Blue Planet II

are you ready for the biggest, most incredible experience of 2017?

BBC and the legendary David Attenborough did it again, lads

Blue Planet II starts in just a few days, this Sunday

are you ready? I already have goosebumps


>1 "One Ocean"
>2 "The Deep"
>3 "Coral Reefs"
>4 "Big Blue"
>5 "Green Seas"
>6 "Coasts"
>7 "Our Blue Planet"

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What the difference between this and Planet Earth?

Regardless, they're both left wing garbage.

Meh, I'll be happy if it's just an average nature documentary and not the shitfest that was Planet Earth 2.

>they're both left wing garbage.
How is it like to be someone who see political sides in absolutely everything?
I reckon it must be tiring.

Fake "Documentary" to push the global warming meme

>yo, maybe we should make a small effort to protect the planet


>Hans Zimmer over Steven Price

>I don't believe in global warming

go to bed, kids

People that don't like Blue Planet are people who want leaded gasoline and coal power plants to come back.

It's a beautiful program on the animal kingdom, and this user think it's all a leftist propaganda just because they mention that the animal kingdom is worth saving.

Preserving your country's nature is a conservative position. Liberals are the ones that wouldn't blink at nature being cemented over for cheap housing for millions of spics.

>“Here is your country. Cherish these natural wonders, cherish the natural resources, cherish the history and romance as a sacred heritage, for your children and your children's children. Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”
>Theodore Roosevelt

>OP wants to discuss fish documentary
>thread is immediately consumed with Sup Forums shitflinging
The state of this fucking board. You outside you sad sacks of shit.

I couldn't really enjoy Blue Planet like I enjoyed the other David Attenkino shows, because deep water fucking terrifies me. It's like a fear of heights, except I'm not particularly fazed by heights on land, but the thought of floating on top of 1000s of metres of water makes my fucking head spin.

Any other autists know this feeling?

yeah all those unwashed hippies with dreadlocks who chains themselves to trees are obviously drumpf supporters


>david attenborough proves that ameriburgs dont deserve the BBC

>wasting your economic and fertile prime posting actual nonsense online is a conservative position

no thats fucking stupid. You arent afraid to fall off the empire state but paddling in the sea terrifies you? You cant even see that far into the ocean

Thanks for the reminder OP

god, this board is full of idiots.



>most incredible experience of 2017?
you mean globalist propaganda? enjoy being brainwashed idiot


Literally only the last bit where he always talks about how the globe is warming other than that it's just nice shots of animals with some animal facts

The title, for one.

they imply that evolution isnt just jewish propaganda though


nature shows are all right wing as fuck

tv show about sea creatures is political garbage?
if anything it's a respite from politics, just take a chill pill nigger

>You can't even see that far into the ocean
And this makes it better how ?


Oh sweet. Weed and documentaries are my absolute favorite (and the only thing in life that makes me feel content, temporarily obviously)

ever since i read they record everything without sound and they just foley everything in later these BBC documentaries just havent been the same

I'm hyped as fuck
I just wish The Deep wasn't one episode long, could watch that shit forever
Blue Planet II will be highest rated show/movie this year too, movielets and showlets btfo

David Attenborough is naturekino