What would peter look like if he retained scars from any of his trillion injuries

What would peter look like if he retained scars from any of his trillion injuries.

How many times has he actually legit died

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who cares

OP cares you silly goose! ;P

>What would peter look like if he retained scars from any of his trillion injuries.

Like Jigsaw from Punisher

Who cares about anything nigger. lets just remove Sup Forums and never discuss anything.

also remove every board, and the entirety of the internet while we're at it. fuck it, destroy the earth!
who cares..



>this assblasted over a retarded question that literally amounts to nothing

no life much?


Why do you care about how he feels?
no life much?


Look at this lil bitch.

as always, FPBP


A blob of scar tissue

>An actually interesting OP question.
>Faggots: "Hur hur who cares I'd rather talk about Karra and Stephen Universe for another 100,000 times!

Dunno, but it would probably update my journal.

I figure he'd look like a withering, throbbing blob of scar tissue resembling something Lovecraftian. Or maybe like Tetsuo from Akira after he transforms?

>lol who cares about discussing the subject of the board
Can we just fucking delete Sup Forums and start over with posting anything SU/Nu-CN related being a bannable offence?

Say what you will, but this is one of my favorite family guy moments.

me, my men, doctor pavel here


meant for


he would be emo peter

Who's laughing now? I got my hat.

Nigga plz, you have to care if you're this assblasted.

At least he got his hat.

Aside from the cringey gore moments I do love Family Guy.

The best segments are ones with Brian or Stewie acting like and actual dog or baby.
