Some CIA N****** probably got to him.
Sam Hyde was growing too powerful. He was teleporting all over the country causing mayhem.
Some CIA N****** probably got to him.
Sam Hyde was growing too powerful. He was teleporting all over the country causing mayhem.
>that nose
>that mouth
>that pubic "hair"
is sam hyde just ironically white?
>Everything broken no computer or phone lost wallet also I ate something bad now I'm damn near freezing too death and I'm locked out yelled at by Honda crv they shot me with paintball gun and feet are covered in blood or blisters from walking to STD clinic with heavy backpack on
He's doing a bit.
Lookin good
what's wrong with him
you know the movie twins where danny devito got all the leftover genes? its like that
Truly the Andy Kaufman of our generation!
He even wrestles women!
That shitty public access skit by the retarded liberal comedians is starting to look prophetic