At what point one should give up watching the Simpsons?
I think I read somewhere on Sup Forums that beyond certain point it gets really really bad and never picks up again and now I'm bit more than halfway through s5 and I think I'm noticing a drop in writing quality and an uptick in political preachiness and I'm starting to get an overall durr white men are bad vibe ever since this was said verbatim by homer in that episode where Lisa gets a doll producer to make dolls that quote Dvorkin, which was especially odd since before that simpsons referred to themselves as being yellow.
At what point one should give up watching the Simpsons?
Other urls found in this thread:
>noticing quality drop in season fucking FIVE
this is a new level of pretentiousness
Kek this. It's good up to season 11 and then it's a downhill from there
General Sup Forums consensus is Seasons 3-8
Season 9 and 10 are passable, watch till Season 11 if you want Sneed
what is wrong with you?
Man I wanna fucc Harley Quinn
yea right after season 11 episode 5 the jokes just aren't as funny anymore. its like it peaked at season 11 episode 5
The drop in quality begins around Season 11 Episode 5.
sorry man but those are my impressions
I don't think there's anything wrong with me, I just never watched simpsons before
Keep watching till you see this for the first time:
>executive producer
that's the signal to leave and never look back
Formative years
Golden years
Silver Years
Still watchable years
No fuck you season 5 was excellent. The reason we hate new Simpsons isn't because of political correctness it's because among reasons it stopped being funny.
Watch at keast until you get to sneed
>Hating season 1
>Being so uptight about the goofy humor of later seasons
I think it's watchable at least up to the season where Homer predicts the rapture, after that it didn't feel as fun to watch. The thing I did hate was that they began making the laziest product parody names like "Mapple" instead of making original brands like Duff/Buzz/Kwik-E-Mart
>it's the current year
Fun isn't allowed around here anymore.
11 is shit
t. Chuck
Don't listen to the bleeting herd of meme sheep. Season 5 is where the show goes to shit and turns into Homer's wacky job of the week. Only the first few seasons are really good. It's mildly watchable for a few more after that though.
OP here, just finished it. Why did the woman chase after her son, when it was established that the ship was making them see things?
Watch it until you don't like it anymore? If you enjoy it why should you care what other people think?
I love The Simpsons, I have watched the first 10 or 11 seasons dozens and dozens of times over the last 18 years or so. I also realise that there are something like 28 seasons out there, so I haven't seen even half of what's out there.
One day I'll sit down and watch the rest.
>At what point one should give up watching the Simpsons?
Everybody is pinpointing certain seasons, but one thing is sure.. DO NOT WATCH THE HD SEASONS.
wrong use of the word peaked
>season 5
>stopping before the god tier Oakley+Weinstein seasons
t. Chuck
this is correct
>Once Bart, now Homer
I'm 37. I've been watching The Simpsons since the Tracy Ullman shorts (used to record them then dub out the shrill british jewess) and it's still as entertaining now as it always was; it's just the Simpsons had such a strong cultural impact to comedy and entertainment, it's no longer unique. You cannot, however, dilute something with itself.
Stop after Homer vs New York. There's literally nothing of value past that. Should have been the series finale.
I'm in the same boat as you OP. I loved s2-4 but I can feel a change in the show watching s5. The last episode I watched was the one where Springfield becomes a gambling mecha overnight. It wasnt horrible, but its like they are "jumping the fish"
I read this in Sneed's voice
I still think Behind the Laughter is the natural stopping point
There's some truth to it though. A lot of the things people claim to hate about the later episodes are right there in the early ones
But people have been saying that for years. All you've got to do is watch the show to see that the first 4-5 seasons are very different with much more heart and emotion to them and are much more ground based with the family doing mostly regular shit and then after that they start having crazy Westworld parodies with itchy & scratchy land and stuff like that.
Those episodes are still good though but the series definitely changed around 4-5 but it mostly stopped being funny around 10-11
t. Chuck
Simpsons were good up til season 11ish.
I think it begins to suck around season 12 or 13.
Can't argue with that. Do people actually like the style of the HD Seasons, it lacks warmth. You can tell no human animates it anymore.
What a shitty video. Lousy intro writing and such a slow pace, you need to move the video into 1.25 speed in order for him to talk like a normal person that's not trying to put up a front.
I'd rather watch zombie Simpsons than some guy desperate to try to sound like the voice of reason stating a common opinion.
Bruh stop looking this fucking hard for the drop, holy shit. It'll become clear as day when you hit it.
Stop watching whenever it stops being good.
and yet here you are, being the post version of what this video is to you, to me. Even as a person, perhaps you are just the human version of this video to many people. People who quietly put up with you, for risk of becoming just like you. Whiny and pretentious
This. The show hadn't even peaked by then.
Watch till S11E05. Discard the rest.
In my opinion 1-8 are all seasons of fantastic television. Season 1 and 2 are still fairly primitive but they are the most charming in my eyes and feature Lisa at her least annoying. 9 and 10 were a sudden shift down in quality, and 10 onwards has been a steady decline until to slightly below average. Not terrible like everyone says, but the vast majority of episode past 10 aren't worth watching.
Start with "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)" then end right after S11E05.
absolutely this
The Malibu Stacy episode is probably my least favourite Lisa episode because unlike the vegetarian or even the fucking episode with the angel she didn't learn anything about seeing things from other people's perspective. They even shit on Marge wanting to be a housewife as supposed brainwashing when Lisa wants to make a doll to brainwash kids with HER ideology (totes different honest).
>less frames spend on one motion because there is a camera move later to show something else in the same lapse of time
tired meme
There were a number of changes to the writing staff over the years, but in the early seasons they had much nicer writers like even Conan O'Brian.
The quality does bounce around a bit, but it stays pretty great until about 9.
Personally the point where the show became more bad than good for me was season eleven with the Tomacco episode. At that point it was obvious they were using side characters for catchphrase style humor too regularly and not even bothering to construct a real story.
In the early seasons you'd see there was a story was started in the first and then ended in the second. Then later on it changes to where the story may do a 180 from the first half to the second. Then still later on they changed to where they had multiple stories going on at the same time in both the first and second halves of an episode. Which seems like a sign that the writers just ran out of ideas, since they were stuck needing to come up with entirely separate stories to fill an episode with since they couldn't milk just a single storyline. This practice of multiple stories seemed to take hold around the 11th season mark and went on to this day.
>lol i enjoy making cartoony expressions!
>homer is easy to keep on model, this is a great gig!
>computer, load homer-man
>Stale, zombie animation
>Lively, creative animation
Try harder
God lord. What a shitty retort. Lots of reaching and self-projection. You need to work on your shitposting skills.
The fucking porg chick.
What about her?
>season 5 of the simpsons was too political for magapedes
you people really are the mirror image of sjw's
I don't really watch the Simpsons..
isnt this the infamous porg bugwoman?
Stone Age: S1
Golden Age: S2-S9
Industrial Age: S10-S14
Dark Ages: S15-S19
Rennassaince: S20- Present
God lord. What a shitty retort. Lots of reaching and self-projection. You need to work on your shitposting skills.
the chuck vs sneed arc is kino
S1&2: Focus is on being a heartfelt animated sitcom
S3-5: Focus is on being an animated sitcom
S6-9: Focus is on being a comedy
S10-11: Focus is on being a primetime comedy
S12&beyond: Focus is on being whatever the writers can come up with in time for air
That's the Porg Queen to you.
If she has a tattoo of Porg and Porg is a meme, is Milhouse a meme?
I stopped watching after Lisa Goes Gaga. I should have quit years earlier, but just kept watching out of habit. That was the episode that broke the camel's back though.
>At what point one should give up watching the Simpsons?
I always found everything year 2000 onwards was when the bad episodes began to show. I enjoyed a lot of season 10 and 11, but I thought the fatigue was getting more obvious (e.g.Thirty minutes over Tokyo S10, Kill the Alligator and Run S11).
Season 12 was when I stopped watching, I remember thinking how "Treehouse of Horror XI" felt like a foreign show and just happened to be the first episode of the season.
People can like 9 through 19 all they want. But when they say they like the HD seasons is when I question their intelligence
It's (mostly) the same thing though.
Milhouse is not a meme is a meme, and porg is a meme is not a meme is a fact
holy shit are you serious
that was the episode that broke the camel's back for you? in season fucking 23?
OP you should stop watching at least 10 seasons before that
Find the date that futurama aired, and stop watching at the closest episode to that.
Same method can be used for family guy with American Dads! first airing.
not him but I watched the later seasons all at once a few years back. There is a massive dropoff sometime in the later seasons starting from like 13 or 14 or some shit.
Agreed, season 12 still has moments and some laffs although I fully support recommending people stop at 10 just to maintain the shows integrity for themselves.
13 is notably bad and 14 is worse. The show does get worse from then on out but not quite as dramatically as those two seasons do.