4 and 5 were kino. 6 was average and commercial, but provided a satisfying ending to the OT story.
The prequels are about 50/50 pure distilled kino and whimsical trash.
Everything Disney has done has been commercial feed for livestock.
Found the reddit user. Fuck off back to where you came from you crossposting parasite
The original trilogy was a product of its time and got elevated to high art for no other reason than sheer popularity.
The prequels tried to flesh out the real world of the universe but failed because people didn't care about that and there was nothing else to entertain them with.
These new films are literally just the original films but with diversity and stronk womyn implying that the original trilogy was wrong for having all white people and one cool black guy
I actually liked all six of the Lucas films because they were made without any irony but these new films are just products to sell funko pop models to numales and their aging roastie whore girlfriends
This homo is correct
I feel sorry for you
Do you need a hug?
I feel sorry for Reddit
no i don't
>Sup Forums is a single person
>reddit boogeyman
It's because most of us love Star Wars, so we're hypercritical of flaws in SW movies.
I love the OT Star Wars, but the shittiness of the prequels and Disney Wars has caused me to even go back and realize that the OT had some major problems.
For example, Vader being Luke's father destroyed Obi-Wan's character, turning him from a wise father figure into a manipulative goon who lies to a young boy before taking him on an incredibly risky space adventure.
If GL had just hired other people to help him write the stories and to direct, the PT would have been great.
>turning him from a wise father figure into a manipulative goon who lies to a young boy before taking him on an incredibly risky space adventure.
Implying getting some young kid to go do stupid shit with you isn't fatherly.
it represents growing up to realise movies are trash with very few ever having any true meaning
Anyone else wishing that the final TLJ script would get leaked so this shit stops consuming the internet?
Rogue one sucks!
I don't hat starwars, at least not the original trilogy, I just hate what it represents and how you have millions of people who think that they're part of somw kind of counterculture for liking the most popular movie franchize ever
Pretty much this.
You can safely express your enjoyment of the OT on Sup Forums because it's objectively the best version of Star Wars.
Prequel enjoyment is sort of controversial but people are slowly warming up to them.
You CANNOT like Disney shit on Sup Forums and for good reason. If you want to talk Disney shit you can go to >>>/swco/
because Disney's primary agenda isnt to make a good movie, but to ride on the franchise's fame to push bullshit politics
>Rogue One
>Better than any of the prequels
I got bad news for you, user.
Indeed it did. Indeed.
>Have to reorient the dish
>Just so the stronk wyminz is shot at and has to hang on the bridge
>a manipulative goon who lies to a young boy before taking him on an incredibly risky space adventure.
He wanted dat boipucc.
Wouldn't blame him, Mark Hamill was qt af in ANH.
because it turned into SJW cuck garbage
How many people here also browse reddit you think? I'd say 70%.
No it didn't. Disney Star Wars is no different in that regard than the OT.
>millions of people who think that they're part of some kind of counterculture
Nobody thinks that.
This desu
The prequels were bad but at least they were honest. Though they were still catered to sell toys in a way, they didn't feel as manufactured as the latest ones.
>nigger main lead
>strong woMAN who takes the role of Han, Luke, Leia, and apparently Lando
>not sjw cuck garbage
You're a moron.
I only like the prequels.
That's weird
>at least they were honest
No they weren't.
>didn't feel as manufactured as the latest ones
Yes they did.
The prequels were literally made in a laboratory. There's no soul. The Phantom Menace was one of the most dishonest films ever released.
>Disney's primary agenda is to push bullshit politics
If you honestly believe this you're 12. Disney is a business. The primary agenda is to make money.
I'm not a huge star wars fan but I'm surprised at all of this prequel love, from what I've heard and Plinkett's reviews it seems like the prequels were moronic.
I honestly though Rogue was better than TFA but none of them were amazing to me. I only like Rogue One because of the last half hour.
t. a star wars normie
The prequels were moronic, but they had a bit more heart and soul than the Disney movies, plus a lot of people here first saw the prequels when they were kids, so now there are a bunch of people running around Sup Forums claiming that the prequels were good.
>impliying Obi Wans wasn't the absolute madman doing that
I mean I grew up with the OT but episode IV and VI are not worth a yearly rewatch. I rewatch the prequels every year and I see new details every time I watch them.
I'm fine with star wars, it's the cockball fans I can't stand.
Going to Disneyland this weekend, i fucking hate all you starwarsfags
Why you does hate star wars?
It was never a masterpiece.
Disney just sucks.
What the fuck were they thinking with Rey. She’s a worse character than Lucas himself could’ve come up with.
To top it off, her toys are selling like garbage.
I don't hate it. However I do consider the new trilogy a serious step back, and I'm not a fan of the whole political air the new movies have adopted. Rey just reeks of the whole "girrrrrrrrrl power" bullshit so much it makes me cringe every time she's on the screen.
Rey doesn't have any interesting qualities. She's just a regular girl who is upset her parents won't come back.
Rey doesn't have dreams at all. We liked Luke because he dreamed of something bigger. Rey is just thrown into it.
I fucking love all the star wars films except for the new shite. The original trilogy is certified kino, no need to retread that. But the prequels are even better for a totally different reason. If you want to watch spectacular movies with sympathetic characters you root to win, then you're spoiled for choice. But if you want to see a meticulously designed and impeccably executed car crash, then what the fuck options do you have? The prequels are bad-movie kino and I unironically cherish them. The new films are soulless mediocrity, with no vision or heart. The characters are just generic enough that you don't sympathise or laugh at them. You just dont care
>The prequels were moronic, but they had a bit more heart and soul than the Disney movies
It's the exact opposite for me
>plus a lot of people here first saw the prequels when they were kids
Me too, and I found them so bad that I didn't even bother with the OT until 2014.
Literally fuck the prequels in the ass with a cactus.
Rey is what happens when a male feminist tries to write a "strong" female character.
Instead of making a reasonable flawed, relatable human character, they end up making an idealized, all powerful and omnipotent goddess that can't do anything wrong and everyone adores. It honestly baffles me feminists love the shit out of her.
delicious bait
Agreed. The prequels are on that Battlefield Earth tier of "holy shit they spent all that money on this?"
Not a bait.
It's sad that whenever someone has an opinion that goes against the crab bucket mentality of the board the opposition can just spout a buzzword like Jew/shill/bait without having to present an argument
Luke is a well liked character in general because he’s a space hillbilly that had actual character development. He was an inept simpleton that overcame his trials and became wiser and stronger by his own means rather than by a magic wand. He got his fucking ass kicked regularly and bounced back. Rey is basically like a toned down light sided Starkiller.
What exactly is that "soul" that the prequels have but TFA lacks?
>The new films are soulless mediocrity, with no vision or heart.
It looked to me like the new trilogy has no other vision or purpose than to scream tumblr-tier political themes. Nothing else.
Luke had dreams, ideals, internal struggles and at no point it felt like he was meant to prove something. We see him grow and overcome himself. He's on a journey, and we're with him.
Rey feels empty. She has no goals, no dreams of her own, the "struggles" she faces last for 1 minute before she moves on. She gets dragged from situation to situation with the only purpose of proving she's the best and to show how tough she is. In every scene she's written into, it feels like she HAS to prove something. She's not on a journey, she's desperately screaming she's a strong, independent woman and pretty much nothing else.
1) Lucas' paying homage to / ripping off the style of old-school historical epics and stuff like Metropolis... it would come off as forced, but I think it's an area where Lucas actually cared about doing things right rather than just selling toys
2) some good acting from McGregor and McDiarmid
3) effectively creepy Hayden Christensen in the rare scenes where you can forget about the nonsensical development of his character for a minute and just absorb the scene as a stand-alone: for example, when he massacres the sandpeople
To be fair, I do like Kylo Ren in TFA. That character is one of the few bright spots from that movie.
It was more concerned about character development than making the plot "mighty whitey vs. minorities: the social commentary".
>Episode 4: actual character development, goes from a lost young man, to doubting the force, to believing, to succeeding
>Episode 5: picking where we left off, Luke is still a successful soldier (hoth) but he must become a Jedi. It's hard of course, he fails literally every single test in the 2nd and 3rd act.
>Episode 6: oh btw Luke became really strong somehow without visiting Yoda, oh and now Yoda dies.
>Hey Vader, kill Luke
>Oh, you know what? Luke, kill Vader
>Too bad, you'll die now. Or in 15 minutes. Just as long as your daddy (who I just deemed disposable within hearing range) needs to kill me
>[Dies in Coruscantese]
>Wow, thanks dad! You are totally redeemed now that you saved me out of love and not out of survival instinct or self-interest!
A lot of the prequels character development was nonsense. And TFA wasn't bad because it was trying to peddle some SJW narrative - it was bad because it was a mostly soulless, rehashed, corporate cardboard product.
>ITT kids and brand loyal autists continue to waste time trying to find substance in anything past Return if the Jedi, which itself was lacking
You're all idiots.
Not the OT, the prequels were alright too, the new SJW shit can go to hell. And don't bleat Sup Forums or any bullshit like that, they were pretty open about the themes and agendas. I'm not buying into that crap. "Duh embire is ebil white men!"
Vader saving Luke actually made a lot sense to me when watching the prequels. What plunged Anakin to the dark side was the despair of losing the people that were important to him. His mother, then Padme. Even as Vader, I think he wouldn't be able to stand losing someone else. Luke and Leia is all he has left from Padme, and deep inside he does care about them.
Ah, my bad, I read wrong. I was talking about the original trilogy.
I don’t know what point you’re trying to make.
Luke and Vader had ZERO character development in RotJ, I thought it was clear from the post I respond to and the way I talk about RotJ
Vader saving Luke looks like an act of self interest EVEN MORE if you have seen the prequels and know that the emperor isn't fucking around when he asks the new student to kill the old one.
the love of spectacle. George really went for it visually, cause he has a vision for the universe. The plot was designed with this in mind, no more nebulous empire of space nazis, but an actual analysis of the politics of the star wars universe. Yeah it was incoherent and shitty, but that's heart, if not a brain
also TFA is insincere. It wasn't made cause anybody in production particularly appreciated the universe. They only 'liked' what aspects could be made to be celebrated. When george made the prequels i doubt he was imagining the world sucking his dick for making the best movies ever again (probably did cross his mind once or twice) but that's all the TFA producers thought. They don't give a fuck and I hate them forever
>Luke and Vader had ZERO character development in RotJ
That's because Luke's character development ended in episode V. Episode VI is about putting Luke's beliefs in test. He's convinced he can save his father even when literally everyone tells him it's impossible and that he'll fail. The whole purpose of this is to test Luke's faith and resolve that he gained through the first 2 movies. He has nothing else to develop because now it's about putting that development to test. And he succeeds against all odds.
Sup Forums only hates the nu-trilogy because of Sup Forums, and hates the prequels because of /rlm/. it loves the old trilogy though.
The others doesn't exist.
>Vader saving Luke looks like an act of self interest EVEN MORE if you have seen the prequels
I guess both interpretations are valid, but I'll go with Vader actually not wanting to lose any more family members no matter how deep he's into the dark side. And in his lasts moments he does look like he loves and cares about Luke, not to mention that he only tried to kill him when he saw no other options, and spent a good chunk of the movie trying to make him join him instead.
Also, c'mon, look at Anakin when Padme tells him she's pregnant. I don't think he'd ever sacrifice his kid for the dark side. He loves his family too much.
Serious question. If I was to watch star wars for the first time should I watch them in release order or story order?
>Found the reddit user.
not exactly a difficult feat on this board considering all the pedophiles and meme forcing retards.
Release order. Always release order. Though you could watch Rogue One before A New Hope, I suppose.
Release fo sho. Episode 4 is technically a standalone film.
I don't disagree with what you said about RotJ, which is why I rate it above the prequels
4 5 6 1 2 3 7 for the main series films (release order)
RO should be after 7 by the same logic but you can see it between 3 and 7 too because it is set after 3. I wouldn't recommend before 4 like the other poster said because you will miss out on many references, callbacks and tense moments that only make sense after seeing 4 and knowing the stakes. The tonal change would not make for a pleasant viewing experience either.
Another piece of advice is don't marathon them. You've got about 2 months till the last jedi releases. Watching one movie every 5-7 days is the closest you can get to original viewing experience.
Release order. Afterwards you can watch in chronological order so you end on a high note.
Release order. Remember to watch the theatrical release (not the special editions) of 4, 5 and 6. After 6 (Return), you should take a long break.
Then be prepared for 1, 2 and 3 being the worst films you've ever watched.
Then watch the Plinkett reviews for some much needed closure on the sorry affair that is the prequels.
Then watch The People vs. George Lucas to understand why I told you to avoid the special editions of 4, 5 and 6. Here you have the option to suffer through the special editions if you want. Alternatively you could just watch the special edition of 6 along with RLM's commentary track.
Then you can move on to watch 7, and be all "meh" about it.
Then you can watch Rogue One and quit being excited for anything else ever again.
Have fun. Sort of.
this is embarrassing, just leave
i'm just sick of hearing about it, in every show there's a nerd who loves star trek, sod off. it's just a dumb space opera, get over it.
Found the fucking sheep
And it has nothing to do with liking TFA
See you in the next thread, friend!
The first trilogy was fine. The second was shit. Rogue One is nice. The Force Awakens is a little trashy.
i concur with this
You know it's funny
If the prequels weren't called Star Wars, and all Star Wars-related things were just roses by any other name, the prequels would have been remembered as some of the most inventive and provocative film trilogies of the late 90's/early 2000's and spectacles of the Sci-Fi genre
If the sequels weren't called Star Wars, they'd be called put for being the shameless, 0-substance cashgrab ripoffs of the original Star Wars films that they are, and would have been written off as just another product of shitty 2010's nostalgia bait.
But because the prequels were called Star Wars, and the lowest common denominator has such a superficial concept of what "Star Wars" is supposed to be, they were ousted as terrible movies that were boring and dumb and "ruined muh childhood!"
And because the sequels are called Star Wars, and the lowest common denominator has such a superficial concept of what "Star Wars" is supposed to be, they are praised as fantastic returns to form where everything is perfect and there can be no legitimate criticisms because "Star Wars is back yo!"
how many upvotes did you get for that?
What's an upvote?
I don't know, it's some strange form of a (You).
Huh. Well, I have two regular (you)s now.
I have not hated a single fucking Star Wars film.
Every movie is riddled with flaws if you are going to analyze it properly. Plot holes, repetitive shit, bland characters, horrid writing. All of the movies have a few of these. Yet every fucking movie, even Attack of the Clones, has great redeeming moments.
Those who criticize the prequels for being "too simple", "cheesy" and "badly written" are too blinded by muh nostalgia to see that the exact same thing can easily be said about the OT. They also forget a key component to what made Star Wars so great in the first place: it didn't take itself too seriously.
It's an adventure movie. In space. The original idea was cowboys in space. Come on.
>getting dubs on both reddit filter questions
almonds active
are you saying that isn't a win-win?