Are there any good webcomics that started in the last year or two?

Are there any good webcomics that started in the last year or two?

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El Goonish Shive

>like a complete tool
Funny, coming from a delusional diaperfur sociopath.

>made in the last two years
Pick one

Honestly prefer the one on the right only because it doesn't have squirrel girl-tier lips. Seriously whose lips do that other than someone who had a stroke?

I mean neither of them are really that good...

assigned black
its the its so bad its baffling kind of funny

I pick webcomics.

You have chosen.


West tree academy of heroes,

Just Google Schmorky

tfw he was really funny on Retsupurae though



Look up Shmorky sometime.

Mary-sensei has Sleepless Domain going, I guess.


are manhwa Sup Forums or Sup Forums?

For a certain form of good, Fox Dad and Critter Coven are good reads. Rosianna Rabbit, too, but that's more hit and miss.

>Fox Dad
I can't hate Fox Dad, the puns and genuine understanding of the retarded nature of the things they're making fun of is just too precious.


..or have been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centres.

Did you just come out of a coma?

A Better Place

>Can't separate art from artist

Go right along and fuck yourself. He objectivity right and his art never betrayed those points, shmorky may be a lot of things, but at least he was a competent and consistent artist.

Get out of here shmorky.

Considering Shmorky drew this both styles are a valid way to draw like a complete tool.

If I didn't have to go pay rent you'd get the verbal beatdown you deserve.

I've seen his art before, notably Game Grumps Animated. I googled him, nothing fucked up came up.

not sure if girl or boy

>my water's starting to taste like shit
>well, since it's not looking like shit yet, I still love it and will insult people who say it tastes like shit

nvm. God help us all.

While I agree with what you're trying to get at, that analogy doesn't work for this situation.

Suck it out of an infant's ass shmorky.


I do enough sucking for rent already.

Kill 6 Billion Demons


It's funny cause nigga admitted to it and...what? Expected sympathy?

His roommate "raped" him.
He sucked a dick and regretted it so it retroactively became rape.

No, I get that, I just don't get why that would be something you'd want to openly admit to having done.

What does it do for you to say something like that to the world?

He's playing up the rape sympathy for his twinkleshinesexual sjw buddies so he can get the asspats and pity buckaroos on his patron.

Kiwi Farms is kill so the only source for proof of shmorks nastiness is...

>Kiwi Farms
I'm sure you can use the waybackmachine while the Kiwi Farms guys act like faggots over a death threat.


At lest the right one can be shat out for animation quickly.
When ever I see a mate who draws in the style of OP's right style it's always a mate who wants to doodle something but doesn't take their hobby seriously. It normally is just a hobby.
Or at lest a pretty young kid.
The artiest here obviously wants to improve but has used an example breaking the rules he's criticizing the right example for breaking (or using, he's being sarcastic... yeah. Look he knows the rules)

They've been like this for a few days and I've seen members migrating to a different forum, are they actually kill?

Started in early 2013.

I'd link you to the Kiwifarm thread but the site is gone now.

Apparently Vordrak killed Null's mom.

Eh, fuck it. I'm half-asleep and willing to shill the comic I work on. The Sisters is an urban fantasy comic that is nearing two years old, and it is about three sisters who all practice magic on some level in Quincy, MA. The whole first arc deals with someone trying to get involved in their lives for ulterior motives, and the second arc is more about the destruction of their support network.

It can get talky at points, but the characters are meant to be human and biased and really more concentrated on getting by. No real political stances, or blatant fetish fuel. Some gore, some sex, some violence, some body horror. Nobody is supposed to be a role model.

Part of the goal was to make an urban fantasy that wasn't about vampires, fairies, and shit like that. First arc is tangentially about Satanic cults and the second arc has more spiritism and Native American mythological cryptids.

Is it good? I'm biased, but I think it reads consistently and the only outliers are the early chapters. If you want to check it out the links are below. We do 3-5 pages a week, posting them on Thursdays or Fridays in the evening.

As for other series,
A Better Place is solid and I would recommend.
Martyr Youth is about kids in LA in the 80s forming a band, doing drugs, and I enjoy it.
Love Me Like an Autograph is a good road movie little comic and the author is making a wider work now with some of the characters.
Drugs and Wires is a great cyberpunk comic set in an alternate 1995 Russia. Has some amazing art at times, really an enjoyable read through and through.

OP's pic is literally the only work he's ever created that wasn't in someway fucked, creepy to look at, or just plain bad.

Even broken clocks can be right every now and then.

Well, that and this.

As somebody who remembered the halcyon days of Keenspot and reading "Purple Pussy", I somehow always knew Shmorky would turn out to be every bit as creepy as he seemed.

West Tree academy of heroes is pretty fun.

That wasn't very hard to guess seeing as before he even joined Keenspot he already had a website with pics of him in diapers and his fursona in diapers soiling himself.


shut up dewd

Ellory The Shark!

Hey man, I'm not the first person in this thread who recommended it.

Back is pretty good, not sure exactly how old it is.

nobody else reads your shit webcomic, let alone recommend it

Dude I fucking love your work. All the characters seem unique, the use of color is fantastic, and you have a way of drawing different body shapes that is unmatched. One critique of The Sisters tho is that the plot and is a bit confusing, but it's hard to tell if that's intended.

The Tale of Jasper Gold.

Star punch girl

This guy reccomended Dewd's comic.

Did Shmorky kill himself yet?

tails gets trolled


Just as good as ever.

>that started in the last year or two

Yeah, I can get that. It is an issue we're working on because we plotted it all out before we started working on it. Essentially:

Conrad was in the girl's father's cult, and he escaped. He teamed up with Eduardo to try to find the girl's mother, but he failed to get any information at all. Conrad eventually snapped because he was discovered, Erin seemed exactly like her father, and he just wanted out. Conrad didn't want to kill Scott, but he was told to kill someone in the hopes it might flush out their mother out of concern for the girls; that didn't happen.
Conrad, having fixed the house up, had claim to its structural integrity. He had infiltrated and undermined it. He knew Aethon from his time in the cult. He allowed Aethon to escape in case any of the old gang came to town, as a failsafe to make sure that the girl's father could die. Eddy showing up ended up triggering this release.
Scott worked for/with Douglas, Martha and Carl to help preserve the Society. Douglas and Carl aren't magic, they're the next line of antagonists. Guy is part of the old guard of the Society and those are the people Scott's been okay with throwing under the bus in order to preserve things. Like Tina, who was mentioned at the wake.

There are a lot of moving pieces, and it can be confusing. Its partly intended, because nobody in the main cast really has a handle on it. Guy is the first real character we've got to see who is baring witness to how fucked up everything is, because Beatrice is willing to just accept that Douglas is looking out for the group---especially after the first story arc.

It'll hopefully all fall together well by the end of this arc, and the start of the next. We're getting to their parents slowly because they're a special brand of fun. This issue is mostly going to be about Jam for good reason, she's fun and not complicated to read.

But thanks for reading, glad you like our stuff!

he can be funny but holy shit he seems like such a cunt

This one

I the stuff she writes any good?
I read the teaching in japan thing but that's not a good indicator since all that shit really happened.

Hey I'm gonna start a webcomic sometime soon I promise it will be good.

>crossover fanfiction
literally chris-chan tier

what the actual fuck

Holy fuck that's a lot of effort for a fanfic

Kiwi Blitz is pretty eh, but Sleepless Domain is decent, and isn't that long, so it's worth reading at least the first couple of chapters.

Nobody's mentioned camp weedontwantcha?



Refer to the image in the OP.

>good art style and character designs
>interesting if melodramatic set-up
>writing that makes me kek

>months of gag strips in between actual arcs

Still good comic.


Is this TCB?

Yep. Of course it is. Well, I'm not complaining.

last one for now.

Was 2013 "in the last year or two"?

Sometimes I still think that 2007 was only a few years ago.
It's still been a goddamn decade no matter how I look at it.

>he already had a website with pics of him in diapers and his fursona in diapers soiling himself.
Can I see it?

>all crossovers are sonichu


boy o boy that stones of anarchy webcomic sure is fine

Nothing much changed from then to now, except technology but that just made everything blander.

Back then other countries still hold some wonder and a sense of difference, now its
>Hong Kong?
>Starbucks, McDonalds, and shopping malls up the ass
>You're looking for sampans?
>lel. get in the ferry and meet our local tour guide, Gary.

this shit is still going?

>This style is bad because it's not the way I personally think things should be drawn

>tries to come up with example of city with foreign culture
>picks the most Westernized city in Asia

that's not why, it's objectively bad.

No it isn't.

At a varying pace of 1 to 3 pages per month, yeah.

i fucking was reading it when it started
shit, it got so big that it had that shit in books!

fuck me
and also the plot, whatever there was of it, was abandoned like 15 years ago

Critter Coven is truly awful.

The books are technically still going. This was first published two months ago.

Yeah, it's a reprint of previous volumes, but someone at Dark Horse decided this would sell enough to make it worth publishing.

It was taken down in 2007 following this bullshit:

You can try to see what's left of it in the Wayback Machine


its been around since 2001
fuck ive been on the net too damn long

i remember a time before fucking gamefaqs even existed. we used BBS and newsgroups to communicate.