
I'm honestly having troubles believing this shit, even while looking at it.

The german title for Thor Ragnarok is
Thor - Tag der Entscheidung
Thor - Day of Recconing/Judgement/Decision

WTF is wrong with those people. I didn't care about changing Thor - The Dark World to Thor - The Dark Kingdom, because that film was so forgettable that I only just now realised the title change.

But german speaking countries have at least a general knowledge of norse mythology and what Ragnarok is. That makes no sense.

stupid title change thread, I guess

Use of the word Ragnarok is too close to an admission of the existence of white culture for modern Germany's liking. Goes against the narrative.

Well they couldn't call it Thor: Gotterdammerung now could they?

I can understand their reasoning even if I don't agree with it. White guilt shouldn't be a valid argument though.

there are a lot of "shouldn't"s in this world user. Sitting here listing them is never going to resolve the problem

Shut the fuck up with your autistic virgin speak.

Ragnarok is a term used/exploited by the Nazis, its under the list of "no-no"s.

>white culture
>standard issue apocalipse scenario for their imaginary friends that Disney turned into a comedy
Don't blind me with your powerful CULTURE white ((man))

this, sorry op

Germans subtitle most things, this isn't even the worst example.

Don't worry, Odin tells all the refugees of the glories of Northern Europe.

Kraut here.
The actual reason the title was changed is because a movie had already been released here under that name and under German law no two movies may have the same name.
So that's why they had to change it. But the new title is just so fucking bland and cliché.

Ragnarok is judgement day in the norse mythology

Damn, Sup Forumstard response times are getting faster and faster each thread

You think that's bad, Blade Runner in my language is translated as "The Exterminator".

And seeing "The Exterminator 2049" on that godwaful orange/blue poster it's a miracle anyone wants to see it

because your Valkyries are black now

wait what? there's another movie called Thor Ragnarok?

German speaking countries are filled with young refugees that don't know shit about your nordic mythology.

which country?

>You think that's bad,
its much worse than yours

the word was invented by his country

Ragnarok is under the list of Germanic terms considered "Wiederbetätigung". Youre not allowed to use it in a public context.

Everyone shut the fuck up, if you dont know what youre talking about.

>Im Kino

Iirc it was the German title to some trash film.

And she's a lesbian.



Macedonia, but it's the same translation for Croatia and Serbia too

really triggered some faggots with this one lol, good post

none of us will shut up, fuck off

>the Germans actually had to come up with their own word for Ragnarok.

We english-speakers are using the Swedish word. What's the problem? Your burqua on too tight?


Really? You have NO IDEA why GERMANY wants to tone down the Norse myth shit?

*Goose stepping intensifies*


Reading Comprehension: 0


how much of a kike are you to immediatly associate ragnarok with some early 20th century blavatskyan nonsense?

>Ragnarok is under the list of Germanic terms considered "Wiederbetätigung".

Really? I mean, I've lived in Austria for ages and while their Wiederbetaetigungs-law is different from yours, I find that hard to believe. Got a link to the passage in the law?

I'm going to guess that the term Ragnarok just isn't that known in Germany. Norse mythology isn't that well-known either, apart from hurr durr Vikings.

>Norse mythology isn't that well-known either
More so than in America I'd say

In Europe, neo-Nazis have co-opted Norse mythology

So as usual, Nazis ruin everything

We don‘t even have Thor and Odin in Germany, we have Donar and Wotan.

Maybe, but I'm pretty sure less than 2 out of 1000 people in Germany can tell you about the time when Thor cross-dressed at a wedding and went on to slaughter everyone.

People know about stylised Vikings, that's about it.

Donar sounds like a virgin name, Thor sounds like a chad name

We named thunder after Donar though (Donner).

At this point it's like the jewish version of americans attacking sikhs for muslim's shit

probably becase of how ragnorok would sound in german accent.
Words and the sounds of words can make a difference in sales and marketing


Ragnarök sounds pretty stupid to my german ears, much too scandinavian.

Götterdämmerung on the other hand ist too Wagnerian.

>hears about anglo paganism
>oy vey

In Poland Blade Runner was translated as "Android Hunter" back in the commie days, they didn't translate the title for the new one, though

No, it's not. Stop spreading FUD, retard.

Die hard in Hungary is Give your life expensive and all its sequels are leveling this: Your life is more expensive; The life is always expensive

Alien is The 8th passenger it's the Death
Aliens is The name is the planet: Death
Alien 3 is Last solution: Death

Do you think the Hungarian is better? Winged headhunter. Well, i guess it's atlleast aas stupid as the original "blade runner" title.