Uh oh

Uh oh

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kek WB is so shit

Im still seeing it day 1. the films so far have been great.

$.17 have been deposited into your account.

With Joss having the final cut, I doubt it

Listen to me Pajeet, no matter how many threads you make and how much do you shitpost, pic related won't change. These are past facts, they can not be changed. Imagine that Justice League comes out and it's a disastetr, like 0% on RT, bombs harder than John Carter, Zack Snyder comes out saying Marvel is the real kino, whatever you want. A Wonder Woman solo movie STILL would have outgrossed a movie with all the Avengers in the only relevant market on earth. You can't shill your way out of this, just like you couldn't shill your way out Suicide Squad making more than Winter Soldier and Doctor Strange, on the same budget, without a China release.

These are facts that won't move, won't change. They have already happened, and whatever worth you have linked to this company war would still be destroyed. And if there is one DChad in the world, just one, he will remind you. Everytime, until capeshit movies stop being popular and Marvel shuts down and even then, when people talk about this dark age of capeshit, they will mention that Wonder Woman outgrossed Civil War in the United States. When the future college professor is on his "the Dark 2010s" lecture, when mentioning this fact, he will smirk smugly and say "damn right" under his breath, and your shitposting won't change it. This part of this particular story is already written

They did the same thing with WW and BR2049
Also Star Wars have done the same with the last 2 movies
Means nothing



also the Runtime is OFFICIALLY 119 minutes

Just like they did with IT, WB always does that

your thor movie is only 10 minutes longer, and most of that will just spent on cross promoting other spinoffs and the next Avenger title.