Jesus Woody now is not the time for your shit
Jesus Woody now is not the time for your shit
Other urls found in this thread: old man dates a younger woman?
Swedish death metal?
>He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.
>I’m 35 years older, and somehow, through no fault of mine or hers, the dynamic worked. I was paternal. She responded to someone paternal. I liked her youth and energy. She deferred to me, and I was happy to give her an enormous amount of decision-making just as a gift and let her take charge of so many things. She flourished. It was just a good-luck thing.
Woody sees himself as Jude Law kek
>I liked her youth and energy
Was this sentence ever said by anybody who wasn't 40+ years old and fucking a 16 year old?
more like Juden Law, amirite?
Rich old nasty jews taking all the young women. is that how nazism came to be? Was Hitler wrong after all?
Woddy Allen is pretty much the film version of webcomic people that have to self insert themselves in everything they do.
When did Neon Semen Demon get cankles? Also, the Jews just can't help it. Their neurosis is too strong.
Yeah, giving her 'freedom' to do a lot of 'decision-making' when she knows you are her entire safety net. What a fucking scumbag. 'Youth and Energy' what a fucking insipid thing to say, you pedephilic fuck. He likes her for the same reason you like a pet, and I'm sure she liked him for the same reason a pet likes it's master, it's a provider. You're a fucking middle aged pencil necked nerd, no girl has a fucking crush on you. This guy is a real piece of work
Who doesn't admire youthfulness and freshness of being that only a young girl can have? Who really wants a jaded old hag?
Fun fact: There are no good Swedish death metal albums. Not even LHP.
You ever think about how fun it would be to beat the shit out of him? His shriveled little 5'5 body, barely 110lbs soaking wet. I'd love to see the look of terror on his face when realizes that the decades of abusing people with his wealth couldnt buy him out of another situation. Fuck I'd like to do it to 20 year old him
Like that fat little mexican fuck that draws himself as the blue bear?
He plays the main lead in many of his films. That's hardly self-insertion.
>uglier in literally every way
>but muh ass
nigger pls
>Who really wants a jaded old hag?
maybe not an "old hag" but I like the disillusioned mindset and broken-by-life personalities that come with mature women. conversely, I find the idiotic, unrealistic dreams and manic restlessness of girls in their teens and twenties extremely annoying. the freshest, tightest pussy can't make me endure that crap for longer than a weekend.
That isn't what i said, i said that it was an insipid thing to say you like someone for considering how superficial it is. Like we're supposed to sympathise with him because of it and a-ok his abuse, it's literally just his justification for hebephilia. What would she do if she weren't receptive to his romantic advances? She'd literally be out of a home
>Asked whether the allegations against Allen played “a factor in your decision to star in his new film,” Winslet said, “Um. It’s just a difficult discussion. I’d rather respectfully not enter it today.”
>Who doesn't admire youthfulness and freshness of being that only a young girl can have?
Mature adults.
>Who really wants a jaded old hag?
Mature adults.
No, it's literally self-insertion. You know his films are fictional, right?
>He plays the main lead
>That's hardly self-insertion
OH yes, the mature modern male only likes 30 year old single mothers!
Couldn't she live with her adoptive mother instead? She was 18 anyway.
The idea is not to make more 30 year old single mothers. Dumb kike.
He literally has done nothing wrong
Yeah mature adults only want used up burlap sacks which is why we don't have terms in the english language like barren spinster or old maid
Then you should marry them young like he did, check mate.
Honestly people like this feed off that shit, they use it to garner sympathy and appear like the persecuted victim while they continue to be a leech.
There are many ways you can act or encourage others to live in order to avoid lecherous people like him. Encourage people to respect themselves and give others nothing emotionally out of pity
He's a kike in Hollywood, he's raped children.
nailed it
What a whore Elle is :((
>n-n-no w-witch hunting g-guis!
>I want to beat this elderly man to death
>I have no proof of any crimes he commited whatsoever
So brave.
About an old filthy jew that gets a hot young white girl?
Fun fact: you have no taste.
Nah a better you is in his early teens as I type this post.
This 100% accurate. Manipulative people like Woody just use getting the shit beat out of them as evidence that they're victims.
*stops your path
Looks like he's basing it on his life experiences.
>I want to beat this young man to death for no reason whatsoever
much better
Woody is one of the only consistently decent filmmakers working today. He doesn't stoop to capeshit or sci-fi blockbusters. He's his own man who tells the stories he wants to tell. Fuck you idiots. If he wasn't a Jew he'd be /basedourguy/.
he got stinky dink with a kid again?
jews can't help what? I'm jewish and my neurosis commands that i inquire as to your meaning
>Filmmaker makes a film about a challenging subject
Imagine being this much of a brainlet pleb.
You sound exactly like those people that stood by while Sandusky ruined all those kids.
>using /lemaymay/ as a grown adult
Kiss a moving train brainlet.
i dont wanna be a mature adult then
roastie getting toasty
>That picture
Jesus, we need to bar fat, 20 something women from the internet
>There is real, criminal evidence that Woody is raping kids which user is hiding from law enforcement
Sweet false equivalency bro
I agree sister, we should just pre-emptively beat random males to death, they are probably rapists anyway.
Creepy, old pervert Jew defiles young Aryan girl?
>Implying this jew is powerless
>Implying that because he's old and weak he can't be a bully
Well, yes, I do really think that someone with the balls to beat this wealthy and powerful pedophile is brave. Damn right I do.
>i want a daddy who's older, smarter, richer
>but the man cant like that dynamic
he did nothing wrong
>You got cucked by the americans
>You subsequently got fucked by a bunch of salty slavsquats
>You caused the greatest blend of german blood with eastern people since the 30 year war
Yeah nope
Just like Weinstein wasn't trying to fuck starlets for 20 years right?
It's amazing how fucking blind you retards are.
Fucking roasted, holy shit
Allen is married to her for what, more than 2 decades now?
he's more trad than 99% of hollywood marriages
There's nothing wrong with having sex with a 19 year old girl
>19 year old
>this triggers the americuck
you're right user, we should just trust all these rich elites. they told us themselves they did nothing wrong after all. I hope you never have kids, itd be a shame if they had to grow up under someone as ignorant of the real world as you
Just look at the face he's making at the camera guy. That smug, self-satisfied grin. The mischevious twinkle in his eye. "That's right, I did it again. And nobody can stop me. Checkmate, cunts."
>someone with the balls to beat this wealthy and powerful
This is literally you right now.
be honest, which one looks better?
Daily reminder that Woody did nothing wrong and i'll make a concentrated effort not only to see this movie in the theater and thus pay for it, but also try to bring a younger qt with me to seduce ;)
No that's a kike foot soldier, idiot.
Sup Forumsshits have officially outed themselves as pureblood redditors
Honestly go back to your containment board, you can do your witchhunting over there fags
the only relationships on screen should be like Dark Knight Rises, a strong independent femme fatale who breaks the man's back and steal his money and the billionaire still wants her
>shitting on a dude for banging his adopted daughter while he was still married
aggrieved whites and little girls
>i'll make a concentrated effort not only to see this movie in the theater and thus pay for it, but also try to bring a younger qt with me to seduce ;)
Why do i have the feeling there's nothing to worry about?
>not to mention the other likely victims
I don't care about that shit, even if he never fucked anyone else after the little chinaman girl, that whole escapade still earned him lifetime gross old man status.
Reminder that Woody Allen is currently the last auteur in cinema.
>implying Sup Forumsshits aren't trying to drop TRUTHBOMBS about paedophilia 24/7
fucking retards they are
how fast till he's completely bald?
Yeah, we get it, you love pedophile jews. Shalom, my friend.
Who cares?
The man should be done away with purely for how ridiculous and terrible his perversion was even just that one time.
Thank you. Was gonna post exactly this.
holy shit you're a fucking pleb
You are going to need to grow the balls to leave your house first. It can be very scary if you have no practice, let alone talking to other people. It will be difficult encoutering him in the street alone, so you will probably have to go to his apartment or where he works and talk to the clerk. Just remember to not stutter too much this time or you may get anxious and break down like the last time you talked to a girl when you were trying to ask for a refill. This will not be as easy as a trip to the store. Maybe wearing diapers can help you in case you get too nervous.
Before and after photos of a Jew who worked with Mel Gibson.
>that only a young girl can have
dont worry mate im 27 and the gril i'm thinking about is about 20
> its another "le old balding professor man fucks young and naive girl who is head over heels in love with him" woody allen self insert fantasy
Jesus christ, this is fucking gross. The man is completely out of his mind at this point.
Pretty much. It's funny because the ire is actually less about "old man fugs underage girl" and more about roastie bloggers pitching a fit about men going for younger women in general (like men went for them when THEY were younger, now suddenly it's a problem since they're old and busted)
He should be jailed for being a monotonous director who hasn't produced a single good movie in years now. His personal life is his own buisness. I don't honestly feel like getting on the sex scandal bandwagon, mainly because I despise equally SJWs and altrighters and I hope they all die in terrible pain for ruining the internet.
Reminder that Godard is still alive & autering
So a little girl doesn't deserve a father?
they're almost always depressing sluts who cheat on him
woody is still a neurotic jewish beta cuckold like most of them
Woody Allen is to the left and cinema what Donald trump is to the right and business.
Self-absorbed cunts who have made a career out of their personalities and nobody will call them out on their bullshit. Also, not very good at what they do.
>he should be JAILED for the movies he makes
>as far as everything else, including his pedo antics, welp, his private life should remain private! XD
The absolute state of fat nerd pedo apologists