God I hope Harmon can keep his obnoxious politics out of Season 3

God I hope Harmon can keep his obnoxious politics out of Season 3.

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>reddit and memey

Nice buzzwords, now have a (You) and go elsewhere.

>implying Season 3 will even air

>Please don't make fun of Trump

I hate him as much as the next guy but keep the show timeless instead of dating itself with stupid fucking politics

>still using this shitty meme


Hear hear. I hate this show because of it's retarded "whoa space bro I'm so deep because I think about like, life and stuff".

Please just be a funny show about space travel. Please.

>keep the show timeless instead of dating itself with stupid fucking politics
Don't tell me what to do

I hope involve politics into this, but i'm pretty sure they will someway or somehow, like some sort of reference.
but when you think about it, there kinda is politics in rick and morty, i'm mean rick's running from bureaucrats, hell they could make an episode where the president is an alien version of trump.
screencap if this happens

Guess again

*i hope they don't involve politics

I like Trump as much as the next guy and I also think Roiland should keep his like of Trump out of the show. Don't parody him, don't show how he's right, just let it go.

>ignore current events that could shake the very fabric of modern society for the sake of not disturbing my escapist fantasies

Reading is hard, huh?

Weird, I could've sworn the post I was replying to was different then it is now.

This whole Trump thing really brought out the worst in all the entertainers I used to like. Why does the death of globalism and cultural marxism hurt celebrities so?

I hope Harmon can stop being obnoxious altogether.

He said some mean things and hurt people's feelings, so that means they have to do everything in their power to stop him from doing the things everyone wants done.

Also Hollywood is 99% hyper liberal loyal Democrats, and there is a real life blacklist that will keep you from being hired if you don't play ball, so at worst some people are just paying lip service to this dumb shit so they can work.

Based unklejoe, his animations are funnier than whatever Harmon writes for Rick and Morty.

>[current year]
>keeping politics out of anything

lets just hope season 3 doesn't turn out shit like season 4 boondocks

I hoped faggots could keep their obnoxious politics inside their cuntainment board and site, but as the saying goes wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one gets full faster. Sorry OP.

I'm unsure which makes less sense to me: that this seems to be implying that Trump is going to change "the very fabric of modern society" because he doesn't like the media, or the idea that a fucking Adult Swim cartoon for stoners would be able to change it.

>Trying to shit on based Joe
Fuck this guy

What's kinda sad is that Harmon just doesn't get it. He's had Elisabeth Olsen of all people come on after the election and explain to him why voters in Appalacia would vote for Trump, why they didn't hate Hillary because she was a woman, but because she was seen as incompetent and corporatist, but he just talked over her. He is, in every sense, a limousine liberal and a champagne socialist. Harmontown is still awesome, though.

Harmon would have shut the fuck up if he knew who he was talking to. (or at least he should have)

He's an incredibly unpopular, polarizing man and unlike every other president since Jackson, he also apparently doesn't give a fuck that so many people hate him.

And why were you not expecting entertainers to mock the sitting president? It's been done for every president since John Adams.

another thing:

There seems to be a trend of a lot of formerly "edgy" writers and comedians who after spending months in social justice jail come out as the most fervent and righteous of social justice warriors. Sorta like how a lot of former convicts come out super religious.

It's hilarious how often Dan invites female guests to his show and then talks over them talking about how a shitty sexist man he is.

>It's been done for every president since John Adams.
Unless their name happens to be Barry Soetoro.

Birdperson, how could you betray us like this?


I didn't know Joe was based.

I still remember that Obama frog comic from way back in the day.

A lot of liberals were and still are disappointed with Obama over how moderate and appeasing he was to Republicans. Let's not forget all the gay people who stayed home in 2010 over him doing shit all about gay rights.

>his like of Trump
You literally just made that up. 'Member when he tweeted "say goodbye to good energy policy" or something of those lines? Besides, if there was any evidence he supported Trump, he would've been treated the same way as Sam Hyde.

The fact that there are people dense enough to think that shows like SNL never lampooned Obama in his entire 8 years as president, and that no one ever made a joke as his expense makes me smile.

>Harmontown is still awesome, though.
I don't get how you can still enjoy Harmontown. It's really a show about the personal connection you have with the people involved. You can't escape like you can with Rick and Morty.

There's always low turnout in off years and low turnout always favors the opposition party.

In 2018 Republicans are probably going to lose seats in Congress.

What a fucking peice of shit. I thought he was pretty moderate and now hes supporting the fucking cunt who made fun of a goddamn ten year old. Fuck this utter shitheap of a human being.

Give me an example of a time they shat on him the same way they shat on Bush and Trump. If you can't give me one, you're full of shit.

>no one
Good thing nobody is saying that. There just wasn't a media narrative about fiercely disrespecting, mocking, and inciting hatred for him every 10 minutes. There was for Bush the younger but it wasn't quite as intense and he deserved it more.

>fiercely disrespecting, mocking, and inciting hatred

He's been doing a pretty good job accomplishing that himself with what he says and how he says it.

Oh, I just saw his tweets about the stock market rising big league. Worry about his energy policies is legit but if he is an anti-Trump shill like every other Hollywood slut I'll be a little disappointed.

But rapist mudslimes deserve it, aswell as the bleeding heart pussy bitchs who love them and deserve to be manhandled in their cunts for acting retarded

And Bush the Younger and then there's how routinely mocked Clinton was, and there's Bush the Senior and Reagan and Ford good god Ford.

If you actually sit and watch older entertainment you might understand how things work a little better.

Not as much as Barry "Drone strikes against US citizens high are fine" Soetoro.

No shit he is. The most you'll ever get out of a celebrity is "he is the president now, so you should just accept it," which is pretty controversial.

Trump doesn't have a problem with that either. And I suspect neither do you.

I didn't say presidents before Obama weren't made fun of, because they have been. Occasional ribbing has always been fine, and always been fun. Trump on the other hand is being outright smeared and vilified 24/7.

Source? When did he say it's fine to execute American citizens without due process?

>Trump on the other hand is being outright smeared and vilified 24/7.

That's what happens when you run your campaign as the villain and then keep trying to go back to the campaign when it's time to put that behind you and actually run the country.

Clinton, Bush Jr, Bush Sr, Reagan, Ford, Nixon were mocked on a weekly and nightly basis. It. Comes. With. The. Job.

Trump's been a target for mockery for decades before running.

He killed terrorists" Trump said of Saddam. "He did that so good. They didn't read them the rights. They didn't talk.

That was Saddam killing Iraqis. You show me where he's said otherwise.

>run your campaign as the villain
How so?
>inb4 "uhhmmm have you seen everything i have no argument"

He didn't care what Iraqis did in Iraq if it didn't effect America, or benefited America. Let the fire put out itself. Has nothing to do with how things work here. He seems to respect the constitution.

What was the original comment anyway?

He went out of his way to bully and demean all of his opponents and play the American voters for fools. He ran as the villain and the media accurately reported that.

Hillary never ran as the villain but she was vilified(justified or not) anyway.

>It's really a show about the personal connection you have with the people involved
I was once in contact with someone who worked with Dan. Harmontown references that guy, then other people in other ways; and it's enjoyable to listen to in that it feels like this really big framework I'm distantly orbiting yet still a part of.

Dan is still a numale trapped in a forty-something y.o.'s body though.

>He seems to respect the constitution.

He doesn't even understand or care about the constitution.

>He seems to respect the constitution.

Does he?

“So we can't do waterboarding, but they can do chopping off heads, drowning people in sealed cages? You have to fight fire with fire.”

“We're fighting a very politically correct war,” he said, “and the other thing is with the terrorists: You have to take out their families.”

"Barron Trump will be the first kid to stage a homeschool shooting."


she called 1/8 of the population "the basket of deplorables". seems like she was well suited to take care of them

>He went out of his way to bully and demean all of his opponents
True, he's a dick, but standing up to corruption as a dick isn't very villainous. It's anti-hero if anything.
>play the American voters for fools
Nah that was Hilldawg, bro. When they go low we go high!
>media accurately reported
Only RT.

Nice, a "nuh uh" post.

That's pretty good.

What part of that is unconstitutional? considering the amount of rape y'all did in the japanese islands i think that ship has sailed

He's fucking 10.

>waterboarding is unconstitutional

>political correctness is mandated by the constitution

>going after terrorist families is unconstitutional

What the fuck is this nigga rambling on about?

eh given the latest DNC tripling down on identity politics i doubt it.

Don't act like you have standards of decency if you supported Trump.

Also, this is Sup Forums.

You what.

Attack the President all you want, who cares everyone does it. Leave his fucking kids alone.

Yeah I supported Trump, doesn't mean I'm okay with someone saying his kid is going to become a violent deranged killer.

>Don't act like you have standards of decency if you supported Trump.
Fuck you. You don't know me or why I made the decision I did.

Sup Forums, a place of degeneracy, doxxing, pedophilia, etc. is outraged that someone would dare make fun of a child.

Are you that new?

>Nice, a "nuh uh" post.

Didn't think I needed to elaborate but if you're going to be willfully ignorant.

Emoluments clause and Trump disagress with the constitution that all men are created equal.

You have to wait until he makes a deviantart oc first.

what part of killing the families of terrrorists is unconstitutional. I'm pretty sure the constitution only applies to americans anyway

He out-liberaled ukinojoe today on twitter, which is an accomplishment.

>M-muh Sup Forums!
>Muh scariest place on the internet!

Fuck off faggot.

>Leave his fucking kids alone.

Do you know the origin of the phrase "an hero"? Yeah, eat some shit.
You either have no standards of decency or are too stupid to apply them to one of the most important decisions in your life.

Either way you're a piece of shit who has no leg to stand on when calling me out for laughing about that joke.

>what part of deliberately assassinating civilians is unconstitutional

>Sup Forums, a place of degeneracy, doxxing, pedophilia, etc.

You are thinking of Sup Forums circa 2006.

Take a look at this white knight over here.

Sup Forumsmblr is real

talk about backing the wrong horse

He gave his businesses to his sons.
Back up your second accusation.

yes, this is what I'm asking. you have the death penalty after all. please provide a reference

not every show has to be south park
also escapism is at the core of entertainment

Sup Forumsmblr is real, but what you're saying is a non argument which has no relation to what they're saying.

>Trying and convicting a murderer in a court of law with a jury of their peers with mandatory appeals is just like extrajudicial assassination of a civilian target

Joe gets real uppity now and again.
He's pretty hardcore leftist but even he knows Harmon is being a cunt.

yeah, if things keep like they are, and with all this fever around it likely will, I dont see dems getting control back for a good few years in any of the 3 powers.

Sounds like most boards now.

Just for you, user.


I don't care that you laughed about the joke. I care that you're making a generalization about me.

That's kind of fucked up and dumb but I hate people losing their jobs over jokes.

do you understand what total war is? when two nations are at war everyone is a target. look at tokyo Hiroshima Darwin and Nagasaki

Thanks for shilling away your creative integrity.

>Joe gets real uppity now and again.
Got any examples?

So you're just a whiny baby.

You're fucking anonymous, you stupid piece of shit.

It's okay, he knows he lost the argument so he can only respond with
>Muh enemy website


If anyone could fuck it up for the right it's Trump,
There was guaranteed to be a backlash against 8 years of malaise under Obama but they went right so hard there's already backlash against the backlash